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Thread: For all our young Intelligencias little performance last Friday night in Waterford

  1. #1
    Mar 2008
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    For all our young Intelligencias little performance last Friday night in Waterford

    Hey folks just a quick note here to the young pups who came down to Waterford on Friday night who decided it was good enought to start swearing at the Waterford fans in the second half. When watching a football match & things arent going your way its pretty imbecilic to start hurling abuse over at a bunch of opposing fans who outnumber you greatly. You let a lot of good people from Longford down on the night & looked & sounded pure fools. Lads swearing for swearing sake. Doubt many of ye will end up on Countdown. The Disney channel would stump most of them. One started then they all plowed in. You cant win them all sadly. The atmosphere at the game was great up to that. But hey well done lads on almost ******* the entire night up for the rest of us. I didnt know we had complete Chavs following the Town these days but i know better now. Did any of them get chucked out? Thats all they deserved. "Were losing so lets hurl abuse at the other fans cos we want a good ruck".
    Fools & a complete disgrace. Who are they? Lets name & shame.
    I just sit down at the typewriter & start hittin the keys, just hittin the keys. Getting them in the right order though thats the trick, thats the trick.

    Garth Merenghi

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  3. #2
    First Team L.T.F.C.'s Avatar
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    Yea, the Waterford fans were totally innocent too. The reason no Longford fans were kicked out was because Waterford fans were at the same and the sterward would have had to kick out both sets. Relax man...
    Sporting F*ck All!

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  5. #3
    International Prospect Martinho II's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by L.T.F.C. View Post
    Yea, the Waterford fans were totally innocent too. The reason no Longford fans were kicked out was because Waterford fans were at the same and the sterward would have had to kick out both sets. Relax man...

    I dont necesarily agree with that. I know for a fact that the chav in the baseball cap last game was against athlone in 2008 in flancare when there was trouble with the athlone fans in the "bebo war". The atmosphere was superb up to that point. I was on their bus goin up and to be honest a lot of those travelling I wouldnt know them at all. I was furious at what was going on and as for the regular section o lads that couldnt handle their drink and got involved I hope they hang their hands in shame and dont do this again as they blacken Section O's good name and Longford Town FC's good name. I hope it will never happen again but somehow I dont think so. A disgusted and ashamed supporter.
    Gary Cronin is he the right man to manage Longford Town?

  6. #4
    Seasoned Pro bluewhitearmy's Avatar
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    If you are really that upset about swearing at a football game i suggest you stay at home and watch countdown in fairness.

  7. #5
    International Prospect Martinho II's Avatar
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    it wasnt swearing at the game there were menacing gestures made towards the waterford fans. a few of the older section o lads werent very impressed with the carryon at all.
    Gary Cronin is he the right man to manage Longford Town?

  8. #6
    Seasoned Pro bluewhitearmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martinho II View Post
    it wasnt swearing at the game there were menacing gestures made towards the waterford fans. a few of the older section o lads werent very impressed with the carryon at all.

    Ah didnt see that mentioned in the opening post. Surely not any of your regular lads they all seemed dead on anytime ive bumped into ye.

  9. #7
    International Prospect Martinho II's Avatar
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    the majority of us are dead on but there were a few bad apples in the crowd that normally never go to a longford town match home or away that let the regulars astray!
    Gary Cronin is he the right man to manage Longford Town?

  10. #8
    International Prospect outspoken's Avatar
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    Credit to the waterford stewards the two games we've had down there they have been very friendly and welcoming and they dealt with the situation very well on friday night. I don't know how many times during the second half i had idiots shoving past me to get out to the waterford fans I ended up having to move up and row but anyway Its been a good season for section o with a real improvement in atmosphere home and away at games so lets hope that's the last we hear of that carry on.
    Last edited by outspoken; 29/10/2012 at 5:35 PM.

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  12. #9
    Reserves Keen2win's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Salmon Coloured View Post
    Hey folks just a quick note here to the young pups who came down to Waterford on Friday night who decided it was good enought to start swearing at the Waterford fans in the second half. When watching a football match & things arent going your way its pretty imbecilic to start hurling abuse over at a bunch of opposing fans who outnumber you greatly. You let a lot of good people from Longford down on the night & looked & sounded pure fools. Lads swearing for swearing sake. Doubt many of ye will end up on Countdown. The Disney channel would stump most of them. One started then they all plowed in. You cant win them all sadly. The atmosphere at the game was great up to that. But hey well done lads on almost ******* the entire night up for the rest of us. I didnt know we had complete Chavs following the Town these days but i know better now. Did any of them get chucked out? Thats all they deserved. "Were losing so lets hurl abuse at the other fans cos we want a good ruck".
    Fools & a complete disgrace. Who are they? Lets name & shame.
    I'm probably one of those "chavs" you're talking about. Let me ask you a question, did you actually see what happened after the sending off and freekick? Deserved to get kicked out? No way! Perhaps you should have asked one of the stewards that was there what happened instead of going on a mindless rant! BTW, I don't know what else was happening, I was on the periphery of the group, and much too interested on what was happening in the game.

