View Full Version : Time wharp?

03/09/2001, 10:45 AM
CCFC as a club is IMO in serious trouble.

It seems the club is unable to move forward & the huge support of a couple of seasons ago is lost. I couldn't get to the Bohs game & was shocked that only 1500 turned up. The 700 or so yesterday was one of the lowest crowds i've seen at a city league game!

Sure Turners Cross has more seats & covering & is more comfortable than 10 years ago but has anything else changed? Are the current board any better than Plonk? At least we knew he was there to rip us off were as i've no idea why the current crop as involved with the club! They were needed to save the club but if they're unable to move the club forward they should look to move aside NOW!

As evidenced by yesterdays crowd even the diehrads are disillusuoned with the club & see it going no where. At this rate i'd say no one would turen up or care if we were in a relegation dog fight!

Whats with the pitch? I know the groundmans has been unwell & all but they've had 2 weeks since the bohs game to improve it! I was embarished to watch a "football" game on that surface yesterday!


03/09/2001, 11:24 AM
They should really plonk (fnaar!) a For Sale sign on the club at this stage. It's not even funny any more.
