View Full Version : Coke Or Pepsi

max power
08/08/2003, 3:16 PM
says it all doesn't it,

i'm a pepsi man, it just tastes better, to be truthful pepsi max is the dogs B****x !!!!!

08/08/2003, 3:32 PM
Dunne's Stores St. Bernard Cola every time.
Tasty and economical.

The Sheliban
08/08/2003, 3:37 PM
Both Pepsi and Coke rot your boots. Why would you put something in your stomach that rots boots?
Guinness with a whiskey chaser.

08/08/2003, 3:52 PM
are you Shay Healy in disguise the dj?:)

Pepsi max is muck, having said that i'd pick Pepsi over Coke.

08/08/2003, 4:17 PM

max power
08/08/2003, 5:12 PM
tiktok you is in need of a slap !!!! heres a blast from the past, cavan cola. i really like the pepsi twist, i had it in US last year and at last its here

08/08/2003, 6:25 PM

08/08/2003, 10:45 PM

parnell ranger
11/08/2003, 7:47 AM

max power
11/08/2003, 8:55 AM
i think pepsi is pushing ahead, the problem i find is that a lot of shops don't stock pepsi so people end up buying coke.

12/08/2003, 4:15 PM
Club Orange! Why drink that foreign self styled Premiership gunk, when you can have guaranteed Irish quality, that both refreshes and inspires. Just like Waterford United.

Keep quiet now, ye Longford begrudgers.

21/08/2003, 12:35 PM
I used to drink between 4 and a half and 5 litres of Pepsi a day until about 2 years ago. It ruined my sleep patterns and when I went cold turkey and gave up caffeine I had the shakes for about two days. But it was worth it to be able to say in a solemn voice to old ladies on buses who rant on about their grandkids "Well, I used to be a coke addict!" Can little Enda beat that? Well, can he??? :D

21/08/2003, 12:39 PM
Fookin hell slk.... you would've been better off drinking alcohol.....

Coke for me btw

21/08/2003, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by Macy
Fookin hell slk.... you would've been better off drinking alcohol.....

I be a member of the Straightedge (http://www.straightedge.com) brigade. I know, I know, I can't explain it either!:p Well I can but it takes aaagggeeesss! :D

21/08/2003, 12:44 PM
A poll that should be merged with the other thread...

21/08/2003, 1:03 PM
there is , and will ever only be, one tanora. its the drink you want some mor'ah.

21/08/2003, 2:12 PM
How 'bout that dodgy energy drink that was out in the early 90s Pocari?

I remember it used to taste like sheep's p1ss.

How I know what sheep's p1ss tastes like I am not prepared to divulge. Burp.

21/08/2003, 3:11 PM
Irn-bru is the best, hi. And I found out they sell it in Hills in Blackpool!!:D

21/08/2003, 4:21 PM
Originally posted by NigeSausagepump
How 'bout that dodgy energy drink that was out in the early 90s Pocari?

I remember it used to taste like sheep's p1ss.

Somebody is still making it, though I have only seen it in Japan, where it's called Poccari Sweat. Finally, honesty in advertising!

22/08/2003, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by Ruairi
Irn-bru is the best, hi. And I found out they sell it in Hills in Blackpool!!:D

And Blackrock Super-value

24/08/2003, 12:14 PM
the king of beer