View Full Version : How much/often do you drink?

09/07/2008, 4:50 AM
On an average week how many pints would you drink? also how often once, twice a week etc.

I'll start on average twice a week, around 10 to 15 pints.

The Scientist
09/07/2008, 7:39 AM
On an average week how many pints would you drink? also how often once, twice a week etc.

I'll start on average twice a week, around 10 to 15 pints.

Friday about 10 pints
Saturday about 10 again followed by a few morgan spice and coke
Sunday say about 6 or 7

Pauro 76
09/07/2008, 8:39 AM
I dont drink during the week, but on Friday 5/6 pints and same for Saturday. On the Sunday, if its a blowout ill avoid Friday and go drinking Sunday instead.

09/07/2008, 9:02 AM
Have pretty much stopped drinking at this stage, only drinking at events now, but I used to drink 10+ pints on a Saturday, 5-6 on a random weekday night, and probably the same on a Friday night. Pending on the night I'd throw a few rums on top of that as well.

Amazing how much difference cutting out alcohol can make you feel though lads, would highly recommend knocking it on the head for even a month (I did this as part of a detox) to see the difference for yourself

09/07/2008, 9:11 AM
I rarely go a couple of nights without having a drink, but it's usually a glass of wine, or a bottle of beer at most. Possibly more than one if I'm feeling particularly frisky.
I served my time throwing pints down me every weekend night, and panic buying at closing time, and while I don't regret it, it's not my thing anymore.

09/07/2008, 9:19 AM
A maximum of three pints of cider usually only one or two, about once a month at most, might have a glass of wine if out for a meal, depending on company, probably even less frequently.

Even when I used to drink fairly regularly I'd never have more than 4-5 drinks, whether it was vodka and coke, cider, lager or shots. I can't stand beer anymore after a couple of nasty vomiting Dutch Gold incidents.

09/07/2008, 9:54 AM
Not every weekend but if am going out on a sat would drink quite a bit. Last sat nite had some mates over before we went out and had 4 bottles of Kopperbergs Mixed Berry before going out. Then 6 vodkas with Soda Water and Lime in pub before moving to Coors light in the nightclub where would have drank 4.

That would be a fairly average nite when drinking. During the week would rarely drink, maybe one beer or one cider. Used to open wine during the week and drink a few glasses each night but have cut that out.

09/07/2008, 10:10 AM
On a big Friday night out I'd have 16 pints. Steady regular Friday night would be 8-10 pints. Like Jebus points out I'd recommend giving up the beer for a couple of weeks to a month because it's brilliant for the system + doesn't ruin your weekends!!!

If I'm not out I do not drink at home so I can go days/weeks without a drop!

09/07/2008, 10:51 AM
Lets take This weekend then..i went out for dinner on friday..had 3 beers as i had work in the morning,if i didnt go for dinner,i wouldnt have drank as i dont usualy do fridays.
Saturdays now are a different story altogether..
Normally go to a mates house with a bottle of vodka (700ml),4 cans of red bull and a bottle of west coast cooler..Drink that before heading to the Club where id probibly only have another 2-3 drinks inside.
Sunday,im either curled up into a ball on my couch,doing my usual heroin addict routine or im out once again depending what footys on the box or what companys out.

09/07/2008, 5:39 PM
Dont really drink much these days.

10 years ago I'd have a couple of pints most nights and 8 or 9 on a Friday/Saturday night, occasional lunchtime drinking too.

Largely stopped drinking when I went through my clubbing phase, cos I'd usually drive.

Never got back into the pints, would have enough after 3 or 4 then on to the Jamie and coke and woul happily consume a dozen of those.

These days I rarely go out for a drink, I'll be on my back after 5 or 6 :o
Drinking out has just become way too expensive, and the next day is usually a write-off. I'd rather spend my time and my hard-earned cash on more constructive things - I really am getting old I guess.

09/07/2008, 6:58 PM
Each weekend varies....

Weekend gone by

Friday night about 5 bacardi breezers and a appletini...(the latter is mank)

Saturday night, I was on vodka and then hit doubles. No idea how many I had. One shot.

Sunday night, 3 bacardi breezers and 3 vodkas

09/07/2008, 8:57 PM
Gave up drinking during the week about two months ago.

Only drink at weekends now and usually get ****faced. But considering knocking it on the head and saving up for that little place in the sun.

09/07/2008, 9:07 PM
most sundays during the season would be a big drinking day, dont drink on a friday or saturday as a result of having matches on the sunday. depeding on how busy i am at work id try and get one more night out during the week

09/07/2008, 9:12 PM
I only go out to nightclubs about once or twice a month. On those nights, I'll have between 4-8 cans before going out and maybe then I'll have 3 or 4 more pints and maybe a shot or two.

