View Full Version : Top 5 Superhero's

10/07/2003, 6:38 PM
think about this one now before all jumping in like :D

10/07/2003, 6:39 PM
will prob change this again but for now.

Wonder Woman
John O Flynn ;)

10/07/2003, 7:42 PM
wonder woman
nightcrawler (from xmen)
the tick (hehe)
batman (cheesy 50's version only)

11/07/2003, 12:21 PM
1. Spiderman (No rivals)
2. Wolverine (The bad ass we all secretly wish we could be)
3. Shadowcat (My comic-book crush)
4. The Hulk (But not for his dress sense, where does one buy so many purple suits???)
5. Am... I dunno... Lion-O from the Thundercats for no reason at all!

The Sheliban
11/07/2003, 12:32 PM
Earthworm Jim

11/07/2003, 12:47 PM
I'm Adam's hero... does that count? Thought not.

Superman is way ahead of the lot. And isn't the Hulk an anti-hero?

11/07/2003, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by Dodge
I'm Adam's hero... does that count? Thought not.

Superman is way ahead of the lot. And isn't the Hulk an anti-hero?

and whats an anti-hero...thats just a hero to people who dont like heroes

didnt the hulk solve crimes and sh!t without really knowing? I shouldve paid attention in comic book class

11/07/2003, 12:55 PM
Chopper (2000 AD)
Slaine (Celtic Warrior in 2000 AD)
The Undertaker (WWF)
Pam Anderson
Dermot Keely:p

parnell ranger
11/07/2003, 1:03 PM
hercule poirot
trevor brooking
noel larkin
lassie(mark 1)

11/07/2003, 1:42 PM
Superman blows...

Slurms McKenzie
11/07/2003, 7:48 PM
Originally posted by James
think about this one now before all jumping in like :D

Having given this alot of thought, i reckon James is my top superhero.

His powers include straight talking and no bull. His wit will baffle supervillains into making mistakes, therefore saving the universe.

12/07/2003, 7:37 PM
1.Superman- was ,is, and always will be the ultimate superhero.

2.Earthworm jim-That show is seriously funny even for adults.


4.Spiderman-Ya gotta have love for spiderman.

5.Cyclop's from X-men.

deise deserter
21/07/2003, 2:22 PM
1. Spiderman - the new "Ultimate Spiderman" version.

2. The Authority - It's a superhero team I know, but where else do you read about Superheroes actually doing anything really useful with their powers? If I have to reduce this to one though, I'll take the late leader Jenny Sparks. (SLK - borrow all of these form me next).

3. Batman - naything after 1986 and the all-important "Dark Knight Returns."

4. Wolverine - of the X-Men.

5. Daredevil - only getting into him in the past 2 years or so but he is definitely worth reading.

max power
21/07/2003, 2:51 PM
superted was the man, and his side kick spotty rocked !!!!!

the old batman was the business

dangermouse and penfold were quiet a duo as well

the hurricane from wwe is in a league of his own

but the main man when it comes to superheros has to be..............................................ye r man from the lucozade ad, look at all those top sports stars who don't hear the sound of second place thanks to him !!!!!

22/07/2003, 12:15 PM
1. The Hurricane --- Now Whats up wit Dat???
2. Gambit (X-men) -- Monomi -- coolest xman ever.
3. The crew from Star Fleet X - (For the old heads to remember)
4. The Tic ---- complete class..
5. He-man , the new updated episodes on CNX are bring back some memories of when I was a smallie..

noteworthy mentions.
The 5 from battle of the planets
Captain Scarlet

Top 5 Super Babes.
1. Teela (from He-man)
2. Storm (x-men)
3. Sheera (the female he-man)
4. Batgirl
5. Jean Grey (x-men) ...(imagine the positions she could get you in
;) )

22/07/2003, 1:32 PM
1) Neo from the Matrix - whoa
2) The Tick
3) Noel Spillane
4) Super Mario
5) The guy who invented sliced bread

23/07/2003, 11:52 AM
McGyver - now that guy was a legend.
Could make a bomb out off chewing gum
and a piece of string.

23/07/2003, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by niamh
McGyver - now that guy was a legend.
Could make a bomb out off chewing gum
and a piece of string.
Hi patty! Or is it selma :p :D :D