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Thread: Big Bad Bears - Russia and Putin

  1. #141
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    Had to endure the most insane and hypocritical build up to Russia's version of Paddys Day - Day of Victory! When I first was in Russia for Pobeda Day it was 2006 and honestly, it was actually quite okay. There was almost a bit of balance and while they had the usual measure of war movies, patriotic prog's etc, they had more coverage of ailing veterans and what was wrong in the country. Also, the celebrations were very inclusive and (unless I'm totally wrong) it was in 2005 or 2006 that George Bush was sitting next to VVP at the march/drive past.

    Last September/October a new decree was enforced (nobody knows for sure as it was only announced publicly in November) to teach ALL children in state education the history of the war, to educate them on the dangers of fascism and how they need to be ready to stand up to fascists at any time. Until 30 years ago WWII (1941-45) was only taught in history class to children 10 years and older. 20 years ago it was 12 and older. Now it starts from the 1st class in kindergarden, 3 years of age! On FridayI had my 5 year old singing (to the tune of the Imperial march from Star Wars), "we'll ambush the fascists, we're ready to fight, we'll fight the fascists". The same kid was bawling his eyes out saying he didn't want to die in the war with the fascists as they're "again at our borders".

    And last week the last remaining newspapers who dared to comment or publish articles of note were sold to one of VVP's managers. One of them, the Moscow Times, was not always a good read, or well written, but it was brave and interesting. But since the recent law over media ownership - no more than 20% of any media company can be foreign owned - means that foreign investors can't do a thing to make it work.

    Hell hand basket spring to mind.

  2. #142
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    Very strange events in Russia the last few days. A big fuss broke out about a 17 year old girl being hitched to a "middle aged" married man in Chechnya. Apparently they've been dating a year and she's "happy". However it is against the law to be married at 17 or practice polygamy. It's done the rounds with HRW but now the children's ombudsman, a creep called Astakhov, is saying that we really shouldn't interfere in the operations of another religion. This has stirred people more than the recent escaping almost free with a billion roubles (50million euros) for a 34 year old mistress of the Minister of Defence, who was "duped" by her into organising the transfer of 3 times this amount from Min Def accounts.

  3. #143
    First Team IsMiseSean's Avatar
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    I was in Moscow a few weeks ago having a look around. The military propaganda seems to be everywhere, I can't even understand Russian but it always seemed to be in your face. Even had the pleasure of witnessing the full might of the Russian military parading through Red Square. I found out afterwards it was a practice run for Victory Day.
    Maybe it was the time of year I was there, but they seem to be reaching the same levels as the American military patriotism nonsense now...

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  5. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by IsMiseSean View Post
    I was in Moscow a few weeks ago having a look around. The military propaganda seems to be everywhere, I can't even understand Russian but it always seemed to be in your face. Even had the pleasure of witnessing the full might of the Russian military parading through Red Square. I found out afterwards it was a practice run for Victory Day.
    Maybe it was the time of year I was there, but they seem to be reaching the same levels as the American military patriotism nonsense now...
    Sean, you should have given me a shout :-)

    It has calmed mightily the last few days, but there seems to be a sense of doom around the place. And people are, now, openly speaking about the crap the government is and how they are playing games. While many jumped on board the victory fervour with every media outlet pumping it up and celebs running around commenting and telling us that it's right to remember and celebrate (very Ireland in a way), quite a few people who were borderline Putinites, suddenly saw how tourists and especially Ukranians were being demonised. Not alone that, but the introduction of "patriotism classes" from kids aged 3.....lots of parents in my son's kindergarden took their kids out for all of May, and probably until next year.

    ps What were you doing, apart from "having a look around"?
    Last edited by Spudulika; 16/05/2015 at 8:19 AM. Reason: question

  6. #145
    First Team IsMiseSean's Avatar
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    Haha I should have given you a shout Spud, I could have done with a English speaking drinking buddy at times
    Nothing but having a look, it's a city I've always wanted to see. I couldn't make it in 2011 when we played Russia.
    I had 3 full days there, which mainly consisted of getting lost on the metro. I got to see all the sites though. I really enjoyed the Fallen Monument Park, had a good laugh getting selfies with Lenin & the lads
    I enjoyed it but my non existent Russian & the local's lack of English or reluctance to speak it made things very difficult at times.

