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View Full Version : Honourable Loveable English Pride, John Terry

13/06/2008, 1:29 PM
From the moment the final whistle went to end our CL hopes for the season at Stamford Bridge, I was adamant I was going to avoid the final at all costs. I wasn’t going to watch it, but reluctantly I would be hoping for a Chelsea win. Not because I have any less disdain for their team, but merely because I didn’t want the mancs getting any closer to our tally of five European Cups.

In the end I stayed away from it for 80 minutes, before curiosity got the better of me and I tuned in for the rest of the contest. Obviously I’m not happy about the outcome of the game, but if the mancs had to win it, I can’t think of a better way for it to happen. If I had to name the two players I detest more than any others at present, it’d be Terry and Drogba. So seeing what happened to the pair of them in Moscow makes the result a tiny bit easier to stomach.

Everyone knows what a **** Drogba is, he’s so obvious about it and the whole country hates him, probably even a decent number of Chelsea fans. Great player, absolute cnt. Time and again he pokes his nose in where it isn’t wanted, harrassing referees and moaning about any decision that goes against his team (and that’s without even mentioning the scandalous diving and feigning injury he subjects everyone to).

Usually, he gets away with it, but on the biggest stage of all his chickens finally came home to roost. He was harshly dealt with, as Vidic probably should have gone as well, but you know what, I’m not even arsed. I’m just glad to see that f*cking gobsh*te get what he deserved in what is probably his last game in English football. A fitting end.

But it isn’t Drogba that prompted me into this rant. It’s ‘Big JT, England captain, no-nonsense good old fashioned British centre half, captain fantastic, inspirational and brave JT’ (© British press). This is how he is constantly portrayed by the media, and it seems that the rest of the country simply aren’t aware of how much of a snide, horrible, reprehensible, cowardly piece of filth he is.

It seems being England captain gets you a free pass to be as much of a **** as you like without having to face any repercussions. He’s worse than Drogba in many ways, he’s just a bit more sneaky and less obvious. Drogba’s antics generally get him a lot of sh*t from various pundits, but when do you ever see Terry being lambasted by press and pundits in the way Drogba is? Answer = Never.

Well the myth about ‘Big honest JT’ needs to be exposed. He’s scum, a f*cking chav who’d be on the Jeremy Kyle show if he wasn’t a professional footballer. This is a man who mocked American tourists after 911. The man who it is alleged made a racist comment to Ledley King when he was sent off against Spurs a couple of years ago.

Graeme Poll was castigated for sending him off, but you look at that incident again and watch Drogba’s reaction. Drogba is always the first over to any incident (see Moscow sending off), yet he stood back and did nothing, as Spurs’ black players all went nuts. There was an England game the following week, and King, Jenas and Defoe all pulled out of the squad through ‘injury’. Could be a co-incidence of course, or it could be a huge cover up. Maybe one day we’ll find out.

But I don’t need to use unproven incidents to expose Mongo for the despicable snide that he is. As a Liverpool fan I’ve witnessed his antics on numerous occasions, as we’ve played Chelsea more than anyone else in recent years so we’ve got more experience of Mongo than any other set of fans.

If I wanted to highlight his snide behaviour and sh*thouse antics, I could point out him stamping on Torres as he lay on the floor in the CL semi 1st leg at Anfield. He got away with that, not just from a referee who didn’t see it, but from a media who did. Or I’d point to the potentially leg breaking cowardly late lunge he did on Garcia in the 2005 semi at the Bridge. Again, the referee let it go and Sky glossed over it.

There’s dozens of incidents I could bring up to expose England’s captain for the cheating cowardly thug that he is, but I think this one from the other night sums him up better than any other:

Notice the sly way he seems to spit at Tevez before he lists his arm up to wipe his nose on the sleeve. And you don’t have to be a lip reading expert to decipher him calling the United player a ‘facking Argie cant’, before he blows snot out of his nose onto Tevez’s neck. It was a despicable incident, and one which would have prompted moral outrage in all the papers and the likes of sky and setanta had it been the other way around.

