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Thread: American Politics

  1. #881
    International Prospect Razors left peg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by osarusan View Post
    Trump's press conference in the wake of the plane/helicopter crash must be one of the most tone-deaf moments of American presidency I've ever seen.

    He had one job - to console and send thoughts and prayers, but he could not resist banging on about diversity and weakness. Then he's asked if he'll visit the site, and he asks if they want him to go swimming.

    Normally I'd say he is astonishingly out of touch, but actually he has a cohort of fanatical supporters who will support and defend him, not matter how utterly stupid or crass his behaviour. I guess he is in touch with them.
    If you elect a cnut don't be surprised when he acts like a cnut. The fact that we have 4 years of this kind of stuff to look forward to is utterly depressing
    Its really not that complicated!!!

  2. #882
    The Cheeto God Real ale Madrid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by osarusan View Post
    Trump's press conference in the wake of the plane/helicopter crash must be one of the most tone-deaf moments of American presidency I've ever seen.

    He had one job - to console and send thoughts and prayers, but he could not resist banging on about diversity and weakness. Then he's asked if he'll visit the site, and he asks if they want him to go swimming.

    Normally I'd say he is astonishingly out of touch, but actually he has a cohort of fanatical supporters who will support and defend him, not matter how utterly stupid or crass his behaviour. I guess he is in touch with them.
    He basically said : "Woman drivers - what do you expect? "

    The dregs of human society.

  3. #883
    First Team The Fly's Avatar
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    Trump is very much an outlier of course but I do get amazed that people are still shocked or surprised at how politics is changing across many of the so-called Western countries. This has been coming for a long time and it's essentially because the culture, mores, standards, social fabric and just general human behaviour in said countries has changed enormously in the last 50 to 60 years. And politics, like everything else, is simply downstream of that change.

    Not only has it been coming for a long time but it's here to stay. So...buckle up!

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