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Thread: Rubbish

  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by elatedscum View Post
    No surprise the only ‘highlight’ of that game isn’t in the video. The world moves on and Millwall remains stuck in the Middle Ages...
    Why would anyone kneel to Communist Racist Terrorists ?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by elatedscum View Post
    I know I probably shouldn’t have started it, because this is inevitably what would follow but **** it. No one is kneeling to communist, terrorist, racists. I’m trying to attack the post and not the poster but it’s really hard. The language you’ve used is needlessly inflammatory. It was started by Colin Kaepernick as a response to a number of murders of black men by police officers. This is what he said about it after the first night: Racism isn’t just a US problem, nor is racial discrimination amongst police forces. Black people in the UK are 9 times more likely to stopped and searched by police than white people and 18 times more likely to be searched under Section 60 which requires no reasonable suspicion. Sportspeople have a platform and an opportunity to accelerate change. Maybe racism and discrimination isn’t something you have a problem with but I believe you’re very much in the minority.

    This is what Millwall defender Mahlon Romeo said in an interview after the game:

    So if you’re someone who would boo people taking the knee, know that that is the message it gives off and that’s the way the majority of people would perceive that action.

    (Mods - I hope this isn’t deleted, I’ve tried to stay within the lines. I think when football fans behave this way, it’s very much a footballing matter.)
    The Leaders of BLM admit that they are Communists i.e. Fascist Nazis of the Left.

    They have been Terrorising the American Streets for months and violent protests in Britain.

    We have seen plenty of Racism from Some Black People during all this and Yes Black People can be Racist just like Some White People because Black People are not better than White People and they can have the same Racist / Bad Behaviour as White People.

    Re; Crime in America Black Men ( between the age of 16 and 40 ) in America make up 5% of the Population while being responsible for 50% of Murders and Violent Crime ( I don’t think the Police are making them do this ) ~ ~ Most often committed against other Black People. White People are much more likely to be the victims of crime committed by Black People than the other way around. When you consider how much interaction Black Men have with the Police the numbers of deaths while regrettable are remarkably low especially considering the amount of guns in american society.

    Candace owen says that these unfortunate deaths at the hands of the police would be lucky to make the top 100 problems of Black America if this was not being used for Political Purposes.

    Nobody should be kneeling for BLM and certainly No One should be compelled to kneel for such an organisation. We are not yet in a Totalitarian Communist /Nazi State !

    Re; Colin Kaepernick never kneeled against the National Anthem until he was dropped for a White Guy. Never before that, had he shown any interest in such matters.
    Last edited by seanfhear; 06/12/2020 at 7:42 AM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by elatedscum View Post
    I know I probably shouldn’t have started it, because this is inevitably what would follow but **** it. No one is kneeling to communist, terrorist, racists. I’m trying to attack the post and not the poster but it’s really hard. The language you’ve used is needlessly inflammatory. It was started by Colin Kaepernick as a response to a number of murders of black men by police officers. This is what he said about it after the first night: Racism isn’t just a US problem, nor is racial discrimination amongst police forces. Black people in the UK are 9 times more likely to stopped and searched by police than white people and 18 times more likely to be searched under Section 60 which requires no reasonable suspicion. Sportspeople have a platform and an opportunity to accelerate change. Maybe racism and discrimination isn’t something you have a problem with but I believe you’re very much in the minority.

    This is what Millwall defender Mahlon Romeo said in an interview after the game:

    So if you’re someone who would boo people taking the knee, know that that is the message it gives off and that’s the way the majority of people would perceive that action.

    (Mods - I hope this isn’t deleted, I’ve tried to stay within the lines. I think when football fans behave this way, it’s very much a footballing matter.)
    If that Player does not want to play for Millwall there is nobody forcing him to.

    Whether people like to admit it or not many many people see this BLM as Black Racism ~ ~ Other People cannot even say ~ All Lives Matter ! ~ Which should hardly be contentious. We have been told for years that we are all in this together ~ All Inclusive and that No section of society was going to be elevated above others and then comes along BLM in America elevating one section of society above others. You can not tell People about Racism for decades and then, not expect them to recognise Racism right in front of their noses !

