View Full Version : Why Are We Waiting???

29/07/2003, 12:05 PM
I get the feeling of complacency setting in amongst us as a group....theres not been any cutting remarks, sly innuendos, backstabbing, arguing or the likes of in a while. Whats happening to us?? Are we now happy to accept this 'committee' for the useless, inert, idle, selfish, greedy, egomaniacal crew that they really are?? Are we really happy that we scraped by Kilkenny and their wakner manager, Bet Lynch??? Are we comfortable now with the impending doom and gloom that sits over the club??
C'mon lads....some controversy please...some scandal....suggestions...anything that takes me away from my humdrum 9-5 existence....

29/07/2003, 12:43 PM
Would they be they same Wakners that make the crisps???:p

btw I dont think the leopard skin tracksuit suits him at all.:ball: