View Full Version : FAI And Ticket allocation

15/09/2003, 10:44 AM
Lads what do you think of the inept way (lottery) that the FAI allocated tickets for the swiss match. I jhave been block booking home tickets since 1986 (the start of block booking) and have travelled to Italia 90, away games to estonia,Holland Belgium,turkey,Portugal etc. Yet I got no ticket for the match as my name wasn't pulled out of the hat. Should the allocation not be done pro rata to reward fans for loyalty over the years(not just block bookers) and How is it that travel agents have tickets plenty of them even though it was done on a lottery basis...it stinks..just like the FAI as it is rotten to the core.

15/09/2003, 12:30 PM
Suffered exactly the same fate (and I was in the Heysel in 86 as well).

15/09/2003, 12:35 PM
Yeah, I got shafted too. I've not missed one game at home since about 1991 and have travelled away to everywhere from Liechtenstein to Japan and between. It appears to me that there was no sense of loyalty shown whatsoever and that someone who has been a blockbooker of say 6 tickets for just the past year or so, and never seen Ireland play away from home, had 3 times the chance I had to get tickets for the swiss match as you were allocated one place in the draw for every two tickets you get through the block-booking system. I suppose that I shouldn't have expected anything less.

17/09/2003, 9:36 PM
Originally posted by Ozymandias
Should the allocation not be done pro rata to reward fans for loyalty over the years