  7. #146
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    Monument park, next to the art museum and river? I went there eyars ago and it was just something different! The old Dzerzhinsky statue is a bit sad, and they love making up rumours that he'll be back in Lubyanka soon!

    The metro is way better than it used to be, but for a first timer you did well to survive! And you got out before the horrendous stench begins. They turn off hot water (and often water) in the summer, so you really get a full on sensual assault each day, Monday's being the worst! It's gives a complete slap in the gob to the lie that Russian women are the most beautiful in the world.

    Moscow is nice for a few days, but for craic and drinking, and friendly locals, you have to get away. Down south, Voronezh, Rostov, Krasnodar, are great.

    Next time!

  8. #147
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    Meanwhile, this weekend Russia made it to the Ice Hockey final, and beat a young Waterford lad in the semi's! Anyway, the depth of stupidity of the commentators and presentation would make Sky or BT sport, or heaven forbid even BBC, look good! And worse, the hockey was used to ramp up the madness in Ukraine!

    And to top it all, when the Canadian anthem was being played after the final (as is tradition) the Russians left the ice. It was a real display of no class, but not much more was expected from what goes on with the team (especially in this championship). Online reaction was surprising, the team were slaughtered for their petulance and lack of grace. Very unusual in Russia, but then again, I'm only reading sports sites.

  9. #148
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    3 very interesting pieces of news from Russia that are worth looking at for anyone wanting a cry and laugh!

    1. Nightwolves. An odd collection of lads better suited to the Blue Oyster (mates of Putin and Kadyrov). They were the ones who wanted to "Ride on Berlin" to celebrate 70 years of victory. Anyway, it seems they were granted a bit lump of land near Sevastapol to build a sports and recreation area for youth and bikers. At at 99.9% discount of course. It was land confiscated from a Ukranian oligarch (who also happens to be a deputy in Kiev). The Mayor (a Russian who was for independence) was told not to give it and Mr. Chaly, his name, refused to sign it over. The head of the bike gang rolled up on his Harley (patriot that he is) and with a loud speaker called him out for a fight to decide if he should have the land or not!

    2. What happens if you're drunk, on the phone, speeding, lose control of your car and drive into a bus shelter and hit two people? Why you check the damage to your car and call your Mam to tell her what happened and to get you out of trouble. And of course, when you are going to face jail time you get yourself knocked up and don't do a single day in jail and of the 14 years sentence you are sentenced to 2.5 years, but actually don't serve any at all, but are "amnestied" because of the great 70 year victory over facism! So 1 dead Granny, a permanently disabled daughter and suffering family - and you aruge down to paying a mere 10% in compensation (just under 4,000euros) and even argue about this. (NSFW - our hero is in a $6000 white fur coat)

    3. You embezzle tens of millions of dollars from the Min. Defence with your Minister married boyfriend, he is arrested on camera - in the apartment with you, with happens to be next door to his family apartment. He turns states evidence and claims that you twisted his mind, bewitched him and made him does all these things. You hire a PR firm to develop your image. Get plastic surgery, hand back 75% of the money you stole (the rest has disappeared) and you release pop videos, promos of your art work, and you get a reduced sentence.

    Yip, gotta love Russia! Rivalling the USA/UK in hypocrisy and dodginess tm.

  10. #149
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    Couple of brilliantly wonderful pieces:

    Putin now at 89% popularity. 37% of Russian believe LGBT's can be cured.
    Russian TD, member of ruling party, wants companies who did business with fascist regimes in WWII to disclose this information in their adverts. Same gentleman drives a Merc, his wife drives a BMW.
    Authorities cracked down on Yoga classes because they accuse it of being a cult!
    23 yr old son of ex-Moscow Governor killed, along with other golden youth, when their Porsche 911 was sliced in 2 when hitting a billboard. They were doing over 150kmph in heavy rain. Driver alread had more than 30 speeding fines in 2015.

    And friend of murderous dictator and Arsenal owner pays Cappello's overdue wages.

    Giving the Russians a weekly taste of our glorious LOI!

  11. #150
    Capped Player SkStu's Avatar
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    watched a Vice special last week where Shane Smith travelled to Ukraine, Russia and spoke with high ranking members of the Russian government. Very much focused on Cold War v2.0 and the role of NATO in suppressing Russian power as well as delving into the Eastern Ukraine issues. Fascinating stuff to be honest and, while im no fan of the Russian lunatic fringe, it is difficult not to agree with the majority of the points that Russia made with respect to the role of the US and NATO in the deterioration of the relationships between the two countries since the 90's (the NATO bombing of Belgrade being seen as the main catalyst for increased soviet paranoia). Anyone with an interest in the situation should check it out and those who are more informed than I am of the broader global political landscape should let me know what they thought!

    The world is fooked lads!
    I like high energy football. A little bit rock and roll. Many finishes instead of waiting for the perfect one.

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  13. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkStu View Post
    watched a Vice special last week where Shane Smith travelled to Ukraine, Russia and spoke with high ranking members of the Russian government. Very much focused on Cold War v2.0 and the role of NATO in suppressing Russian power as well as delving into the Eastern Ukraine issues. Fascinating stuff to be honest and, while im no fan of the Russian lunatic fringe, it is difficult not to agree with the majority of the points that Russia made with respect to the role of the US and NATO in the deterioration of the relationships between the two countries since the 90's (the NATO bombing of Belgrade being seen as the main catalyst for increased soviet paranoia). Anyone with an interest in the situation should check it out and those who are more informed than I am of the broader global political landscape should let me know what they thought!

    The world is fooked lads!
    Have to watch this though I did see some VICE reports (I think they were made last year) about billionaires and LGBT, they were interesting but not very well done. Though this one you've mentioned, especially by Shane Smith, must be worth a look.

    It has largely been forgotten that were it not for Russian troops (the elite paratroopers) arriving in Bosnia, that there would have been a minimum of 2 further massacres of (mainly) Muslim populations. While Europe and the US and UN dithered and allowed for a lot of stuff to go down, the Russians came in and put immediate manners on Serbian irregulars and the Bosnian-Serb army, as well as Croatian paramilitaries. And if anyone can remember the panic drummed up by Sky News, the British, especially, made out that the Russians were truly coming.

    And the posturing of NATO doesn't help in Eastern Europe - the Russians are genuinely afraid of invasion, and VVP and his cronies love using this to their own benefit. Which is what is leading to increased paranoia and idiots being able to pass mad laws.

    What is even worse, sitting here and seeing the reaction, are the absolutely clear black pr being used against Russia through foreign media. Such as, VVP has Aspergers.....a story planted by a US source. A little perspective is needed. Instead of telling Russia what is best for Russia (which worked so, so well in the 90's) on a public level, and cutting deals on a business level, it would be far better to scrap NATO and channel the funds and energy into a proper UN reaction force. Then again, the companies who pay the wages of lobbyists and their clients (elected officials) are not going to be happy about that! From Carlyle to Pizza Hut, fear and war is great for business.

    Giving the Russians a weekly taste of our glorious LOI!

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  15. #152
    International Prospect bennocelt's Avatar
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    But can you understand why many in eastern Europe are wary of Soviet Russia, not like it was that long ago they were under the yoke of communism, which I guess wasnt the best of fun

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  17. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by bennocelt View Post
    But can you understand why many in eastern Europe are wary of Soviet Russia, not like it was that long ago they were under the yoke of communism, which I guess wasnt the best of fun
    BC, I was in Hungary in January and we did a "Soviet" tour, it was depressingly painful to see what went on at the end of WWII and then again in the 1950's and later. I fully understand the fear, even when I lived in Croatia there were the stories of how they were in constant fear of retribution. I think NATO have been acting the maggot and looking to give a happy ending to their sponsors, but I didn't see them, or the EU or US step up to protect ethnic Russians rights in EU countries - in particular Estonia. There are major issues brewing and the ringmasters (Washington and Moscow) are making it worse.

    Giving the Russians a weekly taste of our glorious LOI!

  18. #154
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    I think the two are as bad as each other....................cant we let them at it, somewhere over the pacific ocean or outer Siberia perhaps?

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  20. #155
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    There you go! 100% correct!

    Giving the Russians a weekly taste of our glorious LOI!

  21. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by DannyInvincible
    As I said, I'm very tolerant of differing viewpoints and they make the world much more interesting. I have no problem whatsoever respecting views opposing my own. If your position was at least consistent, we'd not be having this argument.
    My position has been consistent from the very beginning. When evidence has been provided to back up the points, the goalposts have been moved onto something else, such as crap about life in the animal kingdom and what life is like for women in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, and so on.