Imagine had it been Tevez doing that to the England captain? The moral outrage about this dirty foreigner spitting at England’s finest and how spitting is a ‘foreign thing’. But once again, f*ck all is said, as the media all focus on ‘Big JT’s heartbreak’ at blowing his team’s chance of a first European Cup. Well you know what, if there is one player in the world who deserves to have to live with that, it’s that big foreheaded f*cking gimp.

He’s sh*t out of every penalty shoot out he’s ever been involved in, but this time he puts himself forward for the fifth kick? Why, because he suddenly grew a pair? No, he wanted the glory, he saw the headlines and he wanted it to be him that scored the winning kick. ‘Mr Chelsea scoring the winning penalty’ Instead he ended up blubbering like a schoolgirl, AGAIN.

Yes, ‘Big brave JT, no-nonsense tough English centre half and captain fantastic’, once again cried his eyes out in front of millions of people. That’s at least four occasions I’ve seen him doing that now. ‘Man up’ you big f*cking tart!

Frank Lampard called him ‘a mans man’ after the game. Behave yourself Frank, he’s a fanny. Real men don’t cry in public (unless it’s tears of joy like when we won in Istanbul!).

Whenever I meet fans from other teams and they find out that I don’t support England, it’s always difficult explaining to them exactly why. Well as long as Mongo is wearing the armband, it’ll be a little bit easier getting my point across. If you want to support a team that has that chav scum as it’s captain, be my guest but don’t expect me to follow suit.

I’m far from happy about the mancs being European Champions, but the blow is definitely softened when I think about what that w*nker must be going through. He doesn’t even have the European Championships to get this out of his system. He’ll be sat on a beach somewhere trying to get away from it all, but no matter where he goes that moment will stay with him, where he fell on his ar*e in front of the watching football world, and single handedly stopped Chelsea from winning the European Cup.

Enjoy your summer, Mongo!

13/06/2008, 1:46 PM
Well Done an ceannaire. A great rant.

John Terry is over-rated scum and I started the thread which showed him spitting at Tevez.
He's a devious b0llocks who I take great pleasure in seeing get hurt again and again and again.

A top order cheat who is just as bad as Drogba or Essien. I hope he gets dropped as England captain because it will mean he is crushed once again!

13/06/2008, 1:51 PM
I normally consider you an over-the-top sensationalist an ceannaire, but I have to give two thumbs up to that rant. Terry is scum

13/06/2008, 1:54 PM
Was this not from some Liverpool blog?

see's it
13/06/2008, 2:09 PM
From the moment the final whistle went to end our CL hopes for the season at Stamford Bridge, I was adamant I was going to avoid the final at all costs. I wasn’t going to watch it, but reluctantly I would be hoping for a Chelsea win. Not because I have any less disdain for their team, but merely because I didn’t want the mancs getting any closer to our tally of five European Cups.

In the end I stayed away from it for 80 minutes, before curiosity got the better of me and I tuned in for the rest of the contest. Obviously I’m not happy about the outcome of the game, but if the mancs had to win it, I can’t think of a better way for it to happen. If I had to name the two players I detest more than any others at present, it’d be Terry and Drogba. So seeing what happened to the pair of them in Moscow makes the result a tiny bit easier to stomach.

Everyone knows what a **** Drogba is, he’s so obvious about it and the whole country hates him, probably even a decent number of Chelsea fans. Great player, absolute cnt. Time and again he pokes his nose in where it isn’t wanted, harrassing referees and moaning about any decision that goes against his team (and that’s without even mentioning the scandalous diving and feigning injury he subjects everyone to).

Usually, he gets away with it, but on the biggest stage of all his chickens finally came home to roost. He was harshly dealt with, as Vidic probably should have gone as well, but you know what, I’m not even arsed. I’m just glad to see that f*cking gobsh*te get what he deserved in what is probably his last game in English football. A fitting end.

