View Full Version : new team altogther

03/09/2001, 10:59 PM
lets face up to reality,

players like daly,ollie,herrick,hartigan and im sure ye know more and who im talking about shouldnt be given a jersey,
we need quality players,

and where does that come down too,

players like stephen mcguiness and james keddy went to dundalk in the summer,
pat scully to rvrs,
rutherford to bohs last year
and so on,

what i want to know is why ccfc werent trying to get there signatures and many other quality players in the league,

what happend to billy woods transfer last year,he was 1 of the best players to play for us, he still lives in cork,he has 1 of the best left foots in the country,

thats what ollie needs is competition in the team for his position,he knows there isnt ne other left footed players who could take his place,

ramblers are making us look bad already this year,

lets just hope we dont get them in the cup or we could be really in trouble,losing to them would be the ultimate insult,

why couldnt we hav getting a real manager during the summer like roddy collins,THATS who i think we need to manager the team or else a manger with his character,liam murphy will only be an average assistant manager,

and for b*o*l*l*o*c*k*s sake everybody grab a few buddies and drag them to the shels game and we show every1 what the shed is all about,SUPPORTING or own team and NOT critising them(well except hartigan),ne1 remember what the shed was like in dave barrys time in the games against rvrs on the last game of the season a few yrs back or the league cup final 2nd leg,
and the pats game when 10000 jammed turners x,
those were the days,
when we use to win games at home,

come on lads we all want city to win,so we hav to be together in the shed and get the old chants going again,

bring back the old bodrain (i think thats how u spell it)
we need a bit of noise from the shed,
maybe we need dave barry back at the x????????????

im just a fan like all of ye goin to the shed since i was 9 yrs old,thats 10 yrs im goin out to the x and bishopstown,we need to be 1 to get city out of where they are,maybe if we get behind them (like lansdown rd on sat) the team MIGHT respond,time we tell for those heartless wonders who dare put on the beloved red and white jersey

god give me a jersey and id show them how to play wit a bit of heart,

give me your opinion,am i alone in my stance or not

04/09/2001, 7:49 AM
There reaches a stage when supporters have given all they can give. It is then up to others on the Board or in the dugout or on the pitch to give us something to shout about.....

Gerry Desmond
04/09/2001, 9:21 AM
Originally posted by neil
There reaches a stage when supporters have given all they can give. It is then up to others on the Board or in the dugout or on the pitch to give us something to shout about.....

I agree with Neil here. I think there was a stage in the second half on Sunday when everybody watching realised it was pointless getting worked up about it. A few of the regular loudmouths near me just sat back in total silence. It was beyond the limits of tolerance, and subsequently vocal contribution. I've seen a lot over the years and I've seen a lot of poor performances. Sunday last was the first time EVER I asked myself 'could I be doing something else with my free time?'

Gerry, disappointed beyond belief

04/09/2001, 9:45 AM
Yan, while your sentiments are well meant, I'm afraid that the problems with City are too deep to be solved by better chanting.
Even if everybody at the game last Sunday brought 2 friends along with them next time there would still be only 2,500 people in the Cross. To bring back the glory days, which a club like ours deserve, will take a lot more than a couple of thousand fans pretending to be excited by City's dreary football.
For example singing a Deccie Daly or Derek Caughlan song will not stop them aimlessly hoofing the ball into the Stands. Nor will singing "Doubt ya Liam Murphy boy" make him realise that 5-3-2 formation is counter productive or that James Mulligan cannot be expected to win high balls against a massive centre back.

Of course all the fans should get behind the team and we'd all love to see big enthusiastic crowds at the Cross but SERIOUS CHANGES ARE NEEDED in the running of the club.

On another sad note, even if thousands of City fans went to the next game and really got behind the team, our encouragement would probably be cancelled out by Gunther belitteling the team like he did in the Echo yesterday.:mad:

04/09/2001, 10:58 AM
Keddy is a useless dirty player who wouldn't be fit to wear the city jersey!

He may have scored on sunday would he still isn't good enough as you'll see later in the season.

Anyone remember his vicious lunge a la richie Foran) @ Colin in tolka last year? :(

Daniel McD
04/09/2001, 12:34 PM
I think you'll be seeing a different James Keddy this year ...Keely had him playing as a defensive left winger last year, in the Keely style. Different story altogether when playing for us ...