View Full Version : Any team news tonight???

31/07/2003, 9:58 AM
Stevo and Gareth are deffo out....apart from that I haven't heard a whisper....anything on the grapevine???

31/07/2003, 10:07 AM

O'Mahoney Paddy Finny Molan

O'Donoghue Keatso Sweeney Sugrue

McCarthy Heffernan

Anybody got any other suggestions???

LFC in Exile
31/07/2003, 10:15 AM
Well, there's only one outfield position that Eoin Keating has not played and that is up front.

Loughman won't be picked ahead of Healy. I haven't seen Loughman this year yet but I'm told he is able to kick the ball.

The striker position is the toughies. We only have two strikers. Time to try four five one.


O'Mahoney Purcell Finucane Molan

......................Sweeney White
Heffernan......................................... Sugrue


There's absolutely no point whatsoever hitting long balls to McCArthy tonight. We have to use the wings. Whenever we have done it this season we have created chances (I think most f our goals have come from getting the ball across the box instead of pumping it long). Derek's strength is not holding theball up anyway. Sugrue and Heffernan attacking the full backs and crossing for McCarthy and Keating attacking the box.

31/07/2003, 10:22 AM
totally agree with you, but Mike's not very adventurous, and I seriously doubt it as to whether he'll try 4-5-1. Anyway 4-4-2 is whats worked all along, so I'd say he'll stick to it. It's now that we'll get to see his true colours as gaffer, because he's really got tactical problems tonight.I feel that not bringing in striking cover when Ciaran left was a major booboo, and maybe instead of signing midfielder after midfielder, he should have looked at a striker. I hope this injury crisis doesn't come back and bite our arses, but I've a feeling it might!!!