View Full Version : Lucozade Sports ad

09/08/2003, 5:53 PM
Does anyone know who does the music for lucozade sports ad? Its not the ads with that bald idiot in it, its the other ones, with everyone is sprinting and running etc. The music is by some japanese rock band but dont know the name or the song.

Thanks in advance (why do i feel know one is gonna know the answer.......)

max power
09/08/2003, 6:19 PM
well they used psyche rock by pierre henry, but i'd need to know the ad your on about, is it new old and what does it involve

max power
09/08/2003, 6:23 PM
if it is lucozade sport a song used by them is cornelius and the song is called count five or six, hope that is what your looking for.

09/08/2003, 8:25 PM
Speaking of TV ads, has anyone seen the Yorkie it' s not for Girls ads where yer man takes his old doll to the football match and she wants go home because someone has the same shirt as her (the team jersey). Is it just me or is foot.ie's own Pete a dead ringer for the fella in that ad?

09/08/2003, 8:46 PM
its the ad with a load of people getting ready to start running and they are all starting in a line and all have a bottle of lucozade sport in their hand. and michael owen is in it. he is sitting in the dressing room and has his head down, but then brings his head up and looks at the camera

max power
10/08/2003, 2:42 AM
so no one was going to answer it, the answer is as i said above, cornelius and the song is called count five or six.and it took less than an hour, that was proper bo i tell thee !!!!!!!

10/08/2003, 11:51 AM
thanks dj:)