With Tynan gone tensions must be running high within the City Camp. Theres no doubht he was talanted and wasnt given a sniff by Murphy. However then to walk straight into Shels, very very suspicious to say the least, and if Shels make him into a great player as he has the potential then Murphy will surely be emabarrassed.

However attention will now turn to who else Murphy will release on a free transfer. Its bad business full stop by the Brain dead board, and the management team, who couldnt run a sweet shop no mind say a football club. Who else isnt safe from this mans madness? Is there no end to his insanity? Who will be the next promising talent to be let slip. O rourkre , Cp O Brien , Carey. I just dont know. Lets hope that that will be it for the sake of Cork City Football club. I know we are doing well at the moment and fair play to Murphy for that ( A slight contridiction on my behalf), however to see a player come along to City with skill , this dosnt happen very often and then to see him go without the slightest explanation is pathethic and madness. To top it all off he is now playing with our biggest opponents. ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?.