View Full Version : Where is our public meeting?

deise deserter
21/07/2003, 1:48 PM
I suppose I could just address this to John Purcell as he has told others that he spends a lot of time on these boards.

(In fact he started shouting at me about foot.ie in Supermacs of Cahir on the way back from the Kilkenny game the other night...:rolleyes: )

So anyway, John, where is the public meeting that was supposed to be on the 11th of July?

Actually, wait a minute could we get the meeting that was supposed to be on in January as well? You know the follow up for Darren Bernstein's meeting.

But wait! Can we have a public meeting if there is no chairperson to call one? John do you think you could try to get a chairperson elected at your next committee meeting to enable this?

FAO: Foot registered members:
Who would turn up to this meeting from this messageboard?

lims fan
21/07/2003, 5:07 PM
but its going to be impossible to get any info from these muppets who run the club (into the ground). Mr Purcell and co what the hell are you muppets spending so much time on this board?

Why do you care what disgruntled fans think when you stick your bare arse up at us?
We, web fans are only a minority so why do you get upset about it.
How do you have the time to monitor this board when you should be spending your time more constructively gaining sponsorship and raising funds.
Where is the public meeting and why haven't any formal ads appeared on the local media looking for player sponsorship.
How the club go bust when they get more fans than clubs like monaghan, kilkenny and athlone who all by the way have invested wisely over the years and build squads who can get promotion
Why is our stadium as promised? No stands in pike no seats are you not embarassed for the club you represent?

deise deserter
22/07/2003, 1:31 PM
Good post Lims Fan.

I was taking to Gael 353 yeterday and he made a very good point to me:

We have no way to initiate contact with those "running" the club, except for this messageboard.

The only way our voices will be heard is by posting here, because there will never be a public meeting if these guys continue to stay true to their form. Like all small-minded people who get a little power, they will cling to it for as long as they possibly can irrespective of what disasterous results this may yield.

22/07/2003, 1:54 PM
I know you meen well Deise, but please dont quote me, i can speak for myself. apart from the piece bout the lack of meeting meaning the only way we can communicate with some of the committee (ie those who read this) but the rest bout being small minded is all yours baby!

deise deserter
22/07/2003, 2:33 PM
I accept all small-mindedness Gael 353!;)

As for the committee stating that the supporters' club could sit in on committee meetings to keep it's members up to date, this hasn't happened since the first one about a week after we elected our board.

We went in and pitched a huge amount of ideas to the committee - all of which they shot down for no real reason.