View Full Version : Do you acknowledge other EL fans?

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23/03/2008, 8:29 PM
Ok, let me explain...

Apologies, but maybe this only really apples if you live in Dublin, and it is a bit of an unusual one.

Given that there's only a few thousand EL fans in Ireland, if you're out and you happen to see someone and you're both wearing an EL shirt do you acknowledge one another? For example, a couple of weeks ago when we were playing UCD, I was on my way to the match walking down Grafton Street (I live in Dublin), and a girl in a Shels top walked past me. For just a brief second, among the Polish shop assistants on their way home, the office workers going for a pint, the tourists, and the Ladbrokes sign advertising odds for the nights Blue Square League matches we shared a kind of mutually acknowledged respect- we were LOI fans on our way to see our local teams play. :p

It's happened to me a couple of times, where I've noticed a fellow LOI fan, (possibly because it's rather unusual to see a DCFC fan walking around Patrick Street or wherever), and there's been a nod between us. Might have once happened in Derry but there's so many shirts around these days its not unusual in the city centre.

Anyone else know what I'm talking about? Would it be unusual enough to see an EL around the town centre?

It is a strange one, I know...;)

23/03/2008, 8:31 PM
Yes I would always try to acknowledge a fellow el fan

23/03/2008, 8:35 PM
Would recognise a lot of Cork City fans so I don't think that counts. You don't see very many other ELOI jersies around the city except on match days. Will usually give a nod or say hello or have a chat on match day if theres opposition fans hanging around. Enjoyed slagging my friend who scored with a Pats fan before!

23/03/2008, 9:21 PM
There would be a few knowing glances alright. I'd be more likely to do it with non Bohs, Rovers, Pats fans though. That's more of a knowing glare ;) Always found the corkies very welcoming down there. You get the feeling that a large minority of people on a friday in cork know what the hell an EL jersey is doing in the city whereas in Dublin no one cares

23/03/2008, 10:03 PM
Work with a Sligo fan and a Longford casual supporter (not of the Aquascutum wearing fighting kind, mind...), would have the odd conversation in work. However, I've NEVER seen an eL shirt at random in Tallaght, and I've actually seen more Albion shirts at random in Dublin I'd guess.

23/03/2008, 10:56 PM

I stopped at a bus stop in Salthill to pick up a bunch of Derry City fans [one is BrendyEire, who posts here] and gave them a lift to match. I have often spoken to LOI fans in Galway, most especially if it's NOT a match day. Once I spot a bit of merchandise (jersy, baseball cap, t-shirt etc) I will try to start a conversation. Last summer, I chatted to Longford fans on a stag, an entire St. Pat's 'family' in Galway for a weekend and a rather drunk Cork City fan. I'd say that the most common LOI jersy that I see around Galway is Cork City. I work in the centre of Galway and I am alway's on the look out.

Also, when I was on my honeymoon in Hawaii in 2001, I spotted a lad in a Shamrock Rovers jersey but I didn't get to speak to him he was on the other side of the restaurant and he'd left before I did.

23/03/2008, 11:10 PM
where i work we get a lot of Galway and Derry jerseys coming in, always have a chat. Jim Roddy, chairman of DCFC(think thats his name) came in one day, had a great debate about all things LOI

Kildare Lad
23/03/2008, 11:30 PM
The odd time down here in Newbridge i would see people wearing Shamrock Rovers gear. Think myself that a good few young lads follow them after moving down from dublin. The odd Pats top too

24/03/2008, 12:03 AM
Regularly noticed the same thing when I worked in Dublin. Will always acknowledge any opposition jersies around Cork as well but have noticed that it's when abroad that it's always a great ice-breaker. I've struck up a couple of great lasting friendships with guys that I've met on holidays etc and all because one of us was wearing a jersey.

Then there was that night in McGowans.......................

4 in a row
24/03/2008, 2:33 AM
ye i always aknowledge other eircom league fans, great buzz:cool:

24/03/2008, 3:41 AM
Been in Asia and Oz for 2 months now. Only saw on lad wearing a Cork Jersey in Sydney. I said "go on Galway United" as i passed. He Just smiled( Full of conversation them cork Lads :confused::D)
On a sad note a Bar in Melbourne Showed a premier**** game last nite and it was packed with lads wearing liverpool and United Jerseys. At least 3/4 of them where Irish( Plonkers) An Aussie lad asked this Irish Guy where he was from and the Irish guy pointed at this liverpool crest!!!!! Sad or What :mad:

24/03/2008, 5:26 AM
the eircom league is put down by a lot of people so when ever i see someone in a jersey of el club, i would say hello or nod as you feel we are a minority and for that person it is a way of sticking 2 fingers up to the begrudgers

24/03/2008, 8:30 AM
....On a sad note a Bar in Melbourne Showed a premier**** game last nite and it was packed with lads wearing liverpool and United Jerseys. At least 3/4 of them where Irish( Plonkers) An Aussie lad asked this Irish Guy where he was from and the Irish guy pointed at this liverpool crest!!!!! Sad or What :mad:....

I was in Lanzarote a few weeks ago. It really pi$$ed me off when I saw Irish people (adults more so than kids) wearing English or Celtic jersies. Fair play to the folks who wear GAA jersies eventhough a crispy pink Paddy in an Offaly jersy is not so easy on the eye.

