View Full Version : Has a game ever put you in a bad mood

09/04/2008, 3:54 AM
ever grown obsessed or been put in a continuous bad mood over a game? ever suspect your console of cheating? i'm growing paranoid i can't win a game for the life of me in championship manager or football manager so maybe i'm just a crap manager. but rugby 2008 has pulled out some corkers on me that i can't ever beat england etc. drives me mad

09/04/2008, 6:22 AM
just curious...this isnt you is it?


09/04/2008, 7:14 AM
just curious...this isnt you is it?


boo boy you wouldn't be far wrong....i'd be pretty close to that sometimes. but just cause i'm bored and for the record this is me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLxTLreviJI

i was crap and i lost...

09/04/2008, 9:19 AM
Football Manager is driving me mad these days. Im in 2011 now and i've played Derry about 13 times and i've lost all 13. I just don't know how to beat them. Tried everything. I suppose its a bit like real life although in the game i havn't even come close to beating them.

10/04/2008, 1:37 PM
Football Manager is driving me mad these days. Im in 2011 now and i've played Derry about 13 times and i've lost all 13. I just don't know how to beat them. Tried everything. I suppose its a bit like real life although in the game i havn't even come close to beating them.

Generally if you play a 4-2-3-1 with two solid defensive midfielders in front of the back four, a pacy centre midfield player going box to box, two pacy wingers and a quick strong striker you have a good chance of beating any bigger side. Played like that with my bray side for a season and finished 5th. Only scored 29 goals but only conceded 19. Could be worth a shot

Block G Raptor
10/04/2008, 1:41 PM
On the flip side I was buzzin' for about 2 days after winning the Champions League with Bohs on Championship Manager 01/02

10/04/2008, 1:59 PM
Football Manager drives me mad because I always have bogie sides.

At Schalke where I always struggled against Cottbus, at Lazio I struggled against Catania, at Coventry it was Southend and currently at Montpellier it's Rennes.

Sometimes with FM I do lose the plot and feel like brushing my laptop off the desk. Then I realise there's only five minutes gone on the match.

10/04/2008, 2:10 PM
Generally if you play a 4-2-3-1 with two solid defensive midfielders in front of the back four, a pacy centre midfield player going box to box, two pacy wingers and a quick strong striker you have a good chance of beating any bigger side. Played like that with my bray side for a season and finished 5th. Only scored 29 goals but only conceded 19. Could be worth a shot

I've tried that actually. Still got beat. As someone else said about their bogey team...i think derry must be mine.

10/04/2008, 3:11 PM
Practically every game ive had has put me in a bad mood at some stage except Half life 2.

When i cant get past a bit when i get killed and have to go way back and keep repeating the same bit only this week i had a bad run on Condemned 2 put me in a bad mood for 2 days.

10/04/2008, 3:25 PM
I'm one of those guys who flings my joypad across the room when things go against me in a game, so here's a list of the main culprits that have annoyed me

Street Fighter 2 - I refuse to continue if I lose, but M.Bison on max level kicking the snot out of you is hard to take knowing that you won't continue when you lose

Pro Evo - I genuinely find the series to be more frustrating then anything, especially when you're defending a one goal aggregate lead in a cup and one of the opposition players pings one into the top right hand corner from 30 yards in the 90th minute. The referees in particular always get me swearing, but maybe thats why the game seems so good when things go your way.

Football Manager - Nothing worse then your striker missing 10 one on ones in the Champions League final against Man Utd when he has finishing of 18 and composure of 20

Mario Kart - 2 Player mode - racing towards the finish line when your friend smacks you with a red shell and whizzs past you to take the cup.

Super Bomberman - Just getting outplayed and trapped by your friend is very annoying

Smackdown vs Raw - Playing against people who think the aim of the game is to get a chair as soon as possible and just keep hitting you with it, where's the art I ask?

One of the Dizzy games - Can't remember which Dizzy game from the Commodore 64 series but there was a point where you had to jump down from a ledge and get past the gaurd dog. I played that game for 3 months as a child trying to find a way to do so and never could. Turns out (according to C&VG a few years later) it was a glitch in the game and you couldn't get past the dog. I actually started kicking things

10/04/2008, 3:26 PM
Football Manager and Xpert Eleven annoy me when I lose:o.

10/04/2008, 3:29 PM
I found theres a particular glitch with the new pro evo,on the odd of oddest occasions on playing a short pass out from the keeper a player near either touch line could randomly pass the ball directly into touch which sends be into a fuming rage with the console(360) and a "few" days away from the game..

Could very well be a joypad problem though..

10/04/2008, 3:37 PM
Pro Evo used to cause regular fits of rage and sulks in my student days. One of my flatmates would never let you leave, or retire to bed if you beat him, always had to have a rematch, and would usually win by 5 or six, best feeling in the world was the odd time you might beat him twice in a row! He was pretty awesome at the game though.

Football Manager could definitely cause massive depression, especially when you play for 12 hours straight only to lose the title on the last day, lose the cup final and lose the Euro cup final. I always refused to return to an old save point (unlike some of my friends) always believed in having one chance only.

Most shooting games put me in a bad mood because I don't have either the patience or co-ordination to be any good at them, especially on the 360, so many buttons, it's like learning to drive, and it took me ages to be any good at that!

