View Full Version : Football club

17/08/2003, 1:32 PM
Hi lads,

I am looking to join up playing football at a fairly low level just to do a bit of training and playing matches. I want to improve my fitness by regular training. I am also fairly ****.

Does anyone know any southside clubs that are good to join?

17/08/2003, 5:52 PM
Originally posted by superstar
Hi lads,

I am looking to join up playing football at a fairly low level ............. I am also fairly ****.

Does anyone know any southside clubs that are good to join?
Hmm, Give Dave Hill a call down in Cobh, you'll go straight into the starting eleven !:D :D

17/08/2003, 6:12 PM
try the Cork AUL website.

see here (http://groups.msn.com/CorkAUL/_whatsnew.msnw?pgmarket=en-gb)


18/08/2003, 2:38 PM
I am 24, I have just moved to Dublin and am looking for a club to join with not too high a standard but I don't have a clue where to look.

Any ideas?