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06/08/2008, 2:05 PM
I've heard that Michael Vaughan - still emotional at resigning the England Cricket Captaincy - was seen at the head of the groups smashing up anything within range with one of his Gunn & Moore Maestro Select bats - as used to no great extent against those dastardly South Africans.

My source for that is Geoffrey Boycott and 16 pints of Special Brew

06/08/2008, 2:07 PM
why should i??? people are gettin well paid to keep these people out so i should stick my oar in. also,i am not going to go reporting people. if you lot on this forum dont beleive me then how the hell would the police. i put this on the forum as iv been a reader for a long time before registering and thought it would be a good discussion but little did i know id be asked to provide multiple peices of evidence,mocked for having the cheek to say it happened and now asked to go reporting every tom dick and harry that the muppets on Bohs security let back into the ground. security know who they are and so do alot of the fans. its your club why dont yous look after it?

06/08/2008, 2:10 PM
What's your bloody problem, then, and what are hoping to achieve by airing it here?

06/08/2008, 2:10 PM
I've heard that Michael Vaughan - still emotional at resigning the England Cricket Captaincy - was seen at the head of the groups smashing up anything within range with one of his Gunn & Moore Maestro Select bats - as used to no great extent against those dastardly South Africans.

My source for that is Geoffrey Boycott and 16 pints of Special Brew

do your posts get interesting or funny at all? if youve nothing to say on the situation the stay out of the thread.

or at least make your meaningless posts funny instead of trying to be witty but coming off like a tool.

Jebus slaughtered me earlier aswel but then came back with a serious point regarding security....i suggest you do the same.

centre mid
06/08/2008, 2:13 PM
why should i??? people are gettin well paid to keep these people out so i should stick my oar in. also,i am not going to go reporting people. if you lot on this forum dont beleive me then how the hell would the police. i put this on the forum as iv been a reader for a long time before registering and thought it would be a good discussion but little did i know id be asked to provide multiple peices of evidence,mocked for having the cheek to say it happened and now asked to go reporting every tom dick and harry that the muppets on Bohs security let back into the ground. security know who they are and so do alot of the fans. its your club why dont yous look after it?

So you came on to boast about seeing a fight,

You've tried to reason that people dont go to watch EL games because of incidents like this, its now after 3.00pm the day after this "incident" and I've still not seen anything that suggest fans of BFC and SRFC were rioting.

If you do have knowledge about a criminal act then you have a civic duty to report it.

If you intend on keeping quiet then I suggest you keep quiet.

06/08/2008, 2:14 PM
What's your bloody problem, then, and what are hoping to achieve by airing it here?

i hope to acheive world peace and find a cure for all deadly diseases...

do you hope to "acheive" something with all your posts? a forum is a place of discussion no?

06/08/2008, 2:18 PM
I don't see what there is to discuss. You claim to have seen something (I'm not saying you didn't) which obviously didn't traumatize you enough to compel you to do anything about it, made some nonsensical "point" about rampaging gangs deterring people from going to eL game and were promptly told where to go. If you just want a forum in which to moan about something no-one else appears to be able to corroborate, that's what Liveline and the letters page of the Herald are for.

06/08/2008, 2:19 PM
why should i??? people are gettin well paid to keep these people out so i should stick my oar in. also,i am not going to go reporting people. if you lot on this forum dont beleive me then how the hell would the police. i put this on the forum as iv been a reader for a long time before registering and thought it would be a good discussion but little did i know id be asked to provide multiple peices of evidence,mocked for having the cheek to say it happened and now asked to go reporting every tom dick and harry that the muppets on Bohs security let back into the ground. security know who they are and so do alot of the fans. its your club why dont yous look after it?

Seriously, I don't believe you for a second. You claim you know these people, yet your afraid to report them to anybody? You've no evidence to back up any of your claims. You claim that they're banned from Dalymount, yet provided no evidence for this. You also claim that they go to Dalymount every week, firstly we don't play in Dalymount every week, secondly how would you know where they are all the time, thirdly how to you know that they get in to games considering you have never been to one yourself? You then whinge that people question you because you've no proof to back up your claims?
By the way, were you seriously trying to suggest that because people on an internet forum won't believe you that the Gardaí wouldn't listen to the information you claim to have? :o

06/08/2008, 2:19 PM
So you came on to boast about seeing a fight,

You've tried to reason that people dont go to watch EL games because of incidents like this, its now after 3.00pm the day after this "incident" and I've still not seen anything that suggest fans of BFC and SRFC were rioting.