10/04/2008, 3:40 PM
I can tuse the littl ejoysticks for pro evo so use the D-pad the on eon xbox is up on a stalk so when your pressing right it can flop from right/up or right/down . so when im running up the wing in pro evo and for no reason he just runs off the pitch sends me over the edge.

My flat mate has a really short fuse so when playing pro evo if he played a through ball id put my arm up and call offside he would stop ( i kid you not ).. there would be no offside but the chance would be gone he would go mental screaming at me then loose his head and id win . with controllers being flung at heads !!! It worked over and over again.

10/04/2008, 3:48 PM
PES 2008(Pro Evo) drives me nuts when im losing(online only, i don't get mad against the computer at games or playing friends) but when im at home and i start losing i go ****ing banana's, similar to that kid(but not as bad and for things as trivial as loading times :D).
The bed has taken many a thumping and i bought a punching bag a few weeks ago to relive my stress.

I think i personally get so mad, cause im so calm in general, so it all builds up inside me and get's released when i play, funny thing is a play real football and don't get anywhere near as ****ed off if my team is losing!! :D

Was playing a fella the last day who was highly ranked(im over 600 points, thats up the higher (standard) end)

It was 2-2 and i got the ball with Rooney and ran into his half, noticed his keeper a bit of the line so i took a shot(to score them in this version the shot button will never work as the ball barely lifts off the ground from that distance, so you have to use long-pass button, in the three i scored from that distance including this one that's how they went in)
An absolute pinger of a shot which just dropped in under the bar(best of the 3 i scored frm that distance 1st was a fluke and second goalie was out of his box) to which the linesmans flag went up, replay showed my second striker ahead of Rooney as been ONSIDE with the last defender when the ''long-pass'' was unleashed.

Poxy ****er went straight down and scored and held on for the last 5mins for a 3-2 win, needless to say my bed took a bit of a pounding and my controller got bounced off the bed in trademark fashion:D.

I've nearly snapped the disc on a few occassions now!!

10/04/2008, 9:03 PM
Xpert Eleven annoy me when I lose:o.

Yep, but obviously less often;)

Annoys me more when I play against a side who should beat me and I know pretty much will beat me, but I always convince myself we might sneak a 0-1 or 2-1 and look forward to the game, putting more time and effort in only to be trounced 3-0 anyway.:mad:

11/04/2008, 3:00 AM
playing the beta of football manager live at the moment, fantastic game, its insanely addictive. however, a few games in a row losing to the same tactic over and over can make you very very annoyed until you crack it!

11/04/2008, 12:59 PM
Championship Manager , I remember around 2004 I was manager of Manchester United and I was desperate to win the Champions League and I can recall after two seasons where I got to the semi finals , then the 3rd season I was in the semis again and I lost to Roma , I can remember being absolutely fuming and other people in the house coming in to the room to see what happened

11/04/2008, 9:57 PM
I've thrown numerous controllers across the room at various F1 games at different times in my life.

Especially the latest one, F1 06 for for PS2. Some of the tracks are just insanely hard to beat other drivers on at the highest level of difficulty. And Monaco is just a joke, I have never been able to complete a race distance (as in full championship distance) on it without damaging something on my car.

Other than that FM sort of drives me insane, but only because of the random way the non-league transfer market operates. I wish they'd do some work on it; it's almost the perfect game but that little irritation keeps me from enjoying it properly.

11/04/2008, 10:43 PM
Broke a controller playing Pro Evo shamefully recently. My favourite story is still of the guy who, by his own admission, wore a suit when his team reached the FA Cup final in FM. Legend.

12/04/2008, 12:10 AM
Broke a controller playing Pro Evo shamefully recently. My favourite story is still of the guy who, by his own admission, wore a suit when his team reached the FA Cup final in FM. Legend.
If you think that's impressive, google "Championship Manager" +divorce !!

12/04/2008, 4:49 AM
I'm one of those guys who flings my joypad across the room when things go against me in a game, so here's a list of the main culprits that have annoyed me

Mario Kart - 2 Player mode - racing towards the finish line when your friend smacks you with a red shell and whizzs past you to take the cup.

is this the new one that was recently released for the wii?

whats it like?,im thinking of getting it.

13/04/2008, 12:20 AM
Mario Kart - 2 Player mode - racing towards the finish line when your friend smacks you with a red shell and whizzs past you to take the cup.

No the worst is when you're first, clearly the better player and then some **** fires a blue shell on the last lap, costing you the race! :mad:

Pro Evo annoys me when it changes your player at a crucial moment or your striker heads over from under the bar :mad:

13/04/2008, 12:44 AM
No the worst is when you're first, clearly the better player and then some **** fires a blue shell on the last lap, costing you the race! :mad:

Pro Evo annoys me when it changes your player at a crucial moment or your striker heads over from under the bar :mad:

You can turn cursor change to ''automatic'' the computer won't change player then. Although with this version the cursor change is terrible, it never goes onto the player you want, i found it very poor compared to previous editions.

15/04/2008, 12:14 PM
is this the new one that was recently released for the wii?

whats it like?,im thinking of getting it.

Old SNES version I'm afraid so can't give you a review

15/04/2008, 11:48 PM
Old SNES version I'm afraid so can't give you a review

dont worry bout it!

i bought it yesterday and its a good laugh.

49.99 for the game + the steering wheel..not bad!:cool: