View Full Version : your favourite simpsons episode

max power
20/08/2003, 10:35 AM
just sitting down to the simpsons last night and my favourite episode came on, it was the one where homer chages his name to max power, classic homer with lots of catch phrases !!

on other sites my user name is max power so as of this afternoon max power will come to foot.ie and the dj will be no more,

oh yeah reason for the thread, your favourite simpsons episode ????

20/08/2003, 10:41 AM
love the Scorpio episode

max power
20/08/2003, 10:46 AM
max has arrived

20/08/2003, 11:04 AM
Off hand one of best would be the VH1 type documentary on the Simpsons rise & fall from fame.
Honorable mentions to the bootlegging one, Pulp Fiction episode & Mr. Plow...


20/08/2003, 12:19 PM
The one where Homer goes to college.

It's totally legendary - especially the bit when he skips out of a lecture, tells the lecturer to kiss his curvy yellow butt, runs outside and starts chasing a squirrel around a tree going "heee-heee-heee"

pineapple stu
20/08/2003, 12:32 PM
The Clown College one is a classic - so many brilliant one-liners.

Also, Treehouse of Horrors V, with "The Shinning", "Time and Punishment" and the one where the teachers start eating all the kids.

20/08/2003, 1:02 PM
The Hallow'een one where Marge is a witch, loads of good bits.
"I accuse Goody Badwife"
Homer: "they're [the bats] in my hair" :D

max power
20/08/2003, 1:16 PM
did you notice that all the above episodes revolve around homer, when the show started off bart was the star but homer is THE MAN.

i loved when trent steele said to homer/max, wow max power great name

and max replied " thanks i got it from a hair dryer"

he is a god, speaking of gog, how about the one where homers sues the church and they give it to him and he causes, well you know......

20/08/2003, 3:48 PM
Hey DJ, great name!

Saw that one last night again as well, it is the biz.

My favourite has to be the one with the Isotopes threaten to move to Alberquerque. A little bit surreal at times, but a cracker.

Especially seeing as there has since been an attempt to bring Major League Baseball to Alberquerque, and the popular internet vote for the team's name is the Alberquerque Isotopes. The city mayor responded saying that te city wasn't second rate and its baseball team shouldn't be named after some cartoon!

A face
20/08/2003, 4:43 PM
Jebus ..... !!!! :D Classic

pineapple stu
20/08/2003, 4:43 PM
Interesting that most of the episodes being mentioned are relatively new ones - I don't think the last couple of series have been anywhere near as good as the first say seven or eight series.

One exception which springs to mind though - the Canyonero episode. Homner (again...) shouting "Jumanji" to make the rhinos vanish - priceless!

20/08/2003, 4:44 PM
my favourite is the one where Bart goes to work in The 'House of Burlesque' the musical numbers at the end of that is hilarious, but to prove the dj (whoops Max Power:D ) correct the best moment revolves around Homer when he answers the door wearing a paper bag, only for the bottom of it to fall out because he didn't take the groceries out first, great stuff:D :D

20/08/2003, 5:31 PM
In no particular order

Boy Scouts in the hood ( the one where Bart joins the Junior cub scouts)

Cape feare episode

Crimson Tide episode

The one where Bart and Homer are truckers

The Prohibition episode

Hans Scorpio

Itchy and Scratchy land

Oh there are millions. Those are the best tho.

20/08/2003, 5:40 PM
The Hank Scorpio episode is money.

max power
20/08/2003, 6:33 PM
well i have to say one of my favourite old ones is when homer is locked up for wearing a pink shirt to work, its the one with micheal jackson and that song, lisa its your birthday, blah blah blah blah.

or the one where homers sing the tune to the flinstones and drives into a tree, and as said above, save me jebus !!

20/08/2003, 10:34 PM
I have loads of homer sayings:

Homer:"i'm not normally a religious man, but if you're up there, save me superman!"

Lisa:"Dad, whats a muppet?"
Homer:"Well its not quite a mop, its not quite a muppet, but man...(laughs) so to answer your question, i dont know"

Homer:"I understand. Let us celebrate our agreement with the adding of chocolate to milk"

Homer:"God bless those pagans"

Homer:"Weaseling out of things is important to learn. its what seperates us from the animals...except the weasel"

Marge:"i think we're going to need a bigger place"
Homer:"No we don't.I've got it all figured out. The baby can have barts room and bart can sleep with us until hes 21"
Marge"Won't that warp him!"
Homer:"My cousin Frank did it"
Marge:"You don't have a cousin Frank"
Homer:"He became Francine back in '76. Then he joined that cult. I think his name is mother shabubu now"

Homer:"Maybe just once, someone will call me 'sir', without adding, 'you're making a scene'"

Homer:"Its not easy to juggle a pregnant wife and a troubled child but somehow i managed to fit in 8 hours of tv a day"

Homer:"Are you saying you're never going to eat another animal again? What about bacon?"
Homer:"Pork chops?"
Lisa:"Dad, those all come from the same animal"
Homer:"Heh heh heh. Ooh, yeah, right, Lisa. A wonderful, magical animal"

Brain:"Use reverse psychology"
Homer:"Oh, that sounds too complicated"
Brain:"Okay, don't use reverse psychology"
Homer:"Okay, I will!!"

