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Thread: Discussion on a United or re-partitioned Ireland

  1. #161
    International Prospect osarusan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by backstothewall View Post
    8. The Queen/King of England can be Head of State. Rather than having a President we'll elect a Lord Lieutenant to live in the Aras and exercise the current powers of the President

    I don't think so.

  2. #162
    Seasoned Pro backstothewall's Avatar
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    And there was me thinking Mr Tayto would be the controversial one!
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  3. #163
    Coach BonnieShels's Avatar
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    Dur tooken oor lough!

    Quote Originally Posted by RTÉ
    Efforts to resolve dispute over Lough Foyle continuing
    The Department of Foreign Affairs has said efforts are continuing to resolve the dispute between Ireland and Britain over ownership of Lough Foyle.

    It follows a claim by Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire that the whole of the lough is owned by the UK.

    Since partition in 1922 ownership of Lough Foyle, which lies between Donegal in the Republic and Derry in Northern Ireland, has been claimed by both Ireland and the UK.

    Currently the area is regulated by a cross-border body set up under the Good Friday Agreement.

    Now though Britain's claims have been reinforced with Mr Brokenshire saying all the lough belongs to the UK.

    Sinn Féin said that was arrogant and provocative and called on the Irish Government to challenge it.

    In response, Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan said Ireland has never accepted the UK's claim to the whole of Lough Foyle.

    He said talks are ongoing between both governments in an attempt to resolve the complex issues relating to both Lough Foyle and Carlingford Lough.

    The Department of Foreign Affairs issued a statement today saying Ireland has never accepted the UK's claim to the whole of Lough Foyle.

    "Uncertainty concerning the extent to which each side exercises jurisdiction within Lough Foyle has created practical difficulties for the conduct of a number of activities there.

    "This has included difficulty in creating a system for licencing of aquaculture by the Lough's agency in accordance with the intentions of the two governments under the 1999 agreement establishing North/South implementation bodies."

    The statement says that following discussions in 2011 between the then Minister for Foreign Affairs and the British Foreign Secretary, both governments agreed to seek to address and resolve jurisdictional issues relating to both Lough Foyle and Carlingford Lough.

    The Department says that since that time a series of meetings have taken place at official level between the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

    "The issues involved are complex and involve a range of different actors, including the Crown Estates.

    "This is not something we currently envisage as forming part of the negotiations around the UK's departure from the EU", the statement says.

    That's some serious gall on behalf of Brokenshire to come out with that in this day and age.

  4. #164
    Seasoned Pro backstothewall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BonnieShels View Post
    Dur tooken oor lough!

    That's some serious gall on behalf of Brokenshire to come out with that in this day and age.
    There's an easy solution to that. Simply veto a trade deal after Brexit until they hand over control of the 2 loughs.

    Actually make it 3. Insist they throw in Lough Erne, and the rest of Fermanagh.
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  5. #165
    Coach BonnieShels's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by backstothewall View Post
    There's an easy solution to that. Simply veto a trade deal after Brexit until they hand over control of the 2 loughs.

    Actually make it 3. Insist they throw in Lough Erne, and the rest of Fermanagh.
    I can live with that. The Ancestral Seat reunited at last...

  6. #166
    Coach BonnieShels's Avatar
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    So we're getting back to the days of the Treaty Ports... good times...

    Quote Originally Posted by RTÉ
    UK looking at border moving to include Republic - Foster

    Northern Ireland First Minister Arlene Foster has said the UK is developing a proposal that would see the UK border moving to include the Republic.

    In an upcoming interview with the BBC programme Hardtalk, talking about the possibility of such a move, the Democratic Unionist Party leader said: "They were speaking about this long before the European Union exit vote was taken. How do we protect ourselves as two islands against terrorism?

    "How do we protect ourselves in other ways? And the way they were talking about was using the common travel area and having that special relationship recognised by working very closely together.

    "Of course this will have to be accepted by the other member states in Europe.

    "We can't enter into negotiations into any of this until Article 50 is triggered and the Republic's Government is very keen to point out that they are not in negotiation at the moment they are in discussion."

    Yesterday, Ms Foster told Stormont Assembly members she would not expect or want the UK government to adopt a position until all the options - including implications for Northern Ireland - had been considered.

    She said she would be "concerned" if plans for exiting the EU had been finalised.

    "It should be no surprise to anyone that the UK has not yet finalised its plans for leaving the EU, indeed if they had I would be concerned, given that they are in detailed discussions with us to help shape the plan," said Ms Foster.

    "They are still at the information-gathering and analysis stage which is a huge task covering many areas of government.

    "We are currently feeding our own assessment of the issues into this process through the Joint Ministerial Committee and extensive bi-lateral engagement between officials."

  7. #167
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    It isn't only the Lough that is in dispute either, the area extending out to sea beyond Magilligan Point is also contested. A few years ago there was an offshore windfarm planned for the Tunes Plateau sited on the seabed between Greencastle and Portstewart but foundered due to jurisdiction issues.

  8. #168
    Capped Player nigel-harps1954's Avatar
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    The area in dispute is a stretch of close to 100 square km. It's a massive body of water in question here. - New music. It's not that bad.

  9. #169
    Capped Player DannyInvincible's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gather round View Post
    I thought Emerson's background was as a journalist?
    Hi GR, long time no squabble! Hope you've been keeping well.

    As you may have noticed, I've been on a digital detox for a few months - no forums, tweeting, blogging and so forth - so just getting a chance to respond to some of your points here now. There's certainly been plenty to keep us entertained and interested in the meantime.

    Anyway, back on point, Emerson has an economics degree, according to this tweet of his:

    Maybe "economist" gave the wrong impression - he hasn't dedicated his career to economics, after all - but he'd have a greater and more specialised understanding of the field than your average person and he approved the soundness of Burke's study.

    One step at a time. What evidence is there that a majority of your fellow citizens want a new State, for fairly crucial example?
    A majority on the island and south of the border seek unity. Whether or not that majority would support the conception of a new state and constitution, I'm not sure. I've never claimed the latter more radical idea has majority support or currency just yet. In fact, it may well not have. That's why I consistently talk of it as amounting to a challenge for republicanism. I envisage it may be a challenge to convince those people who expect unionists to fall into line without any give from nationalism/republicanism in return. It's something unity proponents need to start discussing more and putting out there in order to move the conversation and concept forward towards fruition.

    I don't think you've offered any real evidence of opinion in the South changing from ingrained partitionism. It's an essential first step which must precede a UI.
    Polls in the south indicate clear majority-support for unity. Anyway, I still don't understand what I'm supposed to have been side-stepping. My position has always been that securing unity will be a massive challenge for republicanism; that challenge entails both convincing unionists of the basic idea and further convincing already-sympathetic or supportive southerners, nationalists and republicans of accepting compromises that will most likely be necessary to actually realise and consolidate a new agreed, stable and thriving Ireland for all. I'm open to discussing things and trying to work out possible avenues for compromise. What am I side-stepping?

    Yes, four Unionist parties contested (it was five with the hapless NI21 in 2014), but Arlene clearly has support right across Unionism, from the sink estates to rural hillbillies. Though that can change, it has before.
    Naturally, events of late have somewhat eroded her teflon coating. The upcoming assembly election will be very interesting. Ian Paisley Junior's glowing tribute to Martin McGuinness on 'The View' last night was quite a shock.

    I don't think I've ever seen a DUPer break rank like that before and show such grace and humility. He certainly went up in my estimation, although I suspect, like many analysts, that it was also a veiled attack on the aloof, abrasive and divisive manner of Foster's disastrous leadership. Her frosty style and intransigent attitude have certainly come back to bite the DUP. Paisley sees that the broader societal tide is also turning and that "not an inch" unionism just doesn't have the purchase it once did any longer.

    I've perhaps also come to realise that what I once (a few months ago) admired or thought of as Foster's confidence, courage and tenacity in the face of adversity is really just defensive arrogance and petty disdain for her perceived social and moral inferiors; not very admirable qualities for a supposed leader.

    I still can't believe that she turned her nose up at Martin McGuinness' forward-thinking and leaderly suggestion that they both attend an Ireland game and a NI game at the Euros together in an official capacity. In the end, she went to just a NI game, thus completely ignoring the team supported by nearly half of the native dwellers in the jurisdiction of which she was first minister, whilst McGuinness went ahead and did the noble thing regardless and attended a NI game and an Ireland game in an official capacity.

