View Full Version : On OK2boo... who said the following?

19/08/2003, 12:58 PM
Your site is either a very sophisticated prank, or a very dangerous development in football. You claim to support Glasgow Celtic, a club with an admirable Social Charter that promotes “ways to bring people together and create understanding (by) sharing positive values associated with the best in football”.

The Celtic Charter specifically supports “schemes that seek to create bridges between different cultures and sectors of society within Ireland and Scotland”. It “involves all associated with the club upholding a shared set of values that include success, fair play, tolerance, respect and appreciation of skills.”

The Charter says that Celtic fans should: “Appreciate good skills in football”; “Offer respect to all opponents”; and “Avoid abusive actions and language”. As it states: “When the fans carry with honour the image and colours of the Club, they act in a way that brings credit to Celtic and reflects well on the good name of the fans and the Club."

Contrast the Celtic Charter with yours: “We believe that it is the basic right of any Ireland or Celtic supporter to boo a Rangers player on the basis that he plays for Celtic’s nearest and deadliest rivals.” Furthermore, it is “perfectly reasonable” for Celtic fans “to whistle at, jeer or boo” Rangers players “at any football match anywhere in the world."

In fairness, (unless the whole venture is a sophisticated prank), you (the people behind Ok2boo) seem to be free-speech libertarians rather than bigots. Indeed, you consider yourselves to be anti-sectarian and, without apparent irony, you promote your message using the slogan: “Protect the good name of Ireland and Celtic supporters!”

If this is your motivation, you ignore the inescapable sectarian symbolism of jeering footballers in this specific context, particularly in international games in which neither Celtic nor Rangers are playing. Sectarianism is about context, not dictionary definitions. You also see yourselves as having no responsibility for the foreseeable consequences of your actions. It is like the apocryphal claim to a ‘free-speech’ right to shout ‘fire!’ in a crowded theatre.

Whatever your motivation, the outcome is that you are publicly damaging the reputations of football, Ireland and Celtic, and in particular the ethos of understanding and respect promoted by Celtic’s Social Charter. You are aware enough of appropriate limits to free speech that you have chosen to moderate the messages to your own messageboard: please grant the same courtesy to the FAI.

Micheal Nugent....

19/08/2003, 1:14 PM
Originally posted by Xlex
Micheal Nugent....

As an Ireland and Celtic fan, I agree with most of the above. While I believe anybody has the right to boo at a football match, the booing of any international footballer because of his current or past club affiliations is at best simply stupid and totally out of context.

Plastic Paddy
19/08/2003, 1:24 PM
Originally posted by Greenbod
As an Ireland and Celtic fan, I agree with most of the above. While I believe anybody has the right to boo at a football match, the booing of any international footballer because of his current or past club affiliations is at best simply stupid and totally out of context.

As an Ireland and Celtic fan, seconded.

:) PP

19/08/2003, 1:54 PM
Originally posted by Xlex
Micheal Nugent....

...why am i surprised :eek: ...suppose he be making some media appearances again for his latest cause.


19/08/2003, 2:00 PM
I have just listened to Enda Fanning, one of the originators of OK2boo on Radio 1 at 1.30pm.

Xlex, your articulate response to the rubbish spouted by Mr Fanning is I hope reflective of the views of the vast majority of ROI and Celtic supporters.

Both Celtic and Rangers are making a real effort to combat sectarianism and tribalism in football. The Celtic, ROI manager and the players deplore the moranic, stupid and childish booing of
Rangers (and Celtic) players.

Okay, many of those in Lansdowne Road booing Arveladze in June do NOT consider themselves bigots or sectarian.

Many of those Rangers supporters who booed Neil Lennon felt exactly the same. It was NOT sectarian. It was because he played for the hated Celtic. It led to a phoned death threat and Lennon being attacked.

Still not sectarian?

As a passionate supporter of Ireland in both soccer and rugby, it is a real pleasure to be at Lansdowne Road at a Rugby International and see an all-Ireland side comprised of nationalist and unionist, watched by supporters from all over our island who hold different political, religious and national allegiances, but are united in their support of the green jerseys.

One day, it will happen in soccer. But only when the minority like those in support of OK2boo, who are determined to play out old real-life battles in the Toytown sectarianism of a football match, can finally grow up.

max power
19/08/2003, 2:05 PM
just you wait a certain member on these boards will be on before the day is out to say it is ok to boo and he will do as he pleases, just you wait !!

max power
19/08/2003, 2:15 PM
i told you he'd be on , the best thing to do is ignore him. its one of the only topics he thinks he knows anything about so play along with him and mayle he'll get fed up and go away

max power
19/08/2003, 2:22 PM
no i think you should, that is if you could, spell it blah. as in you speak and all we hear is blah blah blah blah blah, run along now little boy and play with your other wanna be scotish friends

19/08/2003, 2:27 PM
Originally posted by the Silvio Dante
This person is on your Ignore List. To view this post click [here] :D

19/08/2003, 3:17 PM
Originally posted by Schumi


Ignore button here I come!

max power
19/08/2003, 3:45 PM
just made use of the ignore list for a certain person and the site is now so much better

19/08/2003, 5:56 PM
First off, you would want to be a pathetic MUPPET to set up a site called ok2boo. Waaaaay too much time on his hands, whoever the tool is.

Second, and i reckon i am 100% correct in saying this. The DJ is Silvio Dante!!!! Isnt it funny how Silvio wasnt involved before DJ invited him? And looking at alot of the posts made, i reckon DJ is having a laugh.

Nice one feen, but ur rumbled.

yur man
19/08/2003, 7:38 PM
that ignore button is the job :)

nice 1 schumi

20/08/2003, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Gary
Second, and i reckon i am 100% correct in saying this. The DJ is Silvio Dante!!!! Isnt it funny how Silvio wasnt involved before DJ invited him? And looking at alot of the posts made, i reckon DJ is having a laugh.

Nice one feen, but ur rumbled.

dont think so gary