View Full Version : Anyone going to Slane?

20/08/2003, 6:08 PM
Just wondering. Im really excited about it. Where are you from nad which band you are there to see

21/08/2003, 7:12 AM
from what i've heard about 80,000 going

21/08/2003, 3:09 PM
Originally posted by James
from what i've heard about 80,000 going

boom boom. I'm headin, can't wait to see the foo fighters, seen the chilis twice in the last two years so the novelty's worn off a bit. lookin forward to QOTSA too.

21/08/2003, 3:12 PM
havent seen any of them before but looking forward to the foos also. and the chilis of course

26/08/2003, 2:06 PM
A great day out in Slane it has to be said, even if I did spend most of it with James :D

Got in just as Morcheeba were kickin off, they sucked so I went on that trampoline/bunjee/sumersault death trap thing, almost broke me back but it was worth it.

feeder were pretty cool, really got the crowd going. Buck Rogers sounded fcukin mental.

PJ Harvey was a bit dull, nice legs though, and the song she sang about her hair was pretty cool.

Queens of the Stoneage were fcuknig brilliant, although they never played first it giveth, but no-one knows was one of the highlights of the day.

The Foo Fighters were for me the best band of the day, they really have this festival lark down to a T at this stage. Their last song Everlong was class.

Chilis were a bit of a let down, they mostly played all thier mid-tempo stuff from the last two albums, though it was nice to hear Power Of Equality at the encore. Their version of the Ramone's havana Affair was something else, complete and utter class.

so a good day out, even if I did have to walk for two hours to get to my us afterwards. which was nice

26/08/2003, 3:21 PM
Different view....

Halite......****e....music not too bad...singer brutal...
Morcheeba..were very good....wrong band for the crowd there tho...
Feeder..thought they were excellent..got the crowd buzzin...
PJ Harvey...sucked...have never liked her and never will.....
QOTSA...hadnt heard much from them before hand...was expecting a lot as i'd heard good things....not my cuppa....more noise than substance.....
FOOs.....thought they were ok....but im not a big fan...got the crowd going though...
Chillies...thought they were excellent.....first time seeing them live so it was a new experience to me....agree with ruairi about not enough of the older stuff ..but then again...bands have to move on...what they played they played well....under the bridge was a nice touch at the end...the version of havana affair was class....also the version of the eurythmics(spell?) was fun too.....

26/08/2003, 3:28 PM
Originally posted by Ruairi

The Foo Fighters were for me the best band of the day, they really have this festival lark down to a T at this stage. Their last song Everlong was class.

I saw them at Witnness and was never more disapointed in a band in my life they really didnt seem to want to be there, it has tainted my view of them forever. I must have caught them on an off day????

26/08/2003, 3:30 PM
Originally posted by NorthoftheLee
also the version of the eurythmics(spell?) was fun too.....

yeah, john fruiscante screamin like a bee-hatch was good craic allright.

Forgot to mention i was called a w.anker by a rovers fan. I was wearin my city top and on the way in to slane this guy says "what was that gilcoyne our hero banner all about??"

So i says "well, it's true" and your man called me a w.anker. have to say it made me laugh

26/08/2003, 3:31 PM
and yet another *yawn* view of slane

Hailte: sounded good from the chity mudpath heading through the trees into slane
Morcheeba..crap..the txts flying onto the big screen at the venue confirmed that i was not laone in thinking this.. poor choice of band given who they were playing with
Feeder.. same as lads thought they were excellent also..brilliant
PJ Harvey...only ok.. all the songs sounded the same imo
QOTSA...rocked like a muddafcuker.. was upfront for them and saw shoes and bottles flying around the place at ppl,..and one poor lad staggered out of the middle of the mosh his face head and arms covered in blood.. (some of it his own)
FOOs..... v v v good..
Chillies... only ok.. seemed to be going through the motions imo.. played all latest stuff and not enough from blood sugar.

weather was hot and sunny and there was plenty to look at besides the bands :cool:

btw did anyone see the 2 latvian girls that flew over for the gig and managed to make the frontpage of a couple of sunday's and the echo on monday.. i saw diff shots of the same too girls in 4 diff papers..

26/08/2003, 3:33 PM
Originally posted by SÓCcfc
I must have caught them on an off day????

you must have, cause it really looked like they were enjoying themselves onstage on saturday. Dave Grohl even talked about his lingerie fetish :D

26/08/2003, 4:04 PM
Well, i only slept 2 hours for the whole day and survived on a peunut butter sandwitch, but it was still class. The foo's were the best. Should headline it next year. QOTSA were a bit too heavy metal for me. Feeder were class too

max power
26/08/2003, 4:05 PM
i'm going to slane this evening

26/08/2003, 4:06 PM
have fun.............

max power
26/08/2003, 4:16 PM
i will thanks

26/08/2003, 7:08 PM
Feeder, QOTSA and the Chillis were class.

For the Chillis i enjoyed it better than Lansdowne last year because the album was released for this one. Good performance but mainly their new stuff.
QOTSA: class. Glad I've seen them live as with Feeder.
Morcheba didn't suit the stage. Foos were alrite. Not that impressed and I know alot of their stuff.
Overall: good day.