  10. #170
    Capped Player DannyInvincible's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by backstothewall View Post
    10 realistic concessions that could be made
    I sense some of these are semi-serious or in jest, but I've had a few months off and need to tuck my teeth into something, so I'll bite.

    1. March anywhere you like. We'll put it in the constitution. No parades commission or any of that nonsense. Just let the cops know what your at and don't act the ride by doing anything at rush hour on a Monday morning
    Are you from a community regularly affected by intrusive and imperious parading? You may well be, but I think the collective wishes of communities directly impacted upon should not and cannot realistically be overlooked by way of some broad-brush constitutional decree. The reason the Commission ban certain parades isn't just because some people somewhere might get offended; it's because they're a major risk to public safety/order in specific areas/communities and require huge security operations to police them because those who organise them have consistently demonstrated themselves incapable of policing themselves and showing respect for the other community with whom they share the land.

    3. We'll sign something that says they were the baddies and then never mention the Provos again.
    I think truth and transparency, first and foremost, is crucial to building trust and reconciliation. Pretending like this that 'the Troubles' were a conflict between "good" and "evil" doesn't just grossly misrepresent history; it's also grossly insulting to those who suffered at the hands of the British army, the RUC and loyalist paramilitaries. And still these elements (who systematically colluded with one another, after all) conceal the truth behind the dubious curtain of "national security", in direct contravention of ECtHR directions and in breach their ECHR obligations. State forces and loyalist paramilitaries were targetting civilians before the Provos ever emerged. The British army were on the ground buttressing the discriminatory unionist status quo four months before anyone knew anything of the Provos. Officialising or setting in stone a false historical narrative would be dangerously Orwellian and pretty dubious foundational grounds on which to establish a new Ireland for all.

    8. The Queen/King of England can be Head of State. Rather than having a President we'll elect a Lord Lieutenant to live in the Aras and exercise the current powers of the President
    That would essentially mean we'd be relinquishing our status as a sovereign republic - with all the ideals of equality and so forth that that is supposed to entail - and re-joining the UK. As head of state of Ireland, the queen or king of England would have the ultimate say over all our laws. In other words, not happening. It would be in total contravention of everything we stand for as a republic of supposed equal citizens.

    9. Londonderry. We won't promise to say it, but we will put it on the roadsigns. Even the ones in Donegal.
    I say we just let the people of the city fairly and democratically decide the name of their own city once and for all.

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  12. #171
    Capped Player DannyInvincible's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BonnieShels View Post
    Dur tooken oor lough!

    That's some serious gall on behalf of Brokenshire to come out with that in this day and age.
    It was, wasn't it. Flanagan didn't go far enough in rebuffing Brokenshire's nonsense, in my opinion. The Irish state actually has a much more credible legal claim to the entire waters allegedly under dispute - never mind a half-way split - than Britain does, by virtue of an act passed by the British parliament itself. See this post from the flag protests thread:

    Quote Originally Posted by Wikipedia
    A good summary of the Irish position was given by the then Taoiseach, Jack Lynch, during a Dáil debate on 29 February 1972:

    ...[W]e claim that the territorial waters around the whole island of Ireland are ours and our claim to the territorial waters around Northern Ireland is based on the Government of Ireland Act of 1920. This Act is so referred to in the 1921 Treaty that the Northern Ireland which withdrew from the Irish Free State is identical with the Northern Ireland defined in the Government of Ireland Act, 1920, and defined as consisting of named counties and boroughs. It is, I think, common case between us that in English law the counties do not include adjacent territorial waters and, therefore, according to our claim these territorial waters were retained by the Irish Free State.
    Quote Originally Posted by BonnieShels View Post
    So we're getting back to the days of the Treaty Ports... good times...
    It's somewhat amusing how "taking back control" has now come to mean "designating control of UK immigration to the Irish government". I hope the Irish government tells the British government to do one.

  13. #172
    Seasoned Pro backstothewall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DannyInvincible View Post
    I sense some of these are semi-serious or in jest, but I've had a few months off and need to tuck my teeth into something, so I'll bite.