24/03/2008, 8:42 AM
I've never seen one here yet!!
I did see a Japanese teenager in an Ireland away shirt in a train station about 3 years ago, but when I asked him about it and told him I was Irish, he quickly moved away from me.

green army
24/03/2008, 8:56 AM
However, I've NEVER seen an eL shirt at random in Tallaght, and I've actually seen more Albion shirts at random in Dublin I'd guess.

saw loads of pats and rovers jerseys in tallaght.

24/03/2008, 10:41 AM
I saw a lad with a pats shirt on in grafton street but it was hard to "acknowledge" him as I wasnt wearing any LOI gear. I would have just looked like a stalker... I do try though when I am wearing my colours. ;)

24/03/2008, 10:50 AM
I did see a Japanese teenager in an Ireland away shirt in a train station about 3 years ago, but when I asked him about it and told him I was Irish, he quickly moved away from me.

And rightly so too :D

There are Japanese Shels fans. Watch out for them. They hunt in packs

24/03/2008, 11:04 AM
saw loads of pats and rovers jerseys in tallaght.

That will change next year... ;)

24/03/2008, 11:09 AM
I always do. When I go shopping in Drogheda I always say hello to random Drogs fans. Also when was waiting for a bus in Clondalkin one day there was a guy in a Rovers jacket (he was about 16/17) at the stop too. I slagged him about getting beaten that weekend and we spent the bus journey into town chatting bout eL.

On a similar note if I am in a pub or nite club and get chatting to someone from say Derry or Galway or wherever I always always ask if they support their local team. If they don't generally the conversation ends there. Put it like this, if he cant be bothered to support his local team he isnt worth me wasting my time coz he wont understand my need to follow the Mons.

Erstwhile Bóz
24/03/2008, 11:17 AM
:D Solves my "what'll I wear today" dilemma, this thread!

The only one I remember is getting a comical "Ohhhh, Bohs, tsk, tsk, tsk" from a cheery bus driver. He wasn't wearing any colours.

The Sheliban
24/03/2008, 11:27 AM
Seems anytime I ever see another shirt, I'm not wearing my own.

I will try to say a few words to Shels fans, though, even when not wearing the colours.

24/03/2008, 11:34 AM
We should all wear our club badges under the hem of our tops or something and if you ever see a fellow eler you could flash them your badge. Could be like our own wee secret society!

Erstwhile Bóz
24/03/2008, 11:38 AM
I haven't looked under the hem of my top in years!

24/03/2008, 11:44 AM
you never know what you might find! :eek::D

24/03/2008, 12:05 PM
Always make a point of giggling when I pass someone in a Shels top. They know whats its for too...

As far others, it depends how recently we played them, and what the result was. A group of Pats fan used to play astro on the pitch nest to a group of Rovers fans in Tallaght and we'd always have a bit of banter

24/03/2008, 1:15 PM
I never acknowledge other el fans on the street. I am secretly happy that there are others out there who are proud to wear el jerseys in the street but they're still random people.

24/03/2008, 2:20 PM
There are only two types of EL fans available to acknowledge anyway :

1) Those who support the Candystripes.
2) Those who secretly wish they could/did.....

I have just acknowledged both sets in this post.

24/03/2008, 2:25 PM
There are only two types of EL fans available to acknowledge anyway :

1) Those who support the Candystripes.
2) Those who secretly wish they could/did.....

I have just acknowledged both sets in this post.

3. Those who support Derry but wished thet supported Longford :D:p

24/03/2008, 3:08 PM
3. Those who support Derry but wished thet supported Longford :D:p
I think I know that guy. Never got over walking in on his parents.

24/03/2008, 4:30 PM
I think I know that guy. Never got over walking in on his parents.

You know Stephen Kenny?

24/03/2008, 4:36 PM
You know Stephen Kenny?
Only to see. The twitching makes me nervous.

Pablo Escobar
24/03/2008, 4:47 PM
I'm a bit of a collector. I have a few from different clubs. I rarely wear them, but on one occasion I was walking through the Cork city wearing my Dublin City jersey, when I was spotted by a well known Cork City fan. I was met by a bemused stare.

24/03/2008, 5:42 PM
I always acknowledge fellow LoI supporters where ever I meet 'em. In my last job I had to travel around the country a lot on building sites and I'd often bump into followers of different clubs and I'd always have a natter with them. Being from a s hit little kip of a town I'm kinda delighted to be able to actually talk to someone about football (can't do that with the barstoolers for the obvious reason). And (he says haughtily) sometimes I think we LoI supporters are better that everyone else.

Lim till i die
24/03/2008, 8:20 PM
sometimes I think we LoI supporters are better than everyone else.

It's just us Limerick fans Woody, just us Limerick fans. :ball:

24/03/2008, 8:43 PM
I've never seen one here yet!!
I did see a Japanese teenager in an Ireland away shirt in a train station about 3 years ago, but when I asked him about it and told him I was Irish, he quickly moved away from me.

Watch out for Maiko! http://www.galwayunitedfc.ie/supporters/maiko---united-s-fan-in-japan.html

25/03/2008, 1:45 AM
I always do. When I go shopping in Drogheda I always say hello to random Drogs fans. Also when was waiting for a bus in Clondalkin one day there was a guy in a Rovers jacket (he was about 16/17) at the stop too. I slagged him about getting beaten that weekend and we spent the bus journey into town chatting bout eL.

On a similar note if I am in a pub or nite club and get chatting to someone from say Derry or Galway or wherever I always always ask if they support their local team. If they don't generally the conversation ends there. Put it like this, if he cant be bothered to support his local team he isnt worth me wasting my time coz he wont understand my need to follow the Mons.

True Magic !!

25/03/2008, 4:06 AM
I have travelled a