If you do have knowledge about a criminal act then you have a civic duty to report it.

If you intend on keeping quiet then I suggest you keep quiet.

fingers are killin me replying to all of you :D

iv said what fans were chanting to eachother and wearing jerseys (this would suggest SRFC and BFC no?) iv also asked A Face would it make diference if i put up the link from the other forum where a ROVERS FAN says he saw it and was disgusted!! or do i have to meet you somewhere with this actual fan with me and show you his ticket stub to prove he was there?

have you ever seen a criminal act take place? a simple fight? anything? i would guess you have....have you reported EVERY incident????

06/08/2008, 2:20 PM
do your posts get interesting or funny at all? if youve nothing to say on the situation the stay out of the thread.

or at least make your meaningless posts funny instead of trying to be witty but coming off like a tool.

Jebus slaughtered me earlier aswel but then came back with a serious point regarding security....i suggest you do the same.

I'm simply doing what you are in this thread - posting stuff with nothing to back it up with.

I'm quite happy with the majority of the security policies established by Bohs and the majority of other clubs in the league.

Bring us some evidence or toddle off.

And as centre mid said - it's a duty of a citizen to report a major offence (if something like this ACTUALLY did happen) to the relevant parties of Law Enforcement.

centre mid
06/08/2008, 2:22 PM
have you ever seen a criminal act take place? a simple fight? anything? i would guess you have....have you reported EVERY incident????

You cant compare a bit of fisty cuffs to 300 people fighting as you claim & yes if I do see a crime i do report it.

06/08/2008, 2:23 PM
No, but I haven't gone moaning to everyone within earshot about it. There is actually a serious point lurking here somewhere about troublemakers not being properly excluded by the powers that be at the two clubs, but I'm not sure what you want Bohs or Shams or foot.ie to do about public order offences in the city centre.

06/08/2008, 2:25 PM
Seriously, I don't believe you for a second. You claim you know these people, yet your afraid to report them to anybody? You've no evidence to back up any of your claims. You claim that they're banned from Dalymount, yet provided no evidence for this. You also claim that they go to Dalymount every week, firstly we don't play in Dalymount every week, secondly how would you know where they are all the time, thirdly how to you know that they get in to games considering you have never been to one yourself? You then whinge that people question you because you've no proof to back up your claims?
By the way, were you seriously trying to suggest that because people on an internet forum won't believe you that the Gardaí wouldn't listen to the information you claim to have? :o

youre nitpicking on the "every week" comment. i never said i know where they are all the time. i know they get into the games as they go with other mates of mine who dont get involved in the "other side". is this ok for you? you want me to have evidence? what like go and tape them going into games or something?
the internet / guards comment was said tongue in cheek. il put smileys in future for you :rolleyes:

06/08/2008, 2:32 PM
No, but I haven't gone moaning to everyone within earshot about it. There is actually a serious point lurking here somewhere about troublemakers not being properly excluded by the powers that be at the two clubs, but I'm not sure what you want Bohs or Shams or foot.ie to do about public order offences in the city centre.

please see the post by Harry Houdini regarding where the trouble started and what he witnessed. bare in mind,i live 2mins away from the final part of it so that must be how the fans ended up running and fighting where i live. and no,Harry Houdini is not me on another forum before you think he is.


06/08/2008, 2:38 PM
Riot??? If you call this a riot you have some serious issues.

I was at the match last night.
I left the stadium and had to walk into town to get the LUAS. At Doyle’s corner, about 30 Rovers ‘hardmen greenstreeters’ ran at about the same number Bohs.
Bohs ‘hardman’ ran away and the cops moved in fairly quick.
There was up to 100 Rovers on one side of the road and not as many Bohs on the other side as the cops walked in the middle towards town.
Bout 20 Rovers got across the road a few mins later and ran at Bohs who ran away again. The little scrotes actually see this as a victory and 100 or so march towards town singing etc.

