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Thread: Technical Help!!!

  1. #1
    May 2002
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    Technical Help!!!

    This has happened a few times with my e-mail. Sometimes when i open my email it starts loading in my mail but it suddenly stops. If i close my mail and open it again it again starts to load in the same messages but stops again at the same message and disconnects me. I have to ring my brother give him my password and settings and he downloads my messages and send them to me. Once he opens my mail from his computer my problem is fixed (for a while at least). This has only started recently. anybody got any solutions. Cablesurf the people im with are useless - no help at all.

  2. #2
    Capped Player A face's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eoinh
    This has happened a few times with my e-mail. Sometimes when i open my email it starts loading in my mail but it suddenly stops. If i close my mail and open it again it again starts to load in the same messages but stops again at the same message and disconnects me. I have to ring my brother give him my password and settings and he downloads my messages and send them to me. Once he opens my mail from his computer my problem is fixed (for a while at least). This has only started recently. anybody got any solutions. Cablesurf the people im with are useless - no help at all.
    Is this with Outlook/Outlook express ?? Or is is just the email service that they provide ?

    If it is their service .... i'd give it up, there are so many out there, it aint worth trouble shooting.
    The SFAI are the governing body for grassroots football in Ireland, not the FAI. Its success or the lack of is all down to them.

  3. #3
    May 2002
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    i think its with outlook express ( i'm not sure though). i havent changed any of my settings.

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