View Full Version : Cold/flu

25/03/2008, 4:05 PM
many people seem to brand the same in as the two dont they, but really the flu is about 10 times worse than the cold....

anyhow, i have a question, every year i get a cold, but its always in spring when i get it. I never really stay in bed unless im dying with sweat or whatever, after about a day or 2 ill be grand ( in terms of sore head, dozy etc ) but at the same time, I will end up having the sniffles ( proper sniffles ) for about 3 months and can never shake it, and it will turn into a summer cold. I have been like this since a young age, and I wondered was it cos I was a weakling :D But seriously does anyone have any good "remedies"/things to get rid of it?! nothing worse than being on a tube/bus/public place and ye sneeze and well ye get the message....or constantly sniffing annoying everyone around you.

25/03/2008, 4:47 PM
many people seem to brand the same in as the two dont they, but really the flu is about 10 times worse than the cold....

I agree. The term flu is vastly overused to describe general bugs. The flu does not last 24 hours & would probably be in bed for a week.

Seems bizaree to have cold for 3 months. IMO colds are caused by change in temperature & mixing with people. Work from home, don't take public transport & don't socialise. ;)

25/03/2008, 4:58 PM
i dont have the actual effects of a cold for 3 months, just sniffles i.e. constantly blocked nose and needing to blow it....

25/03/2008, 5:05 PM
Its easy to spot the difference between the 2 men get the Flu women get colds. :D

sounds like you just need a synus deconjestant something like synutab should do the trick.

25/03/2008, 5:08 PM
i dont have the actual effects of a cold for 3 months, just sniffles i.e. constantly blocked nose and needing to blow it....

Mix some local honey with lemon in a warm drink, works wonders for a common cold and it's after effects

25/03/2008, 5:11 PM
i dont have the actual effects of a cold for 3 months, just sniffles i.e. constantly blocked nose and needing to blow it....
Sounds like it might be hay fever.

If it's just a cold you're struggling to shift, the best way to improve your immune system is by improving your diet and exercise.

25/03/2008, 5:14 PM
Sounds like it might be hay fever.

Exactly what I was thinking.

I only began to get hayfever in the last two years, at first i thought it was a cold that I couldnt shake-off the effects of.

25/03/2008, 5:27 PM
Exactly what I was thinking.

I only began to get hayfever in the last two years, at first i thought it was a cold that I couldnt shake-off the effects of.

I don't think i have that, but maybe its london pollution....

25/03/2008, 6:23 PM
I used to be the same when I was a kid. I'd get a very heavy cold in the winter that I could never fully shake off for weeks at a time.
All changed when I went to secondary school, and started cycling to school instead of walking. Basically I used to sweat it out by cycling. I'd still pick up the odd cold in winter, and if I wasn't cycling because of the weather, I'd never shake it off, until the weather improved and I started cycling again. I'd wake up with a blocked nose and be clean and clear before I got to my desk.
Long story short is that I've found that exercise can be a great cure, hit the gym, get on a bike, start playing football, whatever it takes to shake it off.

26/03/2008, 7:42 PM
Beconase is a good nasal spray that I use for Hay Fever. Also Zirtek tablets.

You could try an allergy test.

26/03/2008, 9:28 PM
got the worst throat soreness sunday evenin. was like blades lodged in it, it was sore enough in the morning and then played a match on it, boy did i regret it. an hours sleep and it wasnt half as bad! gone now altogether. im never sick really. very rare i get anything.
does anybody think that drink may cause people to get sick more often than others?

26/03/2008, 9:59 PM
Long story short is that I've found that exercise can be a great cure, hit the gym, get on a bike, start playing football, whatever it takes to shake it off.
I'm the same as paul and I exercise the whole time...

got the worst throat soreness sunday evenin. was like blades lodged in it, it was sore enough in the morning and then played a match on it, boy did i regret it. an hours sleep and it wasnt half as bad! gone now altogether.
Sounds like swolen glands. Lemsip tablets would sort that out.

26/03/2008, 10:02 PM
does anybody think that drink may cause people to get sick more often than others?

Definitely has a part in it. Spirits in particular can leave the throat open to infection. I rarely get sick but many years ago got a septic throat (antibiotics for about a week) after a bender drinking JDs. When you are drunk you don't feel the cold as much so unlikely to wrap up as much.

27/03/2008, 9:00 AM
ive been told dairy products are a cause of it, but i dont think thats necessarily it, because somedays i haven't taken dairy in the morning and it is really bad. Its always the morning thats the worst as well, well generally.

How do you do an allergy test?!

27/03/2008, 4:27 PM
ive been told dairy products are a cause of it, but i dont think thats necessarily it, because somedays i haven't taken dairy in the morning and it is really bad. Its always the morning thats the worst as well, well generally.

How do you do an allergy test?!

Some doctors do them or you could ask your local pharmacist for advice.

Believe it or not some people get bouts of sneezing after eating weetabix.

27/03/2008, 4:30 PM
many people seem to brand the same in as the two dont they, but really the flu is about 10 times worse than the cold....

anyhow, i have a question, every year i get a cold, but its always in spring when i get it. I never really stay in bed unless im dying with sweat or whatever, after about a day or 2 ill be grand ( in terms of sore head, dozy etc ) but at the same time, I will end up having the sniffles ( proper sniffles ) for about 3 months and can never shake it, and it will turn into a summer cold. I have been like this since a young age, and I wondered was it cos I was a weakling :D But seriously does anyone have any good "remedies"/things to get rid of it?! nothing worse than being on a tube/bus/public place and ye sneeze and well ye get the message....or constantly sniffing annoying everyone around you.

Sounds like Aids to me.

27/03/2008, 9:43 PM
Foxtrot Oscar Neil, thats the kind of thing I would say to someone, but not want to hear :D

Well joe i was training tonight and sweated like a priest in a playground but I still have the sniffles and a blocked nose, though not as bad as before i did the training.

28/03/2008, 5:28 AM
i dont have the actual effects of a cold for 3 months, just sniffles i.e. constantly blocked nose and needing to blow it....

I've had the same symptoms for years, I'd have it for a couple of months and then not have it for 6 months...your nose isn't blocked it's inflamed lining of the nostrils and you'll probably feel lethargic a lot as a result...

I've tried every over the counter medicine there is and sometimes they work and sometimes they don't, the last time I had it was in December for about 8 weeks so I went to the Doc and was clear after a day or so...

The prescription I got was for nasal drops called Bethnesol but it took a visit to about 8 chemists before I found one that stocked it due to a worldwide shortage...I also got an expectorant called Exputex and a nasal spray called Otrivine which are both available without prescription, if the chemist is sound they may give you the nasal drops without prescription ;)...the whole lot came to about €23...take the 3 together for 2-3 weeks for lasting results.

I guarantee after 3-4 days you'll feel way better but keep taking for 2-3 weeks...post back the results.

28/03/2008, 8:48 AM
hmmm i dont like the idea of taking 3 different things for 3 weeks.....what are the side effects of these things?!

28/03/2008, 5:33 PM
hmmm i dont like the idea of taking 3 different things for 3 weeks.....what are the side effects of these things?!

No more side effects than taking Sinutab for sinus problems or paracetamol for a cold, at least no side effects I could see......

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