View Full Version : Vanilla Coke

12/07/2003, 12:18 PM
I just had my first bottle of the stuff (I tasted it once a few months ago but couldn't remember what it was like) and it's...strange. It's not very nice, although it's not horrible either. It's kind of like a cross between Coke, Pepsi and, oddly enough, vanilla.

Anyone eles tried it yet? If so what were your thoughts?

12/07/2003, 1:05 PM
Yuck. I refuse to try it. Coke is coke, no stupid gimmicky imitations for me.

Its a bit like tugging really, its kinda like the real thing, but no where near as good, and when ur doing itm, ur are wishing that it was the 'real thing'.

Pauro 76
12/07/2003, 2:27 PM
Bleurgh.... horrible manky s h i t.... good old Coke for me so.. Anyone remember Cherry Coke and that disappreared to the great idea at the time factory in the sky along with Guinness Breo.. Reminds me of IrnBru which the locals here are obessed with, but havent a clue why...

12/07/2003, 3:43 PM
I'm huge fan of Irn-Bru. Other than Coke it's the soft-drink that I drink the most. Lovely, so it is.

13/07/2003, 2:34 PM
Irn-brus allright but you usually have to go look for it if you want to but it.Vanilla coke tastes like ****e wasn't too impressed with the lemon coke thing either

16/07/2003, 10:44 AM
I gave up caffeinne ages back so I can't contribute to this discussion...

16/07/2003, 10:49 AM
FFS slk.... Don't drink, don't smoke, don't do caffiene - where's the fun in that???

16/07/2003, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by Macy
FFS slk.... Don't drink, don't smoke, don't do caffiene - where's the fun in that???

What can I say Macy, I'm straightedge, I steer well clear of cough bottles and vitamin tablets and all that self-prescribed rubbish as well! Some people think it's because I'm HARDCORE in a Henry Rollins kinda way. It's not. I'm just contrary really. :)

And the fun is in football. And music. And The Simpsons. And Ladies. cough Lady even... And general laziness.

And there's nothing funnier than being the only lucid person in the midst of a room of drunks, stoners and other assorted folk whose behaviour will embarrass them the following day! :D

I bet my handle makes sense now!!!

16/07/2003, 11:03 AM
I fcuking love Irn Bru. Very hard to get here though, anyone know where I can get some like? It's lovely with vodka.

16/07/2003, 11:36 AM
You can get it in the Spar in Clonskeagh (probably not much use to you though...)

16/07/2003, 12:42 PM
There was a time when vanilla was just so boring, take sex for example vanilla sex was never as good as Strawberry or Fruit of the forrest a bit of flavour always wins hands down...

But Vanilla has transformed itself and is no consiidered cool and whats different. there all going for the vanilla flavour. feckers Coke has it's name sake if it really wants to add flavour!!

I like it but remember tk cola in 25p bottle? I think it is close to that.

16/07/2003, 5:42 PM
Originally posted by Ruairi
I fcuking love Irn Bru. Very hard to get here though, anyone know where I can get some like? It's lovely with vodka.
Of course you love it hey hey shirely hey hey

17/07/2003, 2:23 PM
Less of them Derry slurs hi


18/07/2003, 1:57 PM
7up till i die
7up till i die
7up till i die
7up till i die
7up till i die
7up till i die

Aberdonian Stu
19/07/2003, 12:51 PM
Ah lads it has to be Irn Bru, you can get it at that other newsagent near the Centra at O'Connell bridge and the Texaco up the road from me sells it too.

Of course the locals love it Pauro (you're in Scotland aren't you), prior to January 2002 Irn Bru outsold Coke in Scotland and here's another useless fact...the Scots apparently have the worst dental health in Europe (do I see a connection here?).