News Editor:"We're looking for a food critic, someone who doesn't immediately pooh-pooh everything they eat"
Homer:"Nah, it usually takes me a few hours"

Homer:"There, there Bart, if somethings hard, then its not worth doing"

Homers Ghost:"Marge, you've got to help me, i have to do 1 good deed to get into heaven"
Marge:"Well, i've got a whole list of chores:clean the garage, paint the house...."
Homers Ghost:"Whoa whoa whoa. I'm just trying to get in, i'm not running for Jesus"

Homer:"Bad bees! Get away from my sugar! OW! OW!! Ooh they're defending themselves somehow!"

[Ned and Homer driving in a snowstorm]
Ned:"Homer, we just hit something!"
Homer:"Ooooh, i hope its Flanders"

Good old Homer is great for a laugh:D :D

max power
21/08/2003, 8:45 AM
just been talking to the gang here at work and we were coming up with a few more classic episodes,

the one with frank grimes or grimsey as he like to be called

i think someone mentioned it up there, mr plow thats my name, that name again is mr plow.

a real classic this one, homer and ned go to vages, i want to do the homer plan !!!!

or when homer is left in charge of a nuclear submarine !!!

but max power is still the best of all time for me

max power
21/08/2003, 8:52 AM
more simpsons quotes !!!!

HOMER: If you've been good...pizza, if you've been bad...poison.
LISA: What if one of us has been good, and the other bad?
BART: Poison pizza.
HOMER: Oh, no! I'm not making two stops!

GRANDPA: That Doll is Evil!!!!
MARGE: Grandpa, you've said that about every toy
GRANDPA: I know, I just want attention.

BART: I'd give anything to go to that
HOMER: I'd sell my first born son
HOMER: You'll do as your told

HOMER: to Grandpa: We'll put you in a home
GRANDPA: But you already put me in a home
HOMER: Okay, we'll put you in that crooked home we saw on 60 Minutes
GRANDPA: I'll be good

BARNEY: (stands up at girl scout meeting): Hi, my name is Barney, and I'm an alcoholic
LISA: Mr. Gumble, this is a girl scout meeting
BARNEY: Is it, or is it that you girl scouts can't admit that you have a problem?

MARGE: Bart looks different
HOMER: New glasses?
MARGE: He looks disturbed
HOMER: Probably misses his old galsses

HOMER: Operator, give me the number of 911!

LISA: I think you should get us a babysitter
HOMER: Haven't you seen Home-Alone? If some burglers would come, it'll be a very amusing scene. (Lionel Hutts knocks on the door....)
HUTTS: I was going over your garbage, and I couldn't help hearing you neeed a babysittter. Since I'm an auturny, my fee is 150$ an hour.

BARNEY: Oh, oh. My heart just stopped...............There it goes.

BARNEY (holding Maggie): Uh, oh. I smell something stinky. Oh, it's me.

LISA: Bart, I feel like I'm gonna die!
BART: We're all gonna die, Lis.
LISA: I meant soon!
BART: So did I!

When she sees Homer and Ned Flanders mowing the lawn in dresses
LISA: Why do I have the feeling I'll be telling this to a psychiatrist some day?

GROUNDSKEEPER WILLIE: I dinna cry when me own father was hanged for stealin a pig, but I'll cry now.

MARGE: Grandpa, this flag only has 49 stars on it!
ABE: I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I acknowledge Missoura!

HOMER (attemptong to impersonate Mr. Burns):Hello, my name is Mr. Burns. I believe you have a letter waiting for me.
POSTOFFICE GUY: okay, Mr. Burns - what's your first name?
HOMER: I don't know.

RALPH:Look at me, I'm Idaho.

21/08/2003, 11:05 AM
Y2K Bug episode where Homer forgets to get this workstation Y2K tested & destroys the world!


21/08/2003, 11:34 AM
hank scorpio episode is a personal favourite (was on last night again) and another great one that was on last night is the camp krusty episode, the one with "Mr Black". class bit where the bullys and mr black are sitting around a table eating a huge feast while the kids are starving and yer man black goes "Gentlemen, to evil".

max power
21/08/2003, 11:51 AM
just thought of another one, put simpley MR X !!!!

21/08/2003, 12:00 PM
The 'Run Lola Run' type episode was brilliant. Also the one with Prohibition, the one with the curfew, Homer The Boxer, The B Sharps, Scorpio, man I could be listing all day.

And the one where Otto was due to get married. And the Carny one. And the one where the kids get stranded on the island. And the one where Moe gets plastic surgery.

I'll stop now.

21/08/2003, 12:02 PM
And the Stonecutters!

21/08/2003, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by sadloserkid
And the Stonecutters! Yeah, I'd forgotten about that one!

"Who controls the British crown?
Who keeps the metric system down?" :D :D

21/08/2003, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by Schumi
Yeah, I'd forgotten about that one!

"Who controls the British crown?
Who keeps the metric system down?" :D :D

The characters named beneath sing their lines over the voices of everyone else singing the line.

All: Who controls the British crown?
Who keeps the metric system down?
We do! We do!

Karl: Who leaves Atlantis off the maps?
Lenny: Who keeps the Martians under wraps?
Alien: We do! We do!

All: Who holds back the electric car?
Who makes Steve Gutenberg a star?
We do! We do!

Skinner: Who robs cavefish of their sight?
Homer: Who rigs every Oscar night?
All: We do! We do!

;) No need to thank me. It's down to the good folk at this website (http://www.snpp.com/guides/lyrics_list.html)

21/08/2003, 1:13 PM
Scorpio is my favourite by a country mile, but the Stonecutters is my second favourite. So many others...

Scorpio: Homer, can use excuse me for just one minute. I have to take a call. TURNS TO SCREEN. Gentlemen, I have the Doomsday device...
TURNS BACK TO HOMER. Right, where were we? Oh yes, hammocks!

21/08/2003, 3:08 PM
the gay episode all the way, where Homer thinks Bart is gay.

"there's only two kinds of people who wear Haiwaiian shirts, gay guys and big fart party animals. and bart doesn't look like a big fat party animal to me.....2

22/08/2003, 9:27 AM
The Junior Campers (not affiliated with the boy scouts of America :D) one was on last night, definately one of my favourites. The bit with the knives, the traps Bart sets for Homer: 'Ooh, floor pie!'. Brilliant. :D

22/08/2003, 10:31 AM
Already mentioned hank Scorpio and the gay episodes are up there as well as the X Files one (DIE - aaaagh! DIET - aaagh!), the Clown College, anthing with Fat Tony in it, the list could be endless

max power
22/08/2003, 10:40 AM
as comic book guy would say about the x files episode, worst episode ever !!! ( i was just looking for an excuse to say that )

22/08/2003, 10:35 PM
The episode whwere homer has the chilli and haluconates.

The episode with mindy is a classic, Think unsexy thoughts!.

One of my favourites is definatley


I forgot the one where homer and bart are tethered!!!

AAh cobras!! Aah!!

22/08/2003, 10:36 PM
Homer:Bart stopped believeing in the got your nose trick when he was 4, my uncle still has my nose.

23/08/2003, 5:59 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Cityace
[B]The episode whwere homer has the chilli and haluconates.


Ralph "Mr, thats a candle. You don't want to get wax in your mouth, do you?"

Homer "Maybe I do son, maybe I do!"

Abe Simpson's old mate "Goo goo go joob"

and Mrs Krabappel talking like the girl out of charlie brown...

max power
29/08/2003, 9:34 AM
i'm off to the US grand prix in a few weeks and was looking at maps of the area when i say something that made my jaw drop, a very famous town just outside indinapolis, yes Shelbyville !!! so i'm going to Shelbyville in a few weeks, now thats freaky !!!

29/08/2003, 1:43 PM
Originally posted by max power
i'm going to Shelbyville in a few weeks, now thats freaky !!! Check if the fire hydrants are yellow!

max power
29/08/2003, 3:41 PM
yes indeed i will do that

19/11/2003, 8:31 AM
so what was shelbyville like max?

max power
19/11/2003, 8:37 AM
not much really, just a sign which was so big i couldn't get a decent picture in front of it, but hey i got drunk in a bar called moe's in shelbyville.

better than indy, what a dump, a big race track, lots of roads and a shopping mall, oh and a lovely dennys, but other than that a kip.

19/11/2003, 10:35 AM
Its gotta be the one where homer gets the job with the power mad guy with the red beard (can't remember the name) on the east coast, and yer man is intent on world domination!!

max power
19/11/2003, 10:38 AM
joe hank scoripo is the man your lookin for, great episode, my fav was on sky on sunday, the micheal jackson/pink shirt/ insane/ lisa its your birthday episope