But it isn’t Drogba that prompted me into this rant. It’s ‘Big JT, England captain, no-nonsense good old fashioned British centre half, captain fantastic, inspirational and brave JT’ (© British press). This is how he is constantly portrayed by the media, and it seems that the rest of the country simply aren’t aware of how much of a snide, horrible, reprehensible, cowardly piece of filth he is.

It seems being England captain gets you a free pass to be as much of a **** as you like without having to face any repercussions. He’s worse than Drogba in many ways, he’s just a bit more sneaky and less obvious. Drogba’s antics generally get him a lot of sh*t from various pundits, but when do you ever see Terry being lambasted by press and pundits in the way Drogba is? Answer = Never.

Well the myth about ‘Big honest JT’ needs to be exposed. He’s scum, a f*cking chav who’d be on the Jeremy Kyle show if he wasn’t a professional footballer. This is a man who mocked American tourists after 911. The man who it is alleged made a racist comment to Ledley King when he was sent off against Spurs a couple of years ago.

Graeme Poll was castigated for sending him off, but you look at that incident again and watch Drogba’s reaction. Drogba is always the first over to any incident (see Moscow sending off), yet he stood back and did nothing, as Spurs’ black players all went nuts. There was an England game the following week, and King, Jenas and Defoe all pulled out of the squad through ‘injury’. Could be a co-incidence of course, or it could be a huge cover up. Maybe one day we’ll find out.

But I don’t need to use unproven incidents to expose Mongo for the despicable snide that he is. As a Liverpool fan I’ve witnessed his antics on numerous occasions, as we’ve played Chelsea more than anyone else in recent years so we’ve got more experience of Mongo than any other set of fans.

If I wanted to highlight his snide behaviour and sh*thouse antics, I could point out him stamping on Torres as he lay on the floor in the CL semi 1st leg at Anfield. He got away with that, not just from a referee who didn’t see it, but from a media who did. Or I’d point to the potentially leg breaking cowardly late lunge he did on Garcia in the 2005 semi at the Bridge. Again, the referee let it go and Sky glossed over it.

There’s dozens of incidents I could bring up to expose England’s captain for the cheating cowardly thug that he is, but I think this one from the other night sums him up better than any other:

Notice the sly way he seems to spit at Tevez before he lists his arm up to wipe his nose on the sleeve. And you don’t have to be a lip reading expert to decipher him calling the United player a ‘facking Argie cant’, before he blows snot out of his nose onto Tevez’s neck. It was a despicable incident, and one which would have prompted moral outrage in all the papers and the likes of sky and setanta had it been the other way around.

Imagine had it been Tevez doing that to the England captain? The moral outrage about this dirty foreigner spitting at England’s finest and how spitting is a ‘foreign thing’. But once again, f*ck all is said, as the media all focus on ‘Big JT’s heartbreak’ at blowing his team’s chance of a first European Cup. Well you know what, if there is one player in the world who deserves to have to live with that, it’s that big foreheaded f*cking gimp.

He’s sh*t out of every penalty shoot out he’s ever been involved in, but this time he puts himself forward for the fifth kick? Why, because he suddenly grew a pair? No, he wanted the glory, he saw the headlines and he wanted it to be him that scored the winning kick. ‘Mr Chelsea scoring the winning penalty’ Instead he ended up blubbering like a schoolgirl, AGAIN.

Yes, ‘Big brave JT, no-nonsense tough English centre half and captain fantastic’, once again cried his eyes out in front of millions of people. That’s at least four occasions I’ve seen him doing that now. ‘Man up’ you big f*cking tart!

Frank Lampard called him ‘a mans man’ after the game. Behave yourself Frank, he’s a fanny. Real men don’t cry in public (unless it’s tears of joy like when we won in Istanbul!).

Whenever I meet fans from other teams and they find out that I don’t support England, it’s always difficult explaining to them exactly why. Well as long as Mongo is wearing the armband, it’ll be a little bit easier getting my point across. If you want to support a team that has that chav scum as it’s captain, be my guest but don’t expect me to follow suit.

I’m far from happy about the mancs being European Champions, but the blow is definitely softened when I think about what that w*nker must be going through. He doesn’t even have the European Championships to get this out of his system. He’ll be sat on a beach somewhere trying to get away from it all, but no matter where he goes that moment will stay with him, where he fell on his ar*e in front of the watching football world, and single handedly stopped Chelsea from winning the European Cup.

Enjoy your summer, Mongo!


13/06/2008, 2:13 PM
alas lads i cant take credit for it (i would have thought the "i am english" part would have taken care of that)
found it on a website
its top top drawer tho
you wont find that in "the guardian!"!!!

13/06/2008, 2:14 PM

Thats the original

13/06/2008, 2:41 PM
Well Done an ceannaire. A great rant.

John Terry is over-rated scum and I started the thread which showed him spitting at Tevez.
He's a devious b0llocks who I take great pleasure in seeing get hurt again and again and again.

A top order cheat who is just as bad as Drogba or Essien. I hope he gets dropped as England captain because it will mean he is crushed once again!
Such a customer

Pauro 76
13/06/2008, 2:49 PM
I had no idea that he made a racist comment to Ledley King and Spurs black players pulling out of England squads. If this is true, he's a Grade A pr!ck and deserves all this bad karma kicking him up the arse.

13/06/2008, 3:11 PM
I had no idea that he made a racist comment to Ledley King and Spurs black players pulling out of England squads. If this is true, he's a Grade A pr!ck and deserves all this bad karma kicking him up the arse.

Didn't he and Lee Bowyer smash a chair through a McDonalds because a 'Paki' worked there a few years back.

Incidentally when the Mirror were weighing up the Pros and Cons of picking the next England captain recently they gave Terry's negatives as 'has had a few unfortunate incidents in his life'

13/06/2008, 3:21 PM
Jebus, to be fair, I think that was actually Jody Morris and some Irish lad was involved too
cant remember who
Keith something or other i think

13/06/2008, 3:26 PM
Jebus, to be fair, I think that was actually Jody Morris and some Irish lad was involved too
cant remember who
Keith something or other i think

Pats favourite and all round good guy Dessie Byrne

13/06/2008, 3:28 PM


13/06/2008, 3:35 PM
Jebus, to be fair, I think that was actually Jody Morris and some Irish lad was

Ah fair enough, they all merged into one English lager lout in my eyes at some stage so

14/06/2008, 2:02 PM
great rant indeed - never liked the tosser, and I'm a Man U fan. At least there's players in other teams you can have respect for, but Chelsea do themselves no favours.

Although JT is still loved by the Chelsea fans - Yeah

John Terry - Yeah (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuGGcZDBYYg)

and the Sky follow up - Yeah (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEyFKbG13z0)

the above shamelessy nicked from somewhere else in this forum, or some other

14/06/2008, 6:59 PM
Ah fair enough, they all merged into one English lager lout in my eyes at some stage so

Terry, Morris and Byrne.


16/06/2008, 2:59 PM
Well Done an ceannaire. A great rant.

John Terry is over-rated scum and I started the thread which showed him spitting at Tevez.
He's a devious b0llocks who I take great pleasure in seeing get hurt again and again and again.

A top order cheat who is just as bad as Drogba or Essien. I hope he gets dropped as England captain because it will mean he is crushed once again!

Throwing Essien in to that is ridiculous... he had one bad year but has been examplery ever since. He's had 10 bookings and one red in the last 2 seasons. If you asked most non-chelsea fans to name a Chelsea player they respected, most would mention Essien.

Over-rated scum who has been one of the first names on many a top managers team sheet................. smashing a football into an old ladies face, who happens to be paying money to support you, remind me who did that again?

16/06/2008, 3:05 PM
Throwing Essien in to that is ridiculous... he had one bad year but has been examplery ever since. If you asked most non-chelsea fans to name a Chelsea player they respected, most would mention Essien.