    Are you from a community regularly affected by intrusive and imperious parading? You may well be, but I think the collective wishes of communities directly impacted upon should not and cannot realistically be overlooked by way of some broad-brush constitutional decree. The reason the Commission ban certain parades isn't just because some people somewhere might get offended; it's because they're a major risk to public safety/order in specific areas/communities and require huge security operations to police them because those who organise them have consistently demonstrated themselves incapable of policing themselves and showing respect for the other community with whom they share the land.

    I think truth and transparency, first and foremost, is crucial to building trust and reconciliation. Pretending like this that 'the Troubles' were a conflict between "good" and "evil" doesn't just grossly misrepresent history; it's also grossly insulting to those who suffered at the hands of the British army, the RUC and loyalist paramilitaries. And still these elements (who systematically colluded with one another, after all) conceal the truth behind the dubious curtain of "national security", in direct contravention of ECtHR directions and in breach their ECHR obligations. State forces and loyalist paramilitaries were targetting civilians before the Provos ever emerged. The British army were on the ground buttressing the discriminatory unionist status quo four months before anyone knew anything of the Provos. Officialising or setting in stone a false historical narrative would be dangerously Orwellian and pretty dubious foundational grounds on which to establish a new Ireland for all.

    That would essentially mean we'd be relinquishing our status as a sovereign republic - with all the ideals of equality and so forth that that is supposed to entail - and re-joining the UK. As head of state of Ireland, the queen or king of England would have the ultimate say over all our laws. In other words, not happening. It would be in total contravention of everything we stand for as a republic of supposed equal citizens.

    I say we just let the people of the city fairly and democratically decide the name of their own city once and for all.
    Tongue was firmly in cheek, though to be honest I probably would be prepared to suck all that lot up to end partition and get rid of the English.

    I'd disagree with saying bringing back queenie would be effectively rejoining the UK though. Canada is no less independent because they still have her as head of state. I'd prefer a republic, but it's a good place to give a bit of ground. It would have no practical effect on running the place.
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  14. #173
    First Team Gather round's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DannyInvincible
    Hi GR, long time no squabble! Hope you've been keeping well...As you may have noticed, I've been on a digital detox for a few months
    Welcome back, admirable self-restraint. I should try the same myself, although to be fair I did go eight weeks 'dry' on here between November and earlier this month.

    Polls in the south indicate clear majority-support for unity. Anyway, I still don't understand what I'm supposed to have been side-stepping
    Opinion polls, sure. But the thing is, there's never been an election (or referendum) result that mandates a Southern government to start negotiating for even a limited redraw of the border. As I sometimes mention, it hasn't moved a metric mile (or indeed inch) away from Puckoon since 1925. Southern voters want a united Ireland until it becomes more than a notional possibility, at which point I still think they're likely to get cold feet. You're not alone, most Southern (and Northern Nationalist) commentators shy away from this possibility.

    Naturally, events of late have somewhat eroded [Foster's] teflon coating. The upcoming assembly election will be very interesting
    Aye, Arlene proves the 'Peter Principle'. She had a safe pair of hands until promotion showed she didn't .Contrary to bull****ting hacks like Emerson, who claim they always knew she was a wrong 'un but just never got round to telling us until December...

    As in other recent polls, isn't it separate head-counts within the two blocs, basically no voters floating between them, and the rest of us hoping that the little guys will prosper or at least hang on.

    I still can't believe that she turned her nose up at Martin McGuinness' [noble], forward-thinking and leaderly suggestion that they both attend an Ireland game and a NI game at the Euros together
    Ha ha. Alternatively, Marty proposed a predictable stunt, Arlene politely ignored it. Anyway, you're forgetting that she did go to watch the team representing NI's main minority language community

  15. #174
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    Foster went to watch Ireland? Or Scotland?
    What did they do to deserve that?

    As for a UI the main thing putting people off in Ireland is economic reasons, mainly because the North has been sucking on the British teat for so long and because the people there don't want to lose their vast financial subsidy!

  16. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gather round View Post
    Welcome back, admirable self-restraint. I should try the same myself, although to be fair I did go eight weeks 'dry' on here between November and earlier this month.
    Ha, cheers and fair play. I've used the freed-up time to go for a daily cycle, which has been very beneficial for body and mind, although I do plan on keeping that up.