This was by no means anything near a riot, a bit of kiss chasing and some singing. And people think the tabloids are over the top??

Newbie, where exactly do you claim to of seen a riot?

06/08/2008, 2:40 PM
In fairness, the LSL forum is pretty much the nadir of the internet (if not the English language.) Here's the post for those who are interested, it doesn't particularly ring with authenticity...

Lads, I was at the game as a Rovers supporter with my father. The problem started when the 2 sets of supporters were let out of the stadium by the polce at the same time. Both sets of fans walked around and met at Conan Doyles pub as my father and I walked to my car. As we crossed the Phibsboro Road the two groups clashed and m father and i were caught right in the middle of it. The garda riot squad stepped straight in, swung their batons a few times against lads backs and broke them up. Both sets of supporters were allowed walk the same street with a garda cordon down the middle of the road and they were all taunting each other. I got to my car at McGowans pub and again the both sets of supporters rushed at each other and the riot squad stepped in again. There was between 100 and 150 people on the strret. I left the area at 10pm and that was the last I saw of it. the article on RTE.ie relates to a completely different arguement between the Italian communities. These 'people'were aged between 15 and 35 and some had children with them no more than 11 or 12. These aren't supporters. They're knackers. I've supported Rovers for 20 years and can't believe its come to this. A terrible shame.

Note the second to last sentence. If he's a been a Rovers supporter for 20 years there's no way what he described (if it ever happened) is the worst he's ever seen...

06/08/2008, 2:52 PM
Mento,im not going to put up where i live on the net. it was futher down from where you saw that though and near enough to McGowans pub.

Sheridan,suprise suprise you dont beleive someone else :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

06/08/2008, 2:59 PM
On the basis it was discussed on Liveline that is surely enough to make it an overblown irrelevance?

06/08/2008, 3:02 PM

what was said on LiveLine anyway? was it talking about what i saw happen or another non-related incident as usual?

06/08/2008, 3:08 PM
Sorry lads, but some of your replies are really deluded. The guy saw a fight between 2 fairly large groups of 'supporters' in his estate. He comes on here and explains what happened, and all he gets is a bunch of Arsene Wenger-like "I did not see ze incident" replies from people determined to save face.

I got punched in the side of the face after the Shams v Sligo Rovers cup match 2 months ago. A few dozen people saw this, yet it wasn't on the front page of the Indo the next morning. So, did I not get hit because I have no physical or written evidence? What 'evidence' do you expect him to provide? It didn't happen because it wasn't on the 1 o'clock news?

I have no reason to believe that this event did not happen. What possible reason could the guy have for making this up?

06/08/2008, 3:16 PM
whether it did happen or not - would anyone really be all that surprised that it did? Im sick of being associated with these scum but if the guards arent going to do anything about these incidents then im not going to lose any sleep over it any more.

Nor am i going to entertain a guy who seems to be delighted at providing this story (and little else by all accounts) to the forum. The same guy who knows and hangs out with these guys yet gets enraged by their behaviour? Yeah right bud, give me a break. :rolleyes:

its just a pity its not the game itself that is being discussed. A cracker by all accounts...

and i just have to post this bit from the rte.ie match report...

"The derby is a key fixture for the fans of these teams and bragging rights rest firmly on the northside of the city after a rampant performance."

frickin' sweet :D

06/08/2008, 3:29 PM
whether it did happen or not - would anyone really be all that surprised that it did? Im sick of being associated with these scum but if the guards arent going to do anything about these incidents then im not going to lose any sleep over it any more.

Nor am i going to entertain a guy who seems to be delighted at providing this story (and little else by all accounts) to the forum. The same guy who knows and hangs out with these guys yet gets enraged by their behaviour? Yeah right bud, give me a break. :rolleyes:

its just a pity its not the game itself that is being discussed. A cracker by all accounts...

and i just have to post this bit from the rte.ie match report...

"The derby is a key fixture for the fans of these teams and bragging rights rest firmly on the northside of the city after a rampant performance."

frickin' sweet :D

to quote a number of foot.ie users : PLEASE PROVIDE A SOURCE THAT I HANG AROUND WITH THESE LADS? i didnt say it thats for sure as i dont! also,i have not branded all fans with this fighting tag so dont go on as if i have. also how am i delighted? have you a source for this also?

the match itself is being discussed elsewhere.

