View Full Version : The 25 word solution

06/09/2001, 7:50 AM
City fan exiled down Under, In response to all the bikering about dick sizes and the long moan on the state of the club how about the following.....In no more than 25 words complete "I would like city to....." and maybe gerry desmond could publish the best one or two(if anyones bothered to reply) in the program and maybe bring the dissatisfaction with events into the public domain in a constructive way.

06/09/2001, 8:04 AM
I would like city to: forcibly sell themselves as a viable alternative source of entertainment with a cheap attractive product...posters , radio, flyers!! etc...fostering local bonds and spirit.

The rest will follow.........

06/09/2001, 9:12 AM
.....teach the world to sing. And sack the board.

06/09/2001, 4:15 PM
I would like City to ATTEMPT to play constructive positive football with the pride and ambition that is worthy of our once great club.:)

06/09/2001, 5:26 PM
well said Snatch. and bring back Stephen Napier