View Full Version : Training at University of Limerick

17/09/2003, 6:23 PM
Meet one of the squad today and asked him about UL training last week. Told me that Dave Mahedy, the fitness guru, was very impressed with the improvement in the players in the players fitness/stamina. He tests the guys on some scoring system which involves running intervals at top speed and before the start of the season the highest City score was 785 (don't know what this means or if its out of 800 or 1000 or what). But by way of comparison he told them than most of the Munster rugby squad score in the region of 795/800 and the highest is Wallace on 805. Last week most of the squad were on 800 but Hoggie got 810 and Bennett got 830! Dolan is attributing this to the fact that even the part-time (non- pro players) are training much harder and longer than in the past.

A face
17/09/2003, 7:54 PM
And some people saw fit to suggest it was a waste of time. Muppets !!

Bet they'll stay quite when they read this, typical :rolleyes:

18/09/2003, 7:46 AM
Originally posted by yiddo
and the highest is Wallace on 805.

Dolans buddy from Wexford ???

18/09/2003, 11:30 AM
Regardless of what people think of Pat Dolan, this would be an example of the work and things he has done to improve the team.

18/09/2003, 12:20 PM
Irrespective of the incomprehensible numbers generated by this test, it's obvious that the CCFC lads are much more fit this year than in previous seasons. Dragged a friend out to one of the games this year and she was amazed at how fit they are relative to the last time she was out.

Just another example of the good work being carried out by Dolan and Co.

By the way, Tiktok, time for you to head off and find out what this scoring system is based on. Not like you have anything better to do.

19/09/2003, 10:43 PM
that took you long enough, i had you pegged after your first sarcastic reply to some poor young lad.;)

20/09/2003, 10:27 AM
ring a ding ding theyre fit but theyre not as fit as bowez r shels cos theyre running away 4m us
:ball: :ball: :ball: