That's the greatest load of horsesh!t I've read in quite some time. - New music. It's not that bad.
I take it from your response that you do not believe what I've written?
I have absolutely no reason to lie - it was all over American TV during the week.
I won't benefit in way shape or form if you believe me or not.
But for your own peace of mind, do your research and find out for yourself.
Don't take my word for it. Maybe you look at the following.
Last edited by dahamsta; 12/02/2019 at 12:49 PM.
Only saw the above post because it was quoted (so they aren't "hidden" like user posts, I'm guessing its impossible to do so). Did a quick Google on this issue. Beyond the (numerous) Conservative media outlets screaming "Infantacide!" I found this pretty good summation from Vox, this fact check from NBC and this counter-point from a Democrat.
Long story short, the proposed laws are being deliberately misinterpreted and the governor in question has been misquoted/had quotes taken out of context. Shocker, I know. I'm sure the response is going to be something along the lines of "mainstream liberal media". I don't care.
Author of Never Felt Better (History, Film Reviews).
Spring harvest time in the troll farm, lads...
Hello, hello? What's going on? What's all this shouting, we'll have no trouble here!
- E Tattsyrup.
If you think the Governor has been misquoted, or deliberately misinterpreted, go to the man himself. Don't rely on interpretations. Pull up his exact words.
He said the baby would be made comfortable while the doctor and mother would decide its fate. No misquoting there.
And I suppose the New York Legislature were also misinterpreted?
Author of Never Felt Better (History, Film Reviews). - New music. It's not that bad.
There was a dude on Fox news the other day that is a self proclaimed Germ denier - and hasn't washed his hands in years.
Not even a Waterford Wispers.
When people say "evolution is only a theory", I used to respond with "so is the theory of gravity and germ theory. That word does not mean what you seem to think it means".
Then I hear that people like Flat Earthers and this guy exist, and are utterly beyond the reach of reason.
Visions of you, peadar, as Inigo Montoya lisping 'You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.'
Hello, hello? What's going on? What's all this shouting, we'll have no trouble here!
- E Tattsyrup.
So if it's on American TV, it's not really believable? Nice, neat and convenient logic that is.
Anyway, maybe this nurse is talking nonsense about a subject which supposedly doesn't exist, according to some people on here.
Or maybe the Governor of New York (Cuomo) and the Cardinal of New York (Dolan) took time out of their schedules to talk about a subject which again, supposedly doesn't exist and is just for trolls.
I reckon they actually believe this stuff, and wear a tinfoil-lined watch cap at all times.
I leave it here for your amusement.
Last edited by dahamsta; 19/02/2019 at 9:38 AM.
If you don't trust the Catholic Church that's absolutely your prerogative.
But you are missing the point here completely.
I was replying to someone on here earlier who didn't believe the news reports which came out last week about 'fourth-trimester abortions' (essentially after the baby has been born).
It's just nonsense from start to finish, or bull**** was how they described it.
My point was that the Governor of New York and the Cardinal of New York took time out of their schedules to speak about a topic which apparently doesn't exist.
Why would they do that, if the topic doesn't exist?
So I think if those two prominent people are discussing it (whether you trust the Catholic Church or not) then it actually does exist? Indeed I saw someone speaking about it again yesterday (Sunday).
And if the topic does exist (ie a bill was introduced and passed in the New York Legislature - connect the dots, that's why the Governor of New York was commenting about it - a seperate bill was introduced in the Virginia Legislature but was not passed) then maybe just maybe Fox News got it right?
Fair to say?
This post reminds me of that scene in The Waterboy when Adam Sandler fully believes in his own alternate reality while sitting in a psychology class- when questioned by the lecturer about the reasons that Alligators are honorary - he replies - " Alligators are honorary because they got all them teeth - but no toothbrush"