View Full Version : Bulgaria

22/04/2008, 6:15 PM
Ok, Prague is no longer on the cards:D. We're going with a package holiday for a week to 'Sunny Beach' in mid-June instead. Anyone been? Tacky tourist resort? Main thing is, is it cheap there?

22/04/2008, 7:43 PM
Ok, Prague is no longer on the cards:D. We're going with a package holiday for a week to 'Sunny Beach' in mid-June instead. Anyone been? Tacky tourist resort? Main thing is, is it cheap there?

Was there a couple of years ago. Yes its a tacky tourist resort and yes it's cheap.

It was fairly quiet when we were there though, much quiter than Turkey the year before.

Be careful in the night club witht the swimming pool. How people thought drink and water would go well together I dont know. But generally it ends up with a lot of very drunk very wet people and plenty of injuries....

22/04/2008, 10:51 PM
Was in Bulgaria in feb not sunny beach i went snow boarding i found the place very cheap very friendly not too pushy yet ( no hassle from sellers ) .

Beer is lovely and very cheap i was buying 2 litre bottles for 2 euro 50 in the hotel shop id say its less in supermarkets .

Food is terrible very cheap meat i dont know if that was just because its up the slopes or is it all over but id say stay away from most meats definetly any kind of sausage/hot dog/meat ball etc .

Its like most eastern european countries and i guess it will be like most touristy place keep your eye out for pickpockets and dodgy taxi's but you should have a great time.

23/04/2008, 9:03 AM
I was in Sunny Beach 2/3 years ago and it's as tacky as they come but ridiculously cheap. (We went into a nearby city, can't remember the name but the prices were a lot cheaper there than in Sunny Beach - I remember we had a nice Italian lunch for 2 with beers for under €5).

As for Sunny Beach itself, I found the food to be horrible - really, really bad :D

The only decent place to get food was at a big white hotel in the middle of the resort, overlooking the beach. The food was expensive there (Irish prices) but it was top notch. Otherwise there is McDonald's and a number of small supermarkets.

Plenty of Irish, Brits and Scandinavians there. Sunny Beach has gotten a lot of bad press in the Swedish media as a place where young Swedes go in search of debauchery - but that probably a plus for yourself ;).

Watch out for pick-pockets. I had my hand on my wallet the whole time I was there. There're plenty of street stalls and such selling fake merchandise and the like there and you'll see plenty of people hanging around looking to swipe your wallet.

One thing more about the food. It you're going to try anything traditional, go for the meat served on a stick (meat skewer). Obviously some places that sell it are better than others but you'll find that out yourself.

If I remember correctly it's about €1 for a pint in the bars.

I'd recommend spending a little bit extra on accomodation. A lot of the hotels when we were there were from Soviet times and looked very bleak to say the least.

And lastly there's a nudist beach in the middle of everything if that interests you. :D

10/05/2008, 11:29 PM
Don’t go to Sunny Beach. Go to Varna. You then have the choice of about three different resorts including Varna city itself and Golden Sands. I have an apartment in Varna and go there fairly regularly. The food is excellent and the beer is cheap. The only thing you have to watch out for is the taxi drivers; you know what I mean here? It got a typical Eastern European feel to it and you may find the locals a little cold but you will enjoy. Not too many drunk and rowdy Brits either. More French, Germans and Scandinavians

12/05/2008, 6:15 PM
I read something recently that Sunny Beach is suffering power blackouts because its grown so much its completely overloading the grid.