  13. #10
    International Prospect De Town's Avatar
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    This is hilarious. I'm all for protecting the image of the club, but there was a few verbals exchanged between both sets of fans which MAY HAVE INCLUDED SWEAR WORDS (OMGZZZ THEY SAID BAD WORDS!!!!!) You'd swear there was full on riots taking place with some of the reaction on here. Blown out of proportion lads.

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  15. #11
    Apprentice jamiec6284's Avatar
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    you can't just say it was all the longford fans causing all the hassle. when i looked over to the waterford fans they weren't saints themselves as a few were making gestures over to us and using bad language aswell so don't be tarnishing the name of section o and longford town by saying it was just the longford crowd having a go at the waterford fans that were doing nothing.
    Last edited by jamiec6284; 30/10/2012 at 1:27 PM.

  16. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamiec6284 View Post
    you can't just say it was all the longford fans causing all the hassle. when i looked over to the waterford fans ye weren't saints yourselves as a few were making gestures over to us and using bad language aswell so don't be tarnishing the name of section o and longford town by saying it was just the longford crowd having a go at the waterford fans that were doing nothing. your not saints yourselves.

    Eh Salmon Coloured is a Longford fan. This has been an in-house discussion until I just posted now.

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  18. #13
    Apprentice jamiec6284's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluemovie View Post
    Eh Salmon Coloured is a Longford fan. This has been an in-house discussion until I just posted now.
    only noticed there thanks for that changed it around.

  19. #14
    Reserves Bosco's Avatar
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    What actually happened?I remember glancing over and seeing some words exchanged from both sides and the steward having a word....seemed to only be a bit of harmless slagging and only lasted a few seconds.Or was it more then that?Just curious because I had completely forgot about it until now and it certainly didnt seem to be a big deal at the time..
    If you can keep your head when all around you have lost theirs, then you probably haven't understood the seriousness of the situation.

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  21. #15
    Reserves Keen2win's Avatar
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    It wasn't a big deal at the time! I was laughing with the stewards about two seconds after it, they agreed with me that a few of the Waterford lads were complete idiots!

    Think what happened against Limerick in Flancare a few seasons back (if anyone can remember), when they bet us and they were in the corner of the stand looking down on all the section o lads as we were walking around after the match. The older saints of section o certainly got involved, lots of swearing and roaring and all the usual hand gestures, in the midst of all the families and young children walking out too. Does anyone else remember this? I certainly didn't come on here bitching about it, with a muddled mess of a post steeped in ironies about "countdown" amongst awful English!

    I'm a hooligan, get rid of me!

  22. #16
    Reserves Keen2win's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Salmon Coloured View Post
    ................ Lads swearing for swearing sake.............................................. But hey well done lads on almost ******* the entire night up for the rest of us. ...............................
    lol *facepalm*

  23. #17
    Seasoned Pro Acornvilla's Avatar
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    careful now, down with this sort of thing.

  24. #18
    Reserves Cabs88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Salmon Coloured View Post
    Hey folks just a quick note here to the young pups who came down to Waterford on Friday night who decided it was good enought to start swearing at the Waterford fans in the second half. When watching a football match & things arent going your way its pretty imbecilic to start hurling abuse over at a bunch of opposing fans who outnumber you greatly. You let a lot of good people from Longford down on the night & looked & sounded pure fools. Lads swearing for swearing sake. Doubt many of ye will end up on Countdown. The Disney channel would stump most of them. One started then they all plowed in. You cant win them all sadly. The atmosphere at the game was great up to that. But hey well done lads on almost ******* the entire night up for the rest of us. I didnt know we had complete Chavs following the Town these days but i know better now. Did any of them get chucked out? Thats all they deserved. "Were losing so lets hurl abuse at the other fans cos we want a good ruck".
    Fools & a complete disgrace. Who are they? Lets name & shame.
    A bit or perspective please. Yes it wasn't great to see, and Yes it could have been avoided, but in all fairness it was a few lads swearing and that's it. I've heard a lot worse in section O down through the years, and I'd say there are not many of us here, or who support the Town regularly who have not resorted to expletives in frustration at a game.

    To have a go at young supporters who made the trip and spent their money and for the most part supported her team is disappointing and wrong. Yes there were plenty of new faces, but every supporters group needs new blood, and without new faces no supporters group will continue. These lads will learn, and lets hope that they will come back as the club always need new supporters.
    Yes there were aspects of their behaviour that was regrettable but there was no need for the public condemnation over an incident involving swearing.

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