The F.A.I. are holding a Referees Beginners Course in Cork on Saturday 19th January 2002.

It will be held in Turners Cross from 10am to 5pm.

If you're interested or if you know somebody who might be interested contact us at

A lot of people are very quick to criticise a referee's performance but why don't you try it yourself?

You could represent your country at major tournaments like Eddie Foley did at EURO 2000 and at the World Cup France 98 or you could referee your local Cup Final.

We are always looking for more referees and we will always be looking for more referees as you all know the supply rarely meets the demand.

In Cork alone, we have to staff over 180 games every weekend with only 75 referees.

Saturday January 19th 10am to 5pm, Turners Cross, Cork.

Remember, no referee no game.

Alan Hayes
Irish Soccer Referees Society (Cork Branch)