View Full Version : Programme 'n Fanzine!

03/09/2001, 11:48 AM
Well done all of youse.

Seen Bohs, Longford, Bray & $hels (just saw didn't read) programmes this year so far. Only $hels (lot of resources given too i'm sure) looked better & Citys way better than Bray or Longford efforts & about the same as the Bohs ones. Liked the newish design & good to see you managed to sneak some colour in Gerry.

Another great fanzine lads! Grunther & the Frain was a good one ;) Think we spotted McNulty on the Derrynane side with help of the hitler pic too!

Needed some reading to keep myself awake during dire match!

Gerry Desmond
04/09/2001, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by rebel
Well done all of youse.

Liked the newish design & good to see you managed to sneak some colour in Gerry.
Needed some reading to keep myself awake during dire match!

Thanks, rebel!
Unfortunately, the extra colour is about to be ditched as the small crowds so far have made it too expensive. It's a pity and we're really disappointed because we've fought hard for two years to achieve it and it's being dumped already with the season barely started...:(

On your other point, I've never seen so many people reading the programme and/or fanzine DURING a match before. Says it all really....

Gerry The Sad Editor

04/09/2001, 4:52 PM
What happened the "Chairmans message" on sunday? Is this a new "policy"?

Lets just hope Dundalk folks weren't offended by not being welcomed to Cork.......

Programme Critic

BTW (completely off topic) what language do those old Dundalk fellas people speak? My brother kept asking me what they were saying & eventhough I couldnt understand much of it was sure was english of some form :eek:

04/09/2001, 5:50 PM
Originally posted by rebel
What happened the "Chairmans message" on sunday? Is this a new "policy"?

Yeah, Gerry. This was the only place we could feel a connection with our Chairman and, therefore, our board. It was theone place we were sure to find out what was going on off-the-field in our club and what great strides we were........... ah forget it.:D

Gerry Desmond
05/09/2001, 8:54 AM
Dear rebel & Joe,
The much-loved Chairman's Message was not included in last Sunday's programme for a very simple reason; Michael O'Leary was unavailable due to work commitments and unable to deliver his contribution. And, in answer to your next question (!), yes, he REALLY does write it himself.

We hope to have M O'Ls piece in again v Shelbourne, happy in the knowledge that our two sternest critics will be overjoyed by its return...


05/09/2001, 9:05 AM
Originally posted by Gerry Desmond
yes, he REALLY does write it himself.

Sure he does. An does he write it on a scroll with a fountain pen?

Gerry Desmond
05/09/2001, 9:36 AM
Originally posted by neil

Sure he does. An does he write it on a scroll with a fountain pen?

Just for the record, he emails it.
A rare behind-the-scenes exposé....


05/09/2001, 9:52 AM
Originally posted by Gerry Desmond
And, in answer to your next question (!), yes, he REALLY does write it himself.

you'll have to excuse me for saying so Gerry, but his writing style is remarkably similar to that of Terry Dunne. :D

05/09/2001, 9:59 AM
and Plonk too for that matter
did they all learn how to write like that in chairmans school

Gerry Desmond
05/09/2001, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by joe

you'll have to excuse me for saying so Gerry, but his writing style is remarkably similar to that of Terry Dunne. :D

You're excused, Joe!
Michael O'Leary DOES write his own piece, and I am grateful that he does. In the past there have been times when a 'waffle' was written on behalf of the chairman (Not M O'L). We decided we wouldn't do that this season and, prime example, last Sunday his piece wasn't in because it didn't arrive.

And to answer your next question (!), Dave interviews Murph for his bit.


Gerry Desmond
05/09/2001, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by James
and Plonk too for that matter
did they all learn how to write like that in chairmans school

Plonk's piece, far as I can recall (I was a mere contributor then) was usually waffled though he may have scribbled it out himself for the bigger games. Probably Noel O'Mahony's too...
The Chairman's School has closed since the Bishopstown days, I think...but I'm not 100% sure.


05/09/2001, 10:53 AM
If Dave interviews Grunter, who translates it?

Gerry Desmond
05/09/2001, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by Leonard
If Dave interviews Grunter, who translates it?

That would be handled by the programme's European languages Dept; I would have thought that was bloodly obvious, Leonard?! :)