06/08/2008, 3:33 PM
to quote a number of foot.ie users : PLEASE PROVIDE A SOURCE THAT I HANG AROUND WITH THESE LADS? i didnt say it thats for sure as i dont!

Post number 18 in this very thread:

i know of lads who are "banned" from all EL games but long and behold they are there EVERY week in Dalymount (it just happens to be Bohs lads i know). Clubs need to take some of the responsability!


Source? Well - we all know who that is...

06/08/2008, 3:35 PM
Post number 18 in this very thread:


Source? Well - we all know who that is...

haha mate did you wear your goggles when you DIVED into that one to try and be smart?

here goes: i said i KNOW THEM not that i HANG AROUND with them.

now go back and find the SOURCE of me hanging around with these lads you wally.


06/08/2008, 3:43 PM
Newbie. Bohemian FC has taken very strong steps to try to counteract anti-social behaviour by a very small number of people who call themselves fans, with bans, with fines, and by co-operation with the police and with other clubs.

At the same time, a small group of younger inner city people with, it seems no interest in football, but with every intent on dragging the club's name through the mud, have latched onto the name and the colours as a convenient standard for their misguided little battles.

Even as you complain bitterly about these people, and ridicule the club's efforts, you refuse to help the club or the gardai deal with them. I'm sorry, but that, in my book, and in any reasonable person's, is hypocrisy.

It's easy to blacken the name of a football club with hysterical accusations: people have been doing it for years, some of them for a living. It takes a little more gumption to do something about the problem.

06/08/2008, 3:45 PM
I'll direct you to post 48 then fool

no - i KNOW them. not OF them. banned for life.

So which is it then?

Anyway - it's been fun this afternoon - really made the day fly by reading your silly little story about a massive riot involving nearly half a thousand combatants that remarkably only about a maximum of 2 people claim to have seen - but can't seem to come up with anything to substantiate it.

If that doesn't win next year's Booker Prize for Fiction then I don't know what will

06/08/2008, 3:47 PM
to quote a number of foot.ie users : PLEASE PROVIDE A SOURCE THAT I HANG AROUND WITH THESE LADS? i didnt say it thats for sure as i dont! also,i have not branded all fans with this fighting tag so dont go on as if i have. also how am i delighted? have you a source for this also?

the match itself is being discussed elsewhere.


know them, hang around with them, play ball with them, play with their balls, whatever. You've obviously spoken to them and talked Bohs. Youre a hypocrite.

06/08/2008, 4:02 PM
jesus christ Retoir,will you look at what the diference is. i admit i KNOW them but i have been accused of HANGING AROUND with them which would indicate i am freinds with and have regular social contact with them. there us a diference and its pretty big.

It seems to be Bohs heads gettin onto me now thinkin i am trying to drag their clubs name through the mud. no i aint.

can someone tell me how many post i need,how many games i should attend and how many witnesses i should have before posting again and without being asked to miraculously provide more evidence than you would need to at a murder trial so i dont suffer the wrath of the foot.ie faithful?

i aint a hypocrite,get your own house in order,you shouldnt expect to have me help your security team. im sure you are trying to rid your club of these people,never doubted it for a minute but you obviously care for this club much more than i do so why dont YOU put the questions to them? why the hell were both fans let out at the same time can be the 1st question (nobody here seems to be even paying attention to that one).

06/08/2008, 4:21 PM
this forum is a breeding ground for mb members who like to come on and knock the league for all the usual crap - we're ****, we'll never be as good as the premier league, we all love a ruck, we're idiots. All that crap. So forgive my cynicism of a new member whose most posts to date have come from this thread, which, intentionally or not, knocks the league and serves no purpose other than to drag its name further into the mud. These issues have all been discussed ad nauseum by more bona fide posters than you newbie (thats not meant as a dig). We know the problems ourselves.

Your posts do come across as hypocritical, im afraid. Where is the disgust for your friends/associates? Why dont you post the questions to these friends/associates as to why they attempt to break their ban each week, just for a good fight?

Public order issues are little to do with the club and, not speaking for Rovers, but reasonable steps have been taken to eliminate the troublemakers from the grounds, home and away. Sometimes mistakes will be made and someone who is banned might get into Dalymount. But I dont see how a club can be held accountable for what happens away from the ground.