I go to the pub maybe once or twice a month and then I'll only have four pints at the most. I quite often go weeks without drinking and I've gone out to nightclubs before and not drank.

09/07/2008, 10:25 PM
Have pretty much stopped drinking at this stage, only drinking at events now, but I used to drink 10+ pints on a Saturday, 5-6 on a random weekday night, and probably the same on a Friday night. Pending on the night I'd throw a few rums on top of that as well.

Same here. I rarely drink. I have two kids under 3 years of age and I don't even feel like drinking. Often, if we go out for a meal, I will drive (and have 7Up or water with the meal). I only drink at home once or twice a year but usually only if we are celebrating something.

In the mid to late 90's, I would go to night clubs at least four times per week and my consumption would have been around 40 units per week. I now go to bed at a time that I used to go out at.

Good night.

10/07/2008, 12:12 AM
Have pretty much stopped drinking at this stage, only drinking at events nowSame as that meself, events/celebrations/when on holiday abroad/the odd football match.

10/07/2008, 7:32 AM
I drink every day, a glass or two of malibu, gdogjd#m (hic) followed by a shot of tequilla.
A quart of Rum, a couple of bottles of Bud, then I'm ready to go out gsjdagnga(hic).
Whilst out, h'spihd (hic) pretty much anything goes so long as I become ridiculloussssllly drunk and stumble home with some fine piece of a$$, spni'ajt(hic) preferably female..

But then I was very very drunk....

so not too much then:)

Lionel Ritchie
10/07/2008, 8:28 AM
I've not had a drink since Sunday. That's Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night without a drink and I think I'm a martyr. I can assure you it's unusual that I'd go three nights consecutive without drinking something.

I'm not bigging myself up here because I wouldn't actually drink a huge amount relative to some of the volumes I'm seeing here. It's usually a few (three-four) bottles of lager. Probably more like eight on a friday and/or saturday and there might be a couple of glasses (literally) of wine involved with dinner no more than twice a week. But it all adds up and it's a bitch to stay away from when you've become comfortable with it.

I've found it harder to sleep this week, I'm edgy in the evenings and can't relax. The major PLUS though is that I'm not smoking. My smoking is entirely drink related. I don't smoke at all during the day but put a drink in my hand and I'll out smoke my smoker missus two-to-one.

On the relatively rare occasion I get out to a pub (three year old at home) I'll drink either pints of smithwicks shandys (-good way to pace) or bud. I'll probably drink 7-8 pints. I'm also the guy who orders himself two more pints when the lights flash.

Haven't habitually drank shorts when out socially since college as I got into whiskey and I was mean on it so I kicked it in the head. Nowadays I think I can safely say it'd kill me. As it is the hangover from pints after one of those rare nights out these days is barely survivable.

10/07/2008, 8:47 AM
Jaysus I must say i didn't think there would be so many people on here who drink that heavily more than twice a week!!

Personally, I play soccer 4 to 5 times a week, tag rugby and bits and pieces of other sports so that kinda stops me from drinking too much. I love playing sport and I enjoy playing much more than boozing - not a fitness fanatic by any means, just get a massive buzz from playing.

That said, Friday night would be my regular p**s up with the lads. It's tag rugby season now so we play that on a Friday night and go on the lash after. I'd probably have 7 or 8 pints of bud before going clubbing where I'd hit the vodka - the past few weeks we've taken to bringin flaggins of vodka into the club to save on the dosh!! Feels like I'm back at college!!

I don't drink weeknights, learnt my lesson coming into work a few mornings and falling asleep in the toilet! As for Saturday nights, during the junior season I wouldn't go out and even during the summer I wouldn't be too pushed cause I'd still be recovering from Friday night.

Never been a fan of the Sunday drinking, alot of our junior team would go boozing in the local on a Sunday after a game but I find it depressing, especially with a week of work ahead of you.

10/07/2008, 9:15 AM
It's living with foreigners that has really opened my eyes to the Irish drinking scene. I mean I always knew how bad it was, but when you have a Portugese girl wondering why the Irish have to get so drunk all the time, or you have a perfectly good time watching football in a pub with a New Zealand guy just drinking lemonade, you soon lose all illusions that what you're doing should be accepted as normal.

I remember one time coming home from a LoI match (can't remember where we were driving back from) with Gael and Lim til i Die and driving through Limerick City on a Saturday night. Gael's teetotal and myself and LtiD aren't and just looking around and seeing people falling over themselves, one or two guys passed out on the street, and a few others throwing up, you realise what a bunch of ***** we must look like on a night out. Anytime I'm sober walking around town (whatever Irish town that is)I feel disgusted looking at people when drunk. I don't think we, or the British for that matter, have any idea when to stop, unlike our European neighbours, who in my experience are able to go out, have a few drinks, have just as good a time as us and not make a total mess out of themselves.

That said Europeans in my experience are less self-conscious when sober, and seem more free spirited than us or the British so they probably don't need to drink to get up and dance, or approach a random stranger, or do any number of things we need a drink to do

10/07/2008, 9:22 AM
A fridge pack on a Friday night would be my usual, at the outlaws. Occasionally, but getting more frequent, go for the Sunday night pints in the local, so that's usually 4 (at the counter, in the bar, am I officially old?). Don't get down to matches too often these days, but that'd normally be my big ones - Pints and a nip at the match. My hardcore lifestyle means I'm generally lucky to make it to midnight these days, and even then I'd be fecked :eek::D. Rarely drink in the house - I'll drink outside if it's a nice evening and the bbq's on, but sitting in front of the telly with a couple of cans really doesn't do it for me.

Used to be a 3-4 night club nights a week, then moderated that to after work pints 3-4 nights, plus weekends. Then moved out to the country and you'd be surprised how much the after work thirst has left by the time you get home. Now with a 10 month old, sleep beats pints most of the time!

10/07/2008, 9:35 AM
That said Europeans in my experience are less self-conscious when sober, and seem more free spirited than us or the British so they probably don't need to drink to get up and dance, or approach a random stranger, or do any number of things we need a drink to do

I find that too. Why is is Irish people (myself included) are much more self conscious than say the Spanish or French? Do ye think its because of our heritage or what?

10/07/2008, 10:06 AM
interesting pattern emerging about giving up the drink, personally I have a found a few things with the drink. Over here drinking on a Sunday is a big thing ( if yer Irish or its a nice warm day then lots of people about during the day ) and I found/find myself drinking on a Sunday quite a bit. I noticed that I was getting really frustrated and bored of London and work on a Monday and couldn't really figure it out. A few Mondays I have come in without any drink on the Sunday and very little on the Saturday. The difference is unreal, this used never happen me before. Last weekend my parents were over so only went out on Friday night, Monday was one of my most productive days and was happy to be at work. Drink is a serious anti-depressant, as I've gotten older I've felt it more. Having said that I love going out on the beer on the Sunday and/or a big one Saturday night, so its hard to weigh up, which is better/worse i.e. having a great session or feeling really bad on a Monday and doing no work.

Finally, I started to do gaelic training this year, mainly due to keep fit as 10 years without playing I found that I wasn't up to much :D anyhow I am a lot fitter than I was( still not fit enough mind) and drinking doesn't have the same effect on me in terms of how rough I feel the next day or next few days, plus running it out of you every tuesday and thursday always helps! I remember tets making this point before actually, but it does make a difference.

Beer, the cause of and solution to all of lifes little problems. :)

OH finally to answer the drinking question, if I'm out with the GF team on a Sunday/Saturday night, it ends up being very expensive and a lot of drink. We started getting into buying a group round of shots which can be between 14 and 22 people at a cost of £44 - £66, pure madness in terms of money and drink. So if its a night like that either once a week/once every two weeks, the drink is somewhere around 20 of a varying kind. If its a night out in town then its about 7/8 bottles followed by 2/3 shots with about 4/5 jds and coke. That jd stuff is lethal, its too easy drink.

Don't ask me why Jebus, but I had a feeling you didnt drink/dont drink anymore :)

I have had varying types of flatmates of different nationalities/cultures/sexual tendencies/preferences etc, and I still say that the lemonade brigade are not near as much fun as those who partake in a good drinking session. It may be sad, but its true.

10/07/2008, 10:31 AM
Don't ask me why Jebus, but I had a feeling you didnt drink/dont drink anymore :)

Is it my new found love of yoga? The fact that all guys in a 3 year+ relationship have had the fun hen-pecked out of them? Or my new, reasonable side that has come with Moddom? :)

Agree with you on beer being one of the more serious depressant. It's getting increasingly moronic for the government to ignore the side effects of alcohol while waxing lyrical about the side effects of non-taxed drugs

14/07/2008, 4:16 PM
Dont drink during the week anymore home or away(pub)

A weekend usually goes one of two ways depending on football season;

friday night 7-8 pints, stay in saturday, sunday (aftermatch)5-6 pints
Friday stay in, saturday 10 pints + assorted shots in night club
Sunday assume the foetal position on the couch and await
cold tukey on Sunday night :)

14/07/2008, 10:19 PM
or you have a perfectly good time watching football in a pub with a New Zealand guy just drinking lemonade

Maybe you two guys just have a special bond that transcends alcohol....a bond that dare not speak its name:D

You've changed since you started hitting the tofu, when I told you that you needed some meat and quick this wasn't really what I meant:eek: