View Full Version : Anyone know a good dry cleaners?

Counting Crow
30/08/2003, 4:48 PM
I'm serious.

I made the mistake of standing near Mosses last night and towards the end he proceeded to drown me ( and everyone else within 10 yards of him ) with spittle as he proceeded to internally combust with pent up rage.

The man is a danger to himself.

We were all pi$$ed off at losing to those shower but the abuse he threw at our own players was nothing short of embarrasing.

It's at time like this that they need the backing of the fans. Fair play to most of the others in the Shed, they kept it up 'till the end and the ovation at the end was appreciated by the team and Dolan.

The laugh of it all was Mosses was showering profanity and abuse at those "sunshine supporters" for leaving early while in the same breath fcuking out every player in a green jersey for the last 10 minutes.

Work out the logic in that - hypocrite.

30/08/2003, 6:30 PM
I have to say that he seems to be losing his ability to make himself heard anymore, thankfully.
I can't hear him at all now, at the front, and his crap is not something I miss.

02/09/2003, 10:39 AM
Has Moses ever been seen outside the Shed? Does he exist or just the imagination of the Shed? Has he ever been to a city game away from the cross?

03/09/2003, 7:35 AM
I know he has let himself and the club down on a few occasions over the years but i'll never forget as long as I live his singing & dancing performance in the Red Cow the night we won the Cup.
The whole place was clapping and cheering, brilliant. He had that big cape with Moses on Tour written on the back. priceless

To be honest he must have been fairly quiet cause I didn't even think he was there and haven't really heard him in the Shed for a long time. Maybe he has mellowed.

03/09/2003, 2:01 PM
I think he is one of those people who just appear.

The ghost of gunthers past.

03/09/2003, 8:39 PM
he's been seen in both the stand and the derrynane side a fair bit when he has the kids with him. obviously he wouldn't want them exposed to the language he loves to throw out himself.

in the last few seasons he's just bugged me, i went from a guarded respect to open dislike.