View Full Version : Favourite Font

26/06/2008, 11:22 AM
Fonts as in Arial, Courier, Times New Roman etc...

Too many to list in a poll but I changed to Calibri today after many years loyalty to Arial. Liking it so far...

26/06/2008, 11:26 AM
That one looks quite nice Pete. I generally stick with TNR, or occasionally Arial, but I'm not terribly fussy. One thing that irks me though is when people used Comic Sans in official documents. It looks like a small child just handwrote their document.

26/06/2008, 11:30 AM
That one looks quite nice Pete. I generally stick with TNR, or occasionally Arial, but I'm not terribly fussy. One thing that irks me though is when people used Comic Sans in official documents. It looks like a small child just handwrote their document.

Comic by name & nature me thinks.

Don't like sharp edges of TNR. Like rounded fonts & Arial looking harsh recently.

Tahoma not bad either.

26/06/2008, 11:35 AM
Tahoma all the way

26/06/2008, 11:42 AM
Verdana for me

26/06/2008, 11:48 AM
Trebuchet MS is my font of choice particularly for Monaghan United leaflets etc

26/06/2008, 11:49 AM
Verdana for me

that oldie but goldie is my favourite too

26/06/2008, 12:02 PM
I've been a Bookman Old Style-man for years now: I dabble with the others, but I always come back to good old BOS.

Nice style Calibri, hadn't come across that one before.

kingdom hoop
26/06/2008, 12:06 PM
Pictures are way better though!

26/06/2008, 12:12 PM
Arial Narrow for me

26/06/2008, 12:15 PM
Courier New

26/06/2008, 12:19 PM
Verdana all the way

26/06/2008, 12:24 PM
Here is a good website you could download new fonts really good ones also


Just drag and drop the file into the fonts section in the Windows folder on your computer

Pauro 76
26/06/2008, 12:35 PM
I really hate standardised default fonts like Comic Sans, Arial, Times and the likes and I avoid them if humanly possible. I like a lot of Mac based fonts, stuff like Frutiger, StoneSans, Eurostile, Formata, Myriad etc....

26/06/2008, 1:20 PM
Arial is the winner for me. I'm sick of Times.

26/06/2008, 1:29 PM
I think it has to be Arial or Times for documents. 99% of my font usage is email.

27/06/2008, 2:25 AM
Another vote for Verdana here.

27/06/2008, 3:21 AM
Times New Roman for me - it implies intelligence and efficiency.

Sligo Hornet
27/06/2008, 7:39 AM
Times New Roman for me - it implies intelligence and efficiency.

Obviously, only "implied":D

27/06/2008, 8:13 AM

Makes for fantastic headings and logos and such. For normal, everyday use I've just got (Free)Sans.

27/06/2008, 9:10 AM
Consulted some graphic designers last night (two to be precise) and they were sickened that Helvetica hasn't a) won it by now, and b) been mentioned

Sligo Hornet
27/06/2008, 9:34 AM
Consulted some graphic designers last night (two to be precise) and they were sickened that Helvetica hasn't a) won it by now, and b) been mentioned

That must have been one riotous night in the pub!:D

Pauro 76
27/06/2008, 10:20 AM
Im a self confessed font geek and sometime graphic designer.... Hate Helvetica myself as its too common. It’s making a bit of a comeback. Dublin Bus have rebranded their logo and Helvetica Neue is the new typeface. Far too plain I reckon. Dont get me started on Comic Sans though. I see red when i see it used.

27/06/2008, 10:38 AM
comic sans all the way for me....anyone who relies on their font to show the "seriousness" of their point is a spoofer plain and simple. No surprise at all as to the identity of some of the "font nazis" on here.

27/06/2008, 10:43 AM
Consulted some graphic designers last night (two to be precise) and they were sickened that Helvetica hasn't a) won it by now, and b) been mentioned

Every damn company in the world uses Helvetica. Sick of it. Pretty unimaginative graphic designers!

Pauro 76
27/06/2008, 10:49 AM
it’s pure laziness too. Its the default font in Quark Xpress and so close to Arial... If hating Comic Sans makes me a ‘font Nazi’, Im fine with that.

27/06/2008, 10:49 AM
Whats the point of webdings? is it some lame encryption or just for people who like to put pictures in their writing?

27/06/2008, 10:58 AM
Whats the point of webdings? is it some lame encryption or just for people who like to put pictures in their writing?

"Wingdings" was a font which was pretty much just supposed to be used in design, like a form of clip art. Microsoft thought it'd be super awesome to also have a font that had some clip art for the web too, hence, Webdings. They were wrong. Apart from it breaking the idea that images should be images and text should be text, they copyrighted it so nobody other than Windows users could use it. Thus, it won't show up, for example in the linux that I'm using, or on Mac, or on mobile devices, etc. The font you've put in up about comes out as just boxes for me.

27/06/2008, 11:07 AM
Never really though too much about it.

Not quite as many existential implications as the crayon question :)

Usually stick with Times or Arial.
In college they recommended we type essays in Garamond and it's nice, we used Courier for script writing, it's an OK one too.
Of course Monotype Corsiva is the true king of fonts, at least it was my favorite when I worked for a freesheet and they used to get me to make up some of the ads!

27/06/2008, 12:06 PM
Every damn company in the world uses Helvetica. Sick of it. Pretty unimaginative graphic designers!

I think thats the point of it though, everyone recognises it whether they know it or not, and everyone reacts to it. There was a graphic design show with some big name graphic designer in Dublin a few months back (don't ask me his name) and it was dedicated to Helvetica. They both bought t shirts, (thankfully spared me the DVD) and mugs. Must be on a bit of a comeback

27/06/2008, 12:43 PM
Favourite font, favourite crayon colour and favourite humming noise..........................you'd never guess we hadn't qualified for Euro 2008.

Pauro 76
27/06/2008, 12:45 PM
The typeface you get on the new iPods is Helvetica too. Definitely on a comeback i think, may be a retro thing, I think 98FM have changed their logo to a Helvetica type too without the FM thing.

27/06/2008, 2:51 PM
You can't go wrong with Balmoral.

27/06/2008, 4:10 PM
Verdana for me!

Pauro 76
27/06/2008, 4:35 PM
You can't go wrong with Balmoral.

You can if you write in CAPS! ;)

27/06/2008, 4:40 PM
Just plain old Arial for me.

I like the font used by Ford in their ads in recent years, dont know what its called though.

28/06/2008, 2:10 AM
You haven't been on foot too long then RS? :D

Lionel Ritchie
28/06/2008, 9:38 AM
I like Mom's Old Typewriter. You'll have to download it. It can go wonky on the zero digit mind.

I also like Stencil as it reminds me of Private Benjamin.

30/06/2008, 5:37 PM
All of you people need very very badly, to go and get laid..
This is without doubt the crappiest thing I've ever read on foot.ie.
Jeezus lads get a grip...

Noticing your extensive contributions to the totty thread,
I would suggest perhaps you need to take your own advice :p :D