    Opinion polls, sure. But the thing is, there's never been an election (or referendum) result that mandates a Southern government to start negotiating for even a limited redraw of the border. As I sometimes mention, it hasn't moved a metric mile (or indeed inch) away from Puckoon since 1925. Southern voters want a united Ireland until it becomes more than a notional possibility, at which point I still think they're likely to get cold feet. You're not alone, most Southern (and Northern Nationalist) commentators shy away from this possibility.
    There was a poll last July which found that two thirds of southern voters would back unity tomorrow if it was on the table:

    I'm still not sure what I'm side-stepping though.

  17. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfman View Post
    Foster went to watch Ireland? Or Scotland?
    What did they do to deserve that?
    Knowing GR's weakness for a cryptic wind-up, I'm guessing he meant she went (sort of indirectly) to watch Poland?

    As for a UI the main thing putting people off in Ireland is economic reasons, mainly because the North has been sucking on the British teat for so long and because the people there don't want to lose their vast financial subsidy!
    David McWilliams soundly dismantled the economic case for partition/unionism in a prospective piece he wrote just before the Brexit referendum:

    An in-depth analysis by another economist, Michael Burke, found that unity could benefit the island by €35.6 billion over eight years:

  18. #177
    First Team Gather round's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DannyInvincible View Post
    Knowing GR's weakness for a cryptic wind-up, I'm guessing he meant she went (sort of indirectly) to watch Poland?
    Indeed. After the game, my party avoided the overfull Irish bars and had an agreeable dinner with some Polish yuppies, during which there was a wide-ranging discussion on Brexit. The only slight embarrassment was when the waiter assumed the Poles wanted a round of beers before they'd had a chance to ask for the wine list

    David McWilliams soundly dismantled the economic case for partition/unionism...An in-depth analysis by another economist, Michael Burke
    Thanks for those, good reading for a series of long journeys on Thursday.

    You've partly answered the sidestep point, fair dos. Did the poll put the question in terms of a 40% increase to population, many of whom would be truculent at best? Show that and I'll drop the charge...
    Last edited by Gather round; 24/01/2017 at 6:00 PM.

  19. #178
    Capped Player DannyInvincible's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gather round View Post
    Thanks for those, good reading for a series of long journeys on Thursday.
    Ah, sorry to disappoint, but I'm pretty sure you'll have read them before as I posted them here earlier in the thread and you didn't seem too enamoured.

    You've partly answered the sidestep point, fair dos. Did the poll put the question in terms of a 40% increase to population, many of whom would be truculent at best? Show that and I'll drop the charge...
    I'd imagine most people in the south are knowledgeable and well-educated enough to know that unity will entail merging with another two million or so people presently residing in another jurisdiction, just over half of whom would identify as British/unionist and may not be too keen on the idea of unity right now. That's just basic Irish history/knowledge, no?

    For what it's worth, there's further info on the poll and the question posed here:

    I think the significant thing about this poll is that a very considerable majority would support unity right now; usually when people express positive sentiment for unity in these types of polls, it's a distant desire for a vague emotional or romantic concept. That's why I think Brexit is a game-changer. The above poll was conducted shortly after the Brexit referendum and people in the south have clearly reacted to the abrupt change of situation and mood in the north. Southerners and nationalists in the north are now taking the idea of unity in the short-term, as an antidote to Brexit, very seriously.

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  21. #179
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    On the other hand polling before referenda often indicates one outcome but the campaign can crystallise things in unpredictable ways.

    Interesting that 21% of SF supporters would not vote for a United Ireland.

  22. #180
    International Prospect NeverFeltBetter's Avatar
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    I recall that cross-border survey done in 2015 asked the "Do you support Irish unification?" question and then "Do you support Irish unification if it would result in increased taxation?" and there was a noticeable drop between answers that's telling. When dealing with reunification as a distant abstract ideas Irish people take a romantic course and are all for it, but if it every was seriously put to a vote, it wouldn't take all that much for many people to be put off, especially if fears of an economic horror show or violent Unionist resistance became part of the narrative.

    I still think it would pass in the south, and wouldn't even be especially close. The SSM vote showed the electorate can decisively ignore negative campaigning on occasion. But I doubt it would be a 60+% landslide affair.
    Author of Never Felt Better (History, Film Reviews).

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