View Full Version : Iron Man

Block G Raptor
01/05/2008, 9:48 AM
Going to see this tonight (babysitter procurement permitting)
anyone seen any bootleg copies or anything! it looks like it could be well dodgy but I'm a comicbook movie genre whore so I'll have to check it out

01/05/2008, 10:46 AM
Was never a fan of Iron Man in the comics, and the trailer is genuinely one of the worst I've ever seen for a movie so not even sure if I'll bother catching it in the cinemas

01/05/2008, 11:06 AM
I'm a comicbook movie genre whore so I'll have to check it out

As am I (though with a webhandle like mine that was probably assumed)! :)Also thought the comics were fairly forgettable. Like the look of the trailer though, doesn't look quite as blockbusteresque as some of the recent actio-by-numbers they've foisted upon us (last X-men, last Spiderman, Ghost Rider, FF2) and I for one am quietly confident it'll be solid enough.

01/05/2008, 11:14 AM
Anyone who knows my handle's translation can probably guess I'm looking forward to it
some of the advance reviews have been position, aintitcool seemed to love it

(geek alert) Not always the biggest fan of shellhead in the comics, but the way Stark has been handled lately with the Civil War stuff has been good

New Hulk trailer out as well, looks a lot better than I hoped, still not sure about the Abomination's design though

What is it with the Limerick boys and comics/sci-fi? I blame Forbidden Planet

01/05/2008, 12:07 PM
(geek alert) Not always the biggest fan of shellhead in the comics, but the way Stark has been handled lately with the Civil War stuff has been good

Ditto for his Ultimates incarnation, seems to be pretty much what they've usurped for the film.

What is it with the Limerick boys and comics/sci-fi? I blame Forbidden Planet

Ah the long departed FP. Of course with Ye Olde Comic Booke Shope or whatever the hell it was called now gone as well we're back in a literary black hole! :o

01/05/2008, 12:08 PM
What is it with the Limerick boys and comics/sci-fi? I blame Forbidden Planet

Yeah those two months it was open for were a glorious period for all :)

I agree on the direction they took Iron Man in the Civil War series being an improvement, but Stark is just such an unlikeable hero. Same with Captain America, his Civil War story was fantastic, but I just don't like the guy

Ah the long departed FP. Of course with Ye Olde Comic Booke Shope or whatever the hell it was called now gone as well we're back in a literary black hole! :o

I'm out of the loop anyway, when did this happen??

01/05/2008, 12:12 PM
I'm out of the loop anyway, when did this happen??

Don't really know. I strolled down there a coupla weeks back to spend a few quid and it was all empty and locked up... the gaming place is still there next door alright.

01/05/2008, 12:15 PM
Saw this last night. It's fantastic!:)

Robert Downey Jr. excels in the role of Tony Stark. He is truly faultless. Plays the comedic element to perfection and of course as always delivers in the movies, infrequent, more serious moments.

One slight gripe maybe would be that the other lead characters (played by Bridges, Paltrow, Howard) weren't really fleshed out at all. As for Leslie Bibb(plays reporter Christine Everhart) her character is not developed at all - seemed pointless even being in it! The other characters just seem incidental in the movie, but hell it was all about introducing Ironman, so I can't really complain!

It's a great introduction to Ironman. If you're expecting wall to wall battle scenes you could well be disappointed, but this will surely happen in the follow-up movie.

I'm a huge fan of the superhero genre, but have been by and large hugely disappointed with most movie offerings. Not with this though - it's what the atrocious Ang Lees offering of 'The Hulk' could have been.

IRONMAN slots in at No. 2, behind Batman Begins in my favourite movies of this genre.

01/05/2008, 12:18 PM
Better than X-Men 2, Michael Keaton's Batman and Spidey 1+2 :0, that's some statement to make

Block G Raptor
01/05/2008, 12:20 PM
Definitely going to see it tonight so

01/05/2008, 1:14 PM
Yeah those two months it was open for were a glorious period for all :)
2 months?? Try 3 or 4 years!

01/05/2008, 1:24 PM
Anyone who knows my handle's translation can probably guess I'm looking forward to it
As soon as I saw the thread title, I guessed you'd be along soon!

01/05/2008, 1:39 PM
As soon as I saw the thread title, I guessed you'd be along soon!
Yeah, bit obvious isn't it ;)
It's not related to the shellhead, it actually comes from this guy - http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=XeFx9WcWoyg - was always more of a Tekken player though

01/05/2008, 3:53 PM
2 months?? Try 3 or 4 years!

I know but it felt like a lot less, the 2 month thing is kind of a injoke between myself and people I don't hang around with anymore and who don't even post here (to the best of my knowledge) :)

don ramo
01/05/2008, 10:48 PM
IRONMAN slots in at No. 2, behind Batman Begins in my favourite movies of this genre.

my thoughts exactly, absoultely class, would probably put on par though i cant decide which is better,

if your gonna watch it after all the brilliant reviews, just read a siht load of bad reviews before you go, always makes a film better for me:D

Aberdonian Stu
02/05/2008, 8:12 AM
Saw it last night in UGC. It was great and so frickin cool.

02/05/2008, 9:11 AM
I have also seen it, and it's gleeful.

ken foree
02/05/2008, 1:55 PM
have to say the new hulk looks desperate and am kind of only sort've looking forward to iron man.. i dunno, getting old maybe but these movies always O.D. on the cliches (ang lee's hulk less than most even though it was a polarizing picture - a sign of its uniqueness in my eyes and i like it for its uneven quality). shell-head vs. the demon drink + mandarin in the next one? the big dragon fin fang foom would be hard to do. forget about the movie, let's hope the video game is amazing, it SHOULD be.

03/05/2008, 1:42 AM
IRONMAN slots in at No. 2, behind Batman Begins in my favourite movies of this genre.
Took in a late showing in Limerick tonight, and I'd have to go along with this.
Batman Begins is still the best comic book movie, but Iron Man definitely ranks along with Spider-Man 2 and X-Men 2 as the next best.
All the more impressive considering it's the first in the franchise, whereas SP2 and XM2 ironed out the flaws in their first films to make an impressive second entry.

Downey is note perfect as Stark, they couldn't have cast this better, Patrick Stewart as Professor X level of perfect casting. Gwyneth Paltrow brings it as Pepper Potts, big change from the last film I saw her in - Sylvia.

Just a note to anyone going to see it, stay after the credits, there's a short sequence you won't want to miss out on.

Aberdonian Stu
03/05/2008, 11:32 AM
All the more impressive considering it's the first in the franchise, whereas SP2 and XM2 ironed out the flaws in their first films to make an impressive second entry.

I haven't seen X-Men 2 but good grief Spiderman 2. That middle act was a trial. They decided to take all the viewer enjoyment out of the movie and kept reinforcing, in the blandest way possible, the message that Peter Parker's life is bad. Ok Marvel, I get it already now could we please not spend an hour just restating this point and possibly develop the story.

Sure Spiderman one was far from perfect but Spidey 2 suffered from the traditional second movie problem of 'What do we do with the middle act?', something that first films can generally avoid.

03/05/2008, 11:23 PM
Wouldn't rank it as being as good as X Men 2 but it certainly is a good movie, Downey Jr. is fantastic and it sets up the second movie very well (if you didn't stay til after the credits you missed out on probably the best part)

06/05/2008, 6:53 PM
Robert Downey Jr plays the Stark role brilliantly, was a good film though, could of been better but as we learned from the Punisher & Ghost Rider it could of been a lot worse

max power
08/05/2008, 12:21 PM
enjoyed it, Downey was great. Even with a ropey script at times he made it sound decent.

Nice to see a cameo from Stan Lee again.

Someone put it up there with Batman Begins. Ok its good and a lot better than the other super hero movies. But not near Nolan's level.............yet.

08/05/2008, 12:46 PM
saw this last night, loved it not as good as batman begins but better than any of the X-Men or Spiderman movies, friend had told me to stay after the credits, glad I did but I can't help but wish they weren't quite so long. Can't wait for the next one

11/05/2008, 11:50 PM
Saw it last night and thought it was a damn good crack.Never like the Bond films mostly because the bad guys are crap.Jeff Daniels character was convincingly evil.

A face
11/05/2008, 11:59 PM
Not really into films like that but saw it last night and Downey makes it watchable. Have to say Gwyneth Paltrow who has the body of a deck chair normally looked fairly shapely at times. Just wondering was that CGI as well :p

max power
12/05/2008, 8:47 AM
Tony Stark also makes an apperance in the new Hulk movie also.

27/05/2008, 11:26 AM
Saw this at the weekend. Have to say I though it was very good. Downey Jnr is excellent in the role. Great mix of action and humour, well acted, didn't overdo the CGI. All around an enjoyable cinematic experience.

The trailer for The Incredible Hulk looked good too. And there was a trailer for a new Star Trek film, which I didn't realise they were making.

27/05/2008, 11:28 AM
(if you didn't stay til after the credits you missed out on probably the best part)

Just noticed this now!

Dammit I normally stay to the end of the credits but we were with friends and had to follow them out :mad:

27/05/2008, 11:28 AM
I'm gonna try and catch this before the week is out.

passinginterest - JJ Abrams (Lost) is directing the new Star Trek.

04/05/2018, 11:38 PM
Took in a late showing in Limerick tonight, and I'd have to go along with this.
Batman Begins is still the best comic book movie, but Iron Man definitely ranks along with Spider-Man 2 and X-Men 2 as the next best.
All the more impressive considering it's the first in the franchise, whereas SP2 and XM2 ironed out the flaws in their first films to make an impressive second entry.

Downey is note perfect as Stark, they couldn't have cast this better, Patrick Stewart as Professor X level of perfect casting. Gwyneth Paltrow brings it as Pepper Potts, big change from the last film I saw her in - Sylvia.

Just a note to anyone going to see it, stay after the credits, there's a short sequence you won't want to miss out on.
Bumping this, just because I went to see Infinity War for the second time tonight, in the same cinema I saw Iron Man in ten years ago, almost to the day.