06/08/2008, 4:28 PM

forgive my ignorance but what is an "mb member"??

my most post are on this as i keep answering questions that are put to me. if i was on say the Liverpool v Everton thread and someone kept askin me questions there then id answer them all. its not due to me apparently trying to wind people up. iv got better things to be doing than thinkin of eays to annoy aloada lads who i dont even know.

i have put the question as to why they still go and are they not afraid theyll be arrested etc etc and they say they go coz the love Bohs (read into that what you will).

i dont expect BFC or SRFC to escort there fans home but the leaving seperately would help a bit surely? nobody will ever stop this crap 100% but i think clubs have to do a little bit more. (im not knockin the efforts already made)

06/08/2008, 4:36 PM
It seems to be Bohs heads gettin onto me now thinkin i am trying to drag their clubs name through the mud. no i aint.

You started off by claiming the whole league was at fault for this "riot". And you ignored my questions directed at you in an earlier post.

To me you sound like a guy taking pleasure in having a go at eL fans, just cos 2 sets of fans had fisticuffs.

06/08/2008, 4:42 PM
and to me you sound paronoid and stupid. yeh im delighted there was fights etc all over where i live. got me right in the mood it did. i then heard someone was skinnin a cat where my granny lives and went there wit ha camera!
cop on!

06/08/2008, 4:43 PM
and to me you sound paronoid and stupid. yeh im delighted there was fights etc all over where i live. got me right in the mood it did. i then heard someone was skinnin a cat where my granny lives and went there wit ha camera!
cop on!

Still ignoring my questions. :rolleyes:

Edit - and getting insulting when asked to explain yourself.

06/08/2008, 4:46 PM
ok then - my apologies for not answering. iv answered so many posts on this that i must have missed one. can you repeat the questions pretty please? thanks.

06/08/2008, 5:42 PM
well we are all agreed then this did not happen and newbie is making it up now can we all go back to our cosy little worlds
and next time some silly person dares to say he witnessed bohs and rovers scumbags brawling then he will think twice .... rovers and bohs fighting the vey thought of it

06/08/2008, 5:45 PM
ok then - my apologies for not answering. iv answered so many posts on this that i must have missed one. can you repeat the questions pretty please? thanks.

click here (http://foot.ie/showpost.php?p=995353&postcount=38)

06/08/2008, 5:54 PM
I've never seen the forum work so well together as we have done in spanking Bambi today

06/08/2008, 6:11 PM
You have just witnessed a big fight between Bohs & Rovers scumbags. Why does that stop people from going to Turners X, Terryland, Brandywell, Richmond Park etc???

Everybody knows that Bohs and Rovers have the worst hoolie problem. That would make me think twice about bringing young kids with me to Tolka or Dalymount but not every single ground.

In short, stop making sweeping statements about eL fans when you are really only talking about two sets of fans.

Again more stereotyping, when a few people question the validity of your claims.

Clubs need to take some responsibility you say??? Yet it is only Bohemians FC that you know that let banned fans back in again.:rolleyes:

Do Cork City FC let banned fans back again??? Do you know?? No it is just easier for you to make sweeping statements about all el clubs.:rolleyes:

its obvioulsy not the ONLY problem,there are many im sure but this would be ONE of them and a big one i would imagine. feeling safe going to and from a match should be a necessity. i wasnt aware i had to be so specific on EVERY minute detail.

a few didnt simply question the validity of it,i was slaughtered and asked to provide evidence and proof...is this a court room? also ridiculed for having the audasity to put something on the forum by the members that are on it longer,how are anyone enter the foot.ie world and have opinions. (see Jebuses "hilarious" post below)

ok i will change my statement there to suit your specific needs : "to my knowledge,Bohs are the only ones who let these fans into their grounds after banning them" was that PC enough for you?

alot of people on this forum have a major issue with me being new to it. what exactly is the problem? keep in mind i provided another forum with a rovers fan who saw this incident build up before heading home a short way away form where it happened. 2 people on here have also said they saw trouble and i also got a PM from one saying they beleived me it happened.
others have got on to say how stupid some peoples responses have been...has anyone replied to these? nope.

lads grow up and face the music that it is club(s) responsability to ensure fans are safe in the facinity of the ground. this would include fans NOT leaving at the same time and tighter security on banned fans. i dont think this is too much to ask do you?

i suppose the one good thing i have gotten out of this is that i now have alot more post to my name which should help me the next time i dare express an opinion.

06/08/2008, 7:45 PM
This thread is weird. I'd say there probably was a row where Newbie lives last night, involving people who would CLAIM they are fans. You don't have to get so defensive about it lads. We know there is scum going to the games. It's a very very small minority tho and when stuff like this happens away from the grounds it is up to the Guards to sort it, not Bohs or Rovers or anyone else. If the guards were more like their Northern counterparts they could nip this in the bud before someone actually does get seriously injured.

06/08/2008, 7:48 PM
this would include fans NOT leaving at the same time and tighter security on banned fans. i dont think this is too much to ask do you?

If this did happen last night it would be very strange. I thought it was common practice in the big derbies in the league to keep the away fans (or home fans in our case...) back after the game :confused:

Can anyone who was at the match confirm what happened?

06/08/2008, 7:53 PM
I've never seen the forum work so well together as we have done in spanking Bambi todayRight so, funs over, lets get back to dissecting the arse out of the coefficient and rubbishing each others attendance estimates.....

06/08/2008, 7:58 PM
If this did happen last night it would be very strange. I thought it was common practice in the big derbies in the league to keep the away fans (or home fans in our case...) back after the game :confused:

Can anyone who was at the match confirm what happened?

They did let both sets of fans out at the same time - weird alright.

06/08/2008, 7:59 PM
Can anyone who was at the match confirm what happened?

I went to the match, got the 140 outside Phibsboro Shopping Centre to the city centre through Doyle's Corner, looked at the Mounted Police Unit and then a 56A home from College Green.

06/08/2008, 9:24 PM
I went to the match, got the 140 outside Phibsboro Shopping Centre to the city centre through Doyle's Corner, looked at the Mounted Police Unit and then a 56A home from College Green.

I too went to the match. However my experience was very different. I came out of the ground, looked at the bicycle police unit, turned left at top of Connaught street and walked home.

06/08/2008, 10:05 PM
I went to the match, got the 140 outside Phibsboro Shopping Centre to the city centre through Doyle's Corner, looked at the Mounted Police Unit and then a 56A home from College Green.
I went to the match, had a whale of a time, walked to my car, stopped to let some Rovers fans cross the road, and took a pleasant drive home listening to the sports bulletins.

07/08/2008, 5:00 AM
I went to the match, had a whale of a time, walked to my car, stopped to let some Rovers fans cross the road, and took a pleasant drive home listening to the sports bulletins.

Fairly similar story here funnily enough. Went to the match with my mate and his dad, afterwards walked to the car. Proceeded along to Constitution Hill where we drove behind a Garda escort. At Church Street we proceeded home as normal. No problems here.

07/08/2008, 9:30 AM
Left the Jodi, walked down Dalymount Lane, onto Peter's Road where I saw a Garda Jeep, turned onto the Cabra Road and walked home. On the way home one of three young men (who didn't look like they had been at the game) very kindly offered me a can of beer. I declined.
BTW I did think that the policing in the ground was lower profile than in previous seasons

07/08/2008, 9:50 AM
Spoke to three seperate friends of mine by mobile who were in various locations in Phibsborough having been at the game.

None of them mentioned any trouble at all

07/08/2008, 10:36 AM
Left match, and retrieved car from Shandon Crescent. Drove up Faussagh road and came across.....a police diversion.....alas, it seemed like some sort of traffic accident, and not a 'meet' between two vicious rival 'firms' as I had hoped.

07/08/2008, 10:47 AM
thats all very well and good lads but not one of you has said the area i live.
if anyone is interested,there is someone else on the LSL forum saying they saw about 250 fighting. but he hasnt supplied video or DNA evidence so i wouldnt bother reading it...

to be honest,if most people on here seen something,i doubt they would say it...just too keep face and to try and rubbish my point even more.

anyway,no more on this,im sure we are all bored of it.

well done Drogs last night (or am i not allowed say that?)