    Black Racism is not the answer to Racism and ordinary people are not going to accept Black Racism ~ They would be remarkably stupid to do so !

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by elatedscum View Post
    There are a huge number of factual inaccuracies in what you’ve posted:

    BlackLivesMatter is a decentralised movement, which started on the back of a hashtag in response to the murder of an unarmed child (Treyvon Martin). The nature of a decentralised movement is there are no leaders (three people are considered founders, none are communists) but it’s all grassroots and local. Can you find local activists who consider themselves communists? Probably. Is it a gross mischaracterisation to say the leaders are communist? Yes. Also, what’s considered communist or socialist in America is vastly different to anywhere in Europe. You want to be treated for cancer without insurance? Socialist. Affordable third level education? Socialist. Etc etc

    The vast majority of protests have been peaceful. In america and abroad. Compare that to what happened in Charlottesville.

    (Re below and claims of racism) There’s an implicit too in the phrase ie “Black Lives Matter (Too)”, it’s a response to an unarmed child being murdered and his killer not even being arrested till months later. It’s a response country which showed it was ok with black people being murdered by police or to a lesser extend by any white people. Sure all lives matter but the argument isn’t that Black Lives Matter more, just that they are of value - and - all lives matter or blue lives matter has been used to try delegitimise the statement that black lives are undervalued in US society and they do in fact matter.

    Socio-economic factors influence crime rates across the world and in the US. There’s barriers to entry regarding education and employment. Every street corner in south-east LA has a gun store and a liquor store. Re your subset of murders or violent crime, there’s not many women who are murders, nor many children, nor many pensioners, so obviously it’s a disproportionate size. There’s also biases within the courts and juries, where a black man is more likely to be convicted of a crime and more likely to receive a longer sentence, which will also skew numbers. Cause really your argument seems to be that a black person is somehow intrinsically more likely to be murder, which is bull****.

    Candace Owens? That’s like saying “Lord Carringham said that these unfortunate deaths at the hands of the soldiers during Bloody Sunday would be lucky to make the top 100 problems of catholic Northern Ireland if this was not being used for Political Purposes.

    Don’t you see the hypocrisy in those two statements? Compelling people not to something while also saying people shouldn’t be compelled to do something.

    Factually inaccurate

    Sure but it’s not what you expect to deal with playing football and he’s entitled to react to it.

    See above

    Think about how many times you’ve witnessed people saying or doing something racist against black people and think about how many times you’ve seen black people be racist? Honestly telling me it’s not a 10-1 ratio?
    BLM doesn’t seem to de-centralised when it is taking in money !

    Why is this going on for match after match after match. When has that happened for anything else. One group of people being elevated over all others = = Out and out Racism.

    The protests were mostly peaceful except when the were violent and terrorising !

    As I said when you consider the number of interactions Black men have with the police then the number of deaths at the hands of police are remarkably small though all regrettable. The Police are not making Black men murder and be violent in huge numbers.

    Unless you are a Black American, Candace Owens is far more qualified to speak up on matters regarding the Black community in America. I suggest you listen to her and similarly minded Black people in America such as ~ Thomas Sowell , Larry Elder, Brandon Tatum, Anthony Brian Logan, The Conservative Twins ( aka the Hodge twins ) and many more.

    Why are players being compelled to kneel in match after match after match ~ ~ This is not done for anything else. Do not elevate one group of people over all others = = That is Racism ! You cannot bombard People about Racism and then not expect them to recognise Racism before they eyes ! Football Supporters recognise this as Racism and are willing to call it out for that !

    Black people can be Racist and Not Calling out Black People for being Racist is a huge mistake. Again ordinary people who have lived in Black areas / Mixed areas are well aware of this and are not stupid enough to turn a blind eye to Black Racism = = Why should they ? ?

    Ordinary Decent Football supporters recognise that one Group of People are being elevated above others. They are not willing to put up with that and they are entirely correct to call it out. It is Racist to elevate one group of people above all others ~ ~ That is out and out Racism ! !

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    Quote Originally Posted by Diggs246 View Post
    What would you say jason knight thinks of this conversation guys!
    Possibly wondering why he is going down on his knee for match after after match when it was not done for the Victims of 9/11 or even all the Covid -19 Victims !

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