View Full Version : Colin T O'Brien - A player reborn

26/08/2003, 7:38 AM
After watching Chorus's coverage of city last night and after witnnessing the displays of colin t in the last few matches i gotta hold my hand up and say hes really suprised me and is playing out of his skin in a position i thought he was very very mis-suited to. He totally dominated / controlled / ran the midfield v drogs setting up players, linking up the play and winning the ball on numerous occassions. He was first to the breakdown of the ball, as reminded me of the old colin t, before the injury.

great to have ya back and on top form colin


26/08/2003, 8:19 AM
i have to agree there....he has been playing some great stuff recently.....and he looked real good on the corus highlights...everything seemed to go thro him......

long may it continue...........

26/08/2003, 11:50 AM
Lads I'm glad that for once Colin T is getting some long overdue praise as I think he has been an unsung hero for a good while now. Great to see him playing back to his best and being given a deserved prolonged run in the team which I think he needed to show us his stuff.

Good stuff Colin, keep it going

The Donie Forde
26/08/2003, 11:55 AM
Colin T is also the subject of Joe Hurley's Big Interview in Friday's Match Day Magazine ...

And, just to add, he's top drawer at the moment - great to see it.


26/08/2003, 11:55 AM
Colin was always a good player when he got a run in the team. He has come into his own since Greg's injury.

I mean people are consistantly calling for a midfielder to be signed...at the minute he wouldn't get into the team.

26/08/2003, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by The Donie Forde
Colin T is also the subject of Joe Hurley's Big Interview in Friday's Match Day Magazine ...

a very timely interview given he's playing so well
best time to ask players for an interview i guess :D

look forward to reading that donie

26/08/2003, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by James
After watching Chorus's coverage of city last night and after witnnessing the displays of colin t in the last few matches i gotta hold my hand up and say hes really suprised me and is playing out of his skin in a position i thought he was very very mis-suited to. He totally dominated / controlled / ran the midfield v drogs setting up players, linking up the play and winning the ball on numerous occassions. He was first to the breakdown of the ball, as reminded me of the old colin t, before the injury.

great to have ya back and on top form colin


I agree totally, Colin has been fantastic over the past six to eight weeks. I'm delighted to see him back to his best, keep it up Colin.

26/08/2003, 5:44 PM
Originally posted by fella
Lads I'm glad that for once Colin T is getting some long overdue praise as I think he has been an unsung hero for a good while now.

I would add my praise to this thread, but lets not look through rose tinted glasses. Colin post -injury has been nothing like pre-injury until quite recently, so I don't think the praise is overdue.
{If you want real overdue, look at Hoggie -only getting a real mention a couple of weeks ago}.

Best of all for me was the way Colin has also got the spring back - the one that helps him leap so high for those awkward to reach headers. Hadn't seen that in ages until the other night. He used score a few with the head coming in from the wing, if memory serves.

27/08/2003, 7:37 AM
i think that what i was saying
colin pre-injury was class player
and post injury wasnt imo as good until say the last 5 or so weeks whens he played anything from solidly to outstanding

how is that not worthy of praise SSS?
the last 5 weeks consistently good or better??????

and yes from memory he used to get goals with his head from coming in off the wing.. longford away last season i think!

28/08/2003, 5:17 PM
Originally posted by James

how is that not worthy of praise SSS?
the last 5 weeks consistently good or better??????

Didn't say he wasn't worthy of praise in recent weeks, in fact I added my voice to the praise. I merely queried the "long overdue" slant to one of the posts above. In my opinion the praise is warranted now, but not overdue by any means.