View Full Version : a bit of realism?

15/09/2003, 12:30 AM
am i only one who thinks next season will be just like this one? and the one before that?

i dont even apologise for saying that ive given up on this season. as far as im concerned it may aswell end tomorrow. our one real test of character in the pats game was failed miserably, you can talk all you want about performance buts its results that count.

counting crow, i will disregard any reply you might make because your boundless optimism, whilst endearing, is completely without foundation or logic.

im just wondering who here seriously thinks we can win the league next season. also, can anyone give me a good reason for flynny to stay? i wouldnt. (cue several ill thought out and basically stupid reasons).

yes im cynical, but its borne out of frustration. theres no reason why we shouldnt be the best team in the league: best crowds, the best strikeforce, a reasonable defence, great loyal home support, a genuie desire amongst the cork people to win. but its the same old story every year since davey b took over. also rans. nearly men. and ive not seen anything to suggest that next year will be any different.

A face
15/09/2003, 1:12 AM
Originally posted by foureyes
your boundless optimism

At least you'll never get mixed up anyway, you having a "different" outlook on things :rolleyes:

Originally posted by foureyes
yes im cynical, but its borne out of frustration

You are a bleedin' great supporter, top of the firkin' pile mate. We'll always need your type around. Expect to win the league every year and as soon as you think it wont happen, you give up all hope. We should give you a season ticket for life, do you have any friends with the same opinion, we could try and bring them to the cross aswell ..... a great atmosphere going, bet that would be electric :rolleyes:

15/09/2003, 1:48 AM
I think a lot of us are holding out for a shot at Europe at this stage, even though it is early days and Shels don't look any great shakes.

as for next year I'd be reasonably optimistic, and as much to do with Brian Lennox as Pat Dolan, since he took charge the club has made great leaps forward. Last season Under Gunther we had brought together the bones of a good team, with some shrewd signings and only suffered with away form.

I don't think the football we've played this season has been as good, but then teams have adapted to Flynny and George better, having seen more of them, yet they continue to impress, Dolan has added to the Squad, especially the introduction of Kevin doyle and we've lost some players who weren't going to make it.

the main change this season has been the passion among the fans to mirror that shown by Dolan, and the higher profile he has brought the club. the main area this should benefit us is in attracting new talent, a place we've always fallen down before. With the combined influence of lennox and Dolan I think we can attract the two to three quality players we need to bring success to the club, in my opinion everything else is pretty much now in place.

as for John O'Flynn, he will not leave Cork for another LOI club, and he's been quoted in the past saying he will only leave for a premiership or decent first division outfit in england. Their transfer window does not reopen until january and then only for a few weeks, at that stage Flynn will have been out of action for six-seven weeks as our season will be over, also between now and then with the final Euro international fixtures for the year due soon, he will not get many more chances to impress at U21 level. Clubs will have to rely on his city form to move on him.

If a club is going to move on him, the wheels will be already in motion now, hopefully the club if/when it does happen will get what he is worth as payment and reinvest in players of his calibre again. personally, i think Flynn will start the next campaign in a city shirt although i would expect to lose him next summer, assuming he continues his current form and strike rates.

optimistic for next season, why not, i've supported city a long time, and i've never seen such a buzz about the club around the city before, i for one am happy to be swept up in it.

15/09/2003, 9:06 AM
$hel$ & Bohs (to a lesser extent if we can beat them friday) are probably beyond us cos of games in hand but Pats are only just ahead of us.

Third place is easily attainable depending on O'Flynns injury.

15/09/2003, 10:34 AM
I don't think there is much hope of us winning the title this season. Then again, after last year, it was not a realistic target anyway. It was obvious we needed to make a few changes and this would take time.
We've re-structured our squad, with a few old faces leaving and a few coming in. Doyle is a big bonus. Woods is doing well in defence. Derek should be good cover for our regular two centre halves. Behan is breaking into the squad. Casey and Kearney may add some more to our play. Our fitness has improved and we've got several pro players now.
We should finish higher up the table than last season. Add a central midfielder over the close season and we could easily challenge next year.

15/09/2003, 12:08 PM
Getting into Europe isn't beyond us though we'd need to start winning away games again, such as the uCD one.

I think Lennox has changed the club in a big way and hopefully from next season we'll see the rewards.

I can agree with some of foureyes points as it is frustrating to see the big support we have go to waste, if you like, cos we're not winning trophies.

However the likes of Shels and Bohs have been well organised on an administrative level for years wheras we're only getting to that stage now.

I remain optimistic -most of the time anyway.

15/09/2003, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by A face
Expect to win the league every year and as soon as you think it wont happen, you give up all hope.

I'd settle for once more before I die.


15/09/2003, 5:07 PM
Originally posted by foureyes

counting crow, i will disregard any reply you might make because your boundless optimism, whilst endearing, is completely without foundation or logic.

Originally posted by foureyes

theres no reason why we shouldnt be the best team in the league: best crowds, the best strikeforce, a reasonable defence, great loyal home support, a genuie desire amongst the cork people to win.

Woudnt this have been pretty much what anyone with any hope/optimism including CC would have said?

Therefore your own post is "completely without foundation or logic ".

