Good news but will wait til start of next season to see if can afford any other players before getting too excited.
Does show however good loyalty & not sure if will see that at all LOI clubs.
Good new City fans. Joe Gamble has signed a new 3 year contract. Fair play to the lad. He obviously is taking a paycut from his €3,500 a week previous contract. Hope other player follow his lead.
Good news but will wait til start of next season to see if can afford any other players before getting too excited.
Does show however good loyalty & not sure if will see that at all LOI clubs.
3 years is brilliant, i was expecting 1-2 if he was to sign at all (to be honest, being realistic i think we all thought he was gone for sure) so delighted he has signed. And its an important position, if Dan Murray was to sign as well we'd have a good stab at avoiding relegation.
The SFAI are the governing body for grassroots football in Ireland, not the FAI. Its success or the lack of is all down to them.
Great news for Cork. Should be a great boost of confidence for all concerned with the club, including sponsors etc
54,321 sold - wws will never die - ***
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ps all Corkies are *****
54,321 sold - wws will never die - ***
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