View Full Version : Sad day for the country

Tom Peppers
29/07/2003, 3:20 PM
Henrik Larsson today renewed his desire to leave Celtic at the end of the year and link up with Lubomir Moravcik who is manager at Bastia and play for the French club. It will be a sad day for the country and for all el fans in general. Neil told me there on the phone and he ll kill me for telling ye this but he was nearly crying but i suppose its hard not to

Seamus #1
29/07/2003, 7:59 PM
He's been a great player for Celtic but shouldn't this be in the 'General Football' forum? - this forum is about the national team.

max power
30/07/2003, 10:54 AM
nice to see your still trying to stir up s**t tom, sad day for the counrty and el fans blah blah blah. go to the celtic thread and spout your rubbish there. and seamus this should be in the rubbish section, will all the other s**t stiring

30/07/2003, 10:59 AM
Father Per Svensson, dedicated chairman of the St.Kevin's Social Club, established by Irish Missionaries in the deepest Congo in 1888 retired yesterday.

Its a terrible day for Ireland and el fans in general.

max power
30/07/2003, 11:07 AM
don't sat things like that, tom will begin to cry

max power
30/07/2003, 2:12 PM
thats strange because he has nothing to do with ireland, never played for el club or anything, did he sing for us in the eurovision or something like that ??????

max power
30/07/2003, 3:04 PM
no never heard of him, i watch irish football in irish grounds every week and i've never seen him, what el or non league club does he play for ????

30/07/2003, 3:14 PM
Yep has served Celtic well.

A question for Silvo.

Do you class Celtic as being any part Scottish?

30/07/2003, 3:23 PM
He must be talking about Henry Larkin. He's a butcher who plays for Cherry Orchard's third team. Lovely chap. Didn't know he'd packed it in. It's a shame, but hardly a terrible day for Ireland.

max power
30/07/2003, 6:14 PM
no i think its harry leary who was an underage footballer who discovered drink and the ladies and never played the game again, such a waste, to brings a tear to my eye.

31/07/2003, 9:22 AM
Originally posted by Silvio Dante
Of course. Its tongue in cheek to get at some of the starch arsed Cork City brigade here.....
Leave the general comments about Cork City out of your little games boy. If you have a problem with some City fans, name them, leave the rest of us out of it.

max power
31/07/2003, 10:58 AM
ah now we all have a problem with cork fans and fans from all other clubs too, but silvio is only a s**t stirrer and thats all he does on the forums , so as you said let him play his games and live in his little world

02/08/2003, 4:43 PM
Are you sure its not Henry L. Arrson, a failed movie director who had the honour of playing world cup with me and my pals about 10 years ago.Tis a sad day alright.

YOU CLOWN!!!!!!!!!!!