Counting Crow
15/09/2003, 9:58 PM
Well foureyes, after that initial thread what can I say.....?

My milk is gone sour just before I go to bed, after that.

As yer man in "Dad's Army" used to say.......

......"we're DOOOMMED":D

Now where did I leave that gun......ah there it is........BANG!

16/09/2003, 12:56 PM
If City carry on like this they will never have a chance at even the league cup

16/09/2003, 6:23 PM
Originally posted by curts82
If City carry on like this they will never have a chance at even the league cup
carry on like what? BTW, seeing as we lost the league cup semi-final and pats won the competition, I'd say our chances of winning it are small enough :rolleyes:

I said before the season that a top 5 finish would be a good achievement. We can do better than that IMO, but we have to remember this season is about Dolan getting things right for next season. 3rd and I'd be happy, 2nd I'd be ecstatic

17/09/2003, 7:45 AM
And there isn't a chance of either I say. City are not good enough at the moment and unless the UK has another slump and player like Flynnie and Georgie I can't see city don't much wit Dolan at the helm cause only Doyle looks a success of all his signings,
We'll have to wait and see what Keanery and the Nigerians are like

Also we lost to Pats second team that night wit our first team

17/09/2003, 10:41 AM
Sucess doesn't come over night....would you rather City win the league this year and fall apart after that or give the manager time to put structures and the players in place.

No one can but success it takes time....something Chelsea will learn eventually. You need the right manager, the right chairman and talented players. You need to look after the future as well.

17/09/2003, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by niamh
Sucess doesn't come over night....

I'm waiting for Success for to long. 98 our last cup and we went down hill after our league win ten years ago

17/09/2003, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by curts82
I'm waiting for Success for to long. 98 our last cup and we went down hill after our league win ten years ago

you know your key word in that whole sentence was hill because i`m with u on this one curts82 dolan isn`t the man theres only 2 men i`d like to see incharge at city thats stuart ashton or dave hill preferably hill the man lives,sleeps and eats football fcuk dolan the bull****tttting cnut lets get a man in that really wants to win at the highest level not just a hyped up p.r man. an thats the bottom line ...cause stone cold said so!!!!

17/09/2003, 1:03 PM
Originally posted by steven17
you know your key word in that whole sentence was hill because i`m with u on this one curts82 dolan isn`t the man theres only 2 men i`d like to see incharge at city thats stuart ashton or dave hill preferably hill the man lives,sleeps and eats football fcuk dolan the bull****tttting cnut lets get a man in that really wants to win at the highest level not just a hyped up p.r man. an thats the bottom line ...cause stone cold said so!!!!
You've been getting far too much of that sea air down in Cobh, stevie.....:rolleyes:

17/09/2003, 1:06 PM
someone should try and tell Steven 17 or whoever he is, that the use of full stops, commas and other punctuation marks is fully acceptable. And what's with the 10 year old wrestling jibe at the end? Who is this moron??

17/09/2003, 1:34 PM
If you need sea air to see what he sees and thats a spoof in Dolan then the rest of the City fans who think Dolan is the man for the job should get a lot of that air to.
O blame the Ref, the ball anything but the team.
Look at Davie Hill Hes blaming his forwards for not taking their chances dolan would blame the ref prob for his strikers not being able to score.:mad:

17/09/2003, 2:04 PM
I guess Curts82 doesn't understand this punctuation thing either.

Oh for the old days, when teachers could beat pupils until they learned basic grammar and punctuation.

That aside, why are people so quick to turn on the manager? He's not even had a full season to get players settled in. Doyle is ok, but the rest will need time. At the start of the season we were not strong enough to challenge. By the start of next season we shoud be a lot stronger. These things take time. A manger takes several seasons to build a squad. If we keep changing managers then we'll never get there.

17/09/2003, 3:06 PM
as i've al,ready stated, turning on a manager after half a season is pathetic.....if we were in the bottom two then questions would have to be asked....

we have a stronger squad and first team than last season. We are still in with a chance (small chance) of the league. We are in with a great (more realistic) chance of a european place.

Give the man a chance. It is not his fault for Citys lack of success down through the years...well expect anytime Pats took points of us...

17/09/2003, 3:12 PM
But only one of his signings has been a success so far.

17/09/2003, 3:56 PM
Originally posted by curts82
But only one of his signings has been a success so far.
Nice use of a full stop at the end of a sentence. Well done.

As for your point about his signings, he's only had a short time to get these guys settled in. Casey can cross the ball well, and if he picks up the work rate, could be a significant player for us. Kearney hasn't even unpacked his bags yet. Has anyone even seen the Nigerians?
Pat's had a look at a few players (Packer, Hedderman) and moved them on coz they were not good enough. He's not signed anyone long term yet that could be viewed as a failure.
For that matter, hardly of his signings has been here long enough to be judged a success or a failure. Give the guy a break.

17/09/2003, 5:43 PM
Foureyes, cmere fella, get a grip will ya. I know u have been a city fan for as long, if not longer than me. it amazes me that you are forever so down on the entire league. Why is this like?

Dolan, so far has dome wonder for Cork city. Ok we are not top of the league and we are not a realistic contender for the title, but only a muppet would have thought we would win it this season. remember that the players are settling into a more professional regime of training, new diets, total lifestyle changes. Obviously there performances may suffer for a while, but ultimatley, the new levlels of fitness and professionalism.

And steven, just becaiuse ur brother is a city reject (frm what ive seen, soon to be a ramblers reject as well) and because u have serious issues urself, dont take it out on Dolan, a professional. Something u will never be.

18/09/2003, 12:58 AM
I didnt expect us to win the league or anything, but I did expect us to beat Pats and to give a much better performance in the cup game. I'd quite happily take third but I just expected a good bit more from the team results wise. We should be beating the likes of UCD home and away.

I follow newcastle aswell so perhaps im just generally disillusioned.

18/09/2003, 10:42 AM
at this stage i would be well chuffed if we finished in the top three. to be honest anything else i would regard as a failure (although not to win the league is always a failure). some away wins would be nice and to see george score some goals would be a comfort as well. also a bit more creativity in midfiled would be ok as well. all in all I am asking for city to show the same grit and bite that the likes of st.pat's can muster.

realistically i see a 5th place finish, eg. a midtable performace with very little pointers as to how things will go next season. however I am sure I can expect another full length diatribe from pat week in week out.

anyway as some posters have said not to have won the league since 1992 is far too long at this stage. how long does this rebuilding have to take? first it was davey barry saying it in 1997, mountie in 1999, gunther for the last few years and now pat dolan

as i said before i would give pat 3 years but a mid table finish is a poor place for a club of city's (untapped and unrealised) potential

18/09/2003, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by foureyes
I didnt expect us to win the league or anything, but I did expect us to beat Pats and to give a much better performance in the cup game. I'd quite happily take third but I just expected a good bit more from the team results wise. We should be beating the likes of UCD home and away.

I follow newcastle aswell so perhaps im just generally disillusioned.

I think most of us expected more from City in those two matches but some of the matches last year were equally appauling. I am not happy either with some of the performances and players we have seen play for City this year BUT the man deserves the time to try and work it out.
I couldn't stand Dolan when he was in charge of Pat's. I thought someone was taking the **** when they said he was moving south but he has improved the team and taken on a difficult task. We all want success as much as he does.

18/09/2003, 12:20 PM
While i think the league might be beyond us this season i still feel that a european spot is not. I personally did not expect city to win the league this year as dolan needs time to get used to the club. As for next year i would be quite optimistic as Dolan should have HIS squad playing and organised the way he wants and with the whole club taking on a more professional attitude i see no reason why we should not be there or there abouts come the end of the campaign, All we can do is keep cheering them on and have faith in Dolan and the backroom staff.

18/09/2003, 1:18 PM
Originally posted by dalo
anyway as some posters have said not to have won the league since 1992 is far too long at this stage.

It was 1993.
How could you forget that ?

One of the greatest days of my life !!!

18/09/2003, 5:04 PM
the people who are questioning d manager after half a season defy logic in my opinion dolan and lennox have already improved the club structurally the FIRST part of building any succesful club. dolan has only signed 5 players 3 of which we havent seen kearney will be a cracking signing lads. were in there fighting for the title and europe we cant ask for anymore. its a sin to judge a manager after half a season even a full season give him a chance ye can f**king moan den all ye want if he fails which he wont by the way.

18/09/2003, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by kevin.m
All we can do is keep cheering them on and have faith in Dolan and the backroom staff.

As Pat himself keeps saying, if we keep getting crowds of 3/4/5,000 it will only be a matter of time before we win the league and keep on winning it. It's up to the people of Cork as to whether we want it enough.

19/09/2003, 8:21 AM
Originally posted by Neil
As Pat himself keeps saying, if we keep getting crowds of 3/4/5,000 it will only be a matter of time before we win the league and keep on winning it. It's up to the people of Cork as to whether we want it enough.

Why have they not won it so in the past 5 seasons. They've been getting crowds like that all the time

Shed End John
19/09/2003, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by NorthoftheLee
as i've al,ready stated, turning on a manager after half a season is pathetic.....if we were in the bottom two then questions would have to be asked....

Have to agree with ya there. I think things need to be put in perspective, so here goes. Manchester United were a hopelessly rubbish, disorganised club when Alex Ferguson joined them as manager in 1986. It was 1990 before they won a single trophy under him. 13 years later and their England's best team (pains me to say that). What do people think would have become of them if Alex had gotten the boot after 1-2 seasons 'because they won f***all'? Dolan needs time, let's give it to him, and make our judgements in 3-4 years time when we'll either be the same as we are now, or the top team in this country.

19/09/2003, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by Shed End John
13 years later and their England's best team (pains me to say that).

why does it pain you to say that SEJ
personally i dont care who englands best team is, but thats just me :)


Shed End John
19/09/2003, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by James
why does it pain you to say that SEJ
personally i dont care who englands best team is, but thats just me :)


Because unlike most people, I don't see any conflict of interest in following the fortunes of more than one team across Europe, and it so happens that in England I follow Liverpool, which makes me a paid up lifelong hater of 'Manyoo'.:cool: