View Full Version : Match Posters

15/04/2008, 9:01 AM
Anyone know where I can get a poster for The Galway game?

15/04/2008, 10:58 AM
the trust meeting on wednesday at 7 in the glasshouse, or call upto the showgrounds maybe tomorrow to see if keith is there he'd have some in the office id say.
not sure will they be available for download or not

15/04/2008, 3:18 PM
If ye had one of the old posters you could just change the the team and date text. Somethin i've noticed about the posters (this is a comment not a critism as i think the posters are a great idea). The picture on the poster so far has always been of Faz. People will become so familiar with the picture around the place that they will not bother reading the text to find out when the next home match. Where as if the picture was changed regularly people might take the time to have a proper look at what exactly it advertising. Maybe a picture from the last home game or somtin like that might work, just a thought for the powers that be!

15/04/2008, 4:07 PM
If ye had one of the old posters you could just change the the team and date text. Somethin i've noticed about the posters (this is a comment not a critism as i think the posters are a great idea). The picture on the poster so far has always been of Faz. People will become so familiar with the picture around the place that they will not bother reading the text to find out when the next home match. Where as if the picture was changed regularly people might take the time to have a proper look at what exactly it advertising. Maybe a picture from the last home game or somtin like that might work, just a thought for the powers that be!

i think its a new picture this week as a profesional graphic designer is doing them i think

15/04/2008, 4:10 PM
i think its a new picture this week as a profesional graphic designer is doing them i thinkDifferent layout but same picture afaik.

15/04/2008, 4:17 PM
new poster now available - file is creating problems for download from site, so you'll need to contact keith for soft copy. i think you'll agree it looks a lot better - there's a picture of it on front page of srfc.com

apologies for lack of download but file size is much bigger than the old format and i won't get chance to check out why it's not working before the weekend.

15/04/2008, 4:27 PM
there's a picture of it on front page of srfc.com.

Sterling Rock Falls Clinic ??:D
Nice coffee shop tho ;):p

16/04/2008, 8:32 AM
From what can be seen of the poster on the rovers website it does look good and well put together. A pic showing this seasons jersey would be nice