Over-rated scum who has been one of the first names on many a top managers team sheet................. smashing a football into an old ladies face, who happens to be paying money to support you, remind me who did that again?

Jaysus I thought he apologised for that. I believe he paid for her to watch a few extra matches also.
Kicking the head off a lad who is trying to earn a living all the while belittling you, I and the rest of the general public in the process is SCUM.

16/06/2008, 3:31 PM
Is this really a liverpool fan having the neck to say drogba gets in the ref's face and dives ? And that JT is a snide, horrible, reprehensible, cowardly piece of filth.

Steven Gerrard anyone ?

Hello pot this is kettle .....your black !!!

16/06/2008, 3:37 PM
I don't think any club in the world has a monopoly on arseholes , This thread is quite pointless

16/06/2008, 8:28 PM
The trend here though is that most of the names mentioned are English !

17/06/2008, 1:20 AM
alas lads i cant take credit for it (i would have thought the "i am english" part would have taken care of that)
found it on a website
its top top drawer tho
you wont find that in "the guardian!"!!!
You wouldn't find it in the Guardian because it's trash, utter garbage.

Racist comment to Ledley King? does anyone want to repeat the "evidence" for that allegation? :rolleyes:
There is no evidence, it's a load of tosh made up by a Spurs fan and swallowed in its pure form by morons.

More shock horror for the Dandy readers here
'‘facking Argie cant’, ´he blows snot out of his nose onto Tevez’s neck'
Is there anyone who has looked at that video, actually see that happening?
The video presented as evidence just ended up looking like the most obvious miserable schoolboyish hoax. Yet that counts as evidence to some people :D

BTW, I couldn't care less about Terry.

17/06/2008, 9:47 AM
He’s sh*t out of every penalty shoot out he’s ever been involved in, but this time he puts himself forward for the fifth kick? Why, because he suddenly grew a pair? No, he wanted the glory, he saw the headlines and he wanted it to be him that scored the winning kick. ‘Mr Chelsea scoring the winning penalty’ Instead he ended up blubbering like a schoolgirl, AGAIN.

Fully agree with that, I was ****ed when I saw him stepping up to take it because I knew the money I had on the game was gone, it had nothing to do with bravery, Kalou was the obvious choice but even if he had to be one of the 1st 5 then why take the 5th? because the 5th pen is where the glory is(if its to win the game), not much glory in scoring the 1st or 2nd, most people only remember O'Learys pen against Romania in 1990 and not the other 4 who also scored.
The 5th pen taker should be the one with the coolest head under pressure which definitely isn't JT

see's it
17/06/2008, 1:51 PM
sheedy.houghton,townsend and the ice cream man

17/06/2008, 4:05 PM
Fully agree with that, I was ****ed when I saw him stepping up to take it because I knew the money I had on the game was gone, it had nothing to do with bravery, Kalou was the obvious choice but even if he had to be one of the 1st 5 then why take the 5th? because the 5th pen is where the glory is(if its to win the game), not much glory in scoring the 1st or 2nd, most people only remember O'Learys pen against Romania in 1990 and not the other 4 who also scored.
The 5th pen taker should be the one with the coolest head under pressure which definitely isn't JT
To be honest i'd go the opposite way and have the coolest take the first one , try to get into the lead and stay there No point in having the best taker 5th if you're out of it by the 4th, Theres no accounting for skill in penalties , some of the best in the world have missed in them and some of the lesser lights have dispatched with ease , it really is a bit of a lottery

18/06/2008, 9:02 AM
Fair enough its debatable whether to use the coolest head take the first one, I just feel there isn't quite as much pressure on the 1st and 2nd pens.
Don't agree there is no accounting for skill in penalties or that its just a lottery, luck is a factor but skill and most importantly mental toughness also come into the equation, its no coincidence that Germany virtually always win and England virtually always lose, I don’t believe its as simple as Germany being the luckiest team in the world and England being the unluckiest