View Full Version : Damien Richardson's Eye on the EL

A face
13/06/2008, 9:03 PM
Damien Richardson's Eye on the EL
Friday, 13 June 2008 11:55

At the precise moment this article is being posted on the MNS website the majority of eircom League of Ireland players and managers will be lying on their deckchairs on some exotic Spanish beach, hands clasped behind the head, lazily contemplating whether to turn the other cheek towards the scorching sun or just remain in the same position with their eyes focused sideways on that giggling group of Swedish volleyball-playing beauties.

They have to focus the eyes sideways of course, because the missus is lying on the other side, chattering away in her usual inimitable manner, (to herself), but this only presents a minor problem as the heavily darkened wrap-around lenses of the Armani sunglasses are specially contoured to allow male eyes to operate in the opposite direction to the mouth.

Read more at www.rte.ie/mns (http://www.rte.ie/sport/soccer/mns/features/damienrichardson/)

14/06/2008, 9:29 AM
What an opening anecdote!

A face
14/06/2008, 12:56 PM
Thats a good take on the mid season break alright :p

15/06/2008, 10:09 AM
Great stuff, Rico's quest for the booker prize goes on :D

15/06/2008, 6:27 PM
What a complete load of toss ! :o

Rico is fast becoming a very bad parody of himself.

And talk about Carry On-style 1960's high-jinks re oggling pool-side.

'Turn the monitor off Rico, and step away from the keyboard with your hands in the air....'

16/06/2008, 8:56 AM
A bit harsh on one of the league's great literary geniuses, Steve :rolleyes:

16/06/2008, 9:29 AM
What a complete load of toss ! :o

Rico is fast becoming a very bad parody of himself.

And talk about Carry On-style 1960's high-jinks re oggling pool-side.

'Turn the monitor off Rico, and step away from the keyboard with your hands in the air....'

The more I read your postings the more I wish I'd thrown you into the Seine when I met you in Paris.

Pauro 76
16/06/2008, 10:21 AM
The man's got a chip on his shoulder against Longford, but I cant deny enjoying his rants alright! Loved the one last week about road trips...

Mr A
16/06/2008, 10:47 AM
The man's got a chip on his shoulder against Longford

Naturally, it takes a man a certain amount of time to overcome the bitterness associated with being ridden rock solid by you Dublin hoors.

16/06/2008, 1:34 PM
The more I read your postings the more I wish I'd thrown you into the Seine when I met you in Paris.

Well you left such a lasting impression that i don't recall meeting you..... :D

Though I'd love to see you try lifting me...!

Big kiss x

16/06/2008, 3:18 PM
Noooooooo, (more please damien)

I too like Rico but his articles are just bizzare. Absoloutly no point to them at all. To much poetic language that lets him completly ramble off the point

16/06/2008, 3:23 PM
Opinion is the elixir of sport. The wheels of discussion that form the backbone of every sporting occasion are turned by the thoughts, usually expressed with great verbosity, of those who hold genuine passion for their sport.

Without this verbal tête-à-tête the impact of even the great sporting occasions would be bereft of the gloss that lingers long after the event itself.

Damien Richardson 11 April - The Flowery Language continues.... :D

Row Z
17/06/2008, 7:57 AM
I always look forward to perusing Rico's articles.... a very entertaining read. once mentioned to him when he just finished with Rovers about his programme notes and he let out a laugh and said he first wrote it in jest way back in the 90's and got a decent reaction to it... he's well aware that it draws cynicism and the odd giggle at the same time but from what i gathered he, himself finds it entertaining!
Very educated man... keep up the good work!!!

17/06/2008, 2:15 PM
Well you left such a lasting impression that i don't recall meeting you..... :D

Though I'd love to see you try lifting me...!

Big kiss x

Actually I was just chatting to you for 2 mins and we weren't introduced - it was only afterwards I was told who you were.... I had so much of that Amstel Free at the ground that the night is a bit hazy! ;)

10/07/2008, 2:32 PM
Rico's latest ramblings, I have yet to figure out what exactly it has to do with the E.L.:confused:

Mr A
10/07/2008, 3:10 PM
Rico teaches us not only about the eircom league and football, but about life in general.

Question him not.

10/07/2008, 5:59 PM
Rico's latest ramblings, I have yet to figure out what exactly it has to do with the E.L.:confused:

Scully could do with reading it, for one.

11/07/2008, 5:46 PM
Rico's latest ramblings, I have yet to figure out what exactly it has to do with the E.L.:confused:

The above thoughts are fashionable - if that's the right word - at the moment because it is at this time of the year that the football clubs in England will be making decisions on the dozens of Irish teenagers that have for the past couple of years been plying their trade at underage level. These young men with very good talents have been living the dream of becoming a successful professional footballer in one of the best leagues in the world. But the odds are stacked against them, and particularly so at the moment. The competition cross channel is now intense and the demands therefore can be extremely artificial and virtually impossible.

The majority will not be offered further contracts and the next option is to seek opportunities elsewhere. Some will return home and the lucky ones, the better ones, will get opportunities in the much more receptive eircom League. I say more receptive because the full-time environment here now offers a wonderful chance for further re-development of an individual's career.

Rico is actually a 5th level Buddha.