    You haven't had any tolerance for different viewpoints. As you demonstrate once again below...

    I don't have to respect your views at all, brazenly unsavoury I find them.

    To be clear, it wasn't me who advocated sanctions
    Who said it was you?

    my brain just won't let me even begin to believe that you're not on a wind-up.
    What your brain believes is really not my concern, but I don't find any of this debate a laughing matter. To me, it's pretty straight forward. Humans are brought into the world by a hetero act, and are therefore programmed as adults, to find a loving, hetero partner, so the species can be repopulated in the future. Russia as most of the world, recognises this and therefore advocates traditional family/marital relations which I fully support. That is their culture and it should be respected, not subject to sanctions. That is my opinion, it hasn't changed from the beginning, and it won't, no matter how many times you move the goalposts.

    Speaking of which...

    Quote Originally Posted by peadar1987
    Fine, Saudi Arabia, it's local culture and state policy and contemporary that women aren't allowed to drive cars. Right or wrong? I'm looking forward to seeing how you're going to evade the question this time.
    Again, you're seeing the above example from the perspective of our culture, and to us it is wrong. In Saudi Arabia, they see it differently. What's right to us is not necessarily right to them.

    Women get paid less for the same work, and multiple studies have proven that being a woman negatively affects your chances of promotion and pay rises, even with all other things being equal.
    If a man does a job for 40 hours (+ overtime) a week, and a woman does the same job for 20 hours a week, do you honestly expect them to receive the same salary?

    Do you see what I did there?
    Yes. You ran out of arguments.

  22. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by IsMiseSean
    I was in Moscow a few weeks ago having a look around. The military propaganda seems to be everywhere, I can't even understand Russian but it always seemed to be in your face. Even had the pleasure of witnessing the full might of the Russian military parading through Red Square. I found out afterwards it was a practice run for Victory Day.
    Once you understand the alphabet, it's much easier. Half of it is the same to ours, and it's much easier to learn than Chinese or Japanese, which to most of us is not so much incomprehensible, as indecipherable. Some of the Russian alphabet is tricky, like the difference between our A and D, F and G, which look very similiar but there's a huge difference, and especially with the B's. The capital letter B to us, is actually a V in Russian, while the smaller b they have is the actual letter b. What we know here as a Z, is known by the number 3 in their alphabet. The alphabet itself originated in Macedonia, which is one of their claims to fame, as they are not afraid to tell you if you've been there.

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  24. #158
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    Spud and Benno, check this out. Shane Smiths thoughts on the Vice season finale I mentioned.
    I like high energy football. A little bit rock and roll. Many finishes instead of waiting for the perfect one.

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  26. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkStu View Post
    Spud and Benno, check this out. Shane Smiths thoughts on the Vice season finale I mentioned.
    Thanks Stu, will watch this at home this evening!

    I don't know what went on above with MyPost et al, I can only say that while we may not agree with other nations and their attitudes, we have zero right to dictate to them on how to run their culture/country. However....if we don't like it we can change it ourselves, if we seriously back our opinion. For example:
    Qatar support ISIS (among other hardline Islamic groups), a savage group of killers who go against everything we appreciate in Europe. So let those who genuinely believe that such views, as in Saudi Arabia, are morally wrong, protest. Refuse to watch anything related to Qatar - which means Champions League or UEFA events. If they allow clubs to take dirty money from such petro-states, turn off the TV, write letters of protest and make a change. Little drops and all that. Just an idea.

    Giving the Russians a weekly taste of our glorious LOI!

  27. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spudulika
    I can only say that while we may not agree with other nations and their attitudes, we have zero right to dictate to them on how to run their culture/country. However....if we don't like it we can change it ourselves, if we seriously back our opinion.
    You're contradicting yourself there.

    I hate the fact that visas are needed to visit Russia to get in and out, but I have to respect it and their way of doing things. I hate the fact our government refuse to sign up to Schengen, making it more difficult for Russians (and other Eastern European nationalities) to visit Ireland, but that is how it is, and it won't change anytime soon.
    Last edited by mypost; 06/07/2015 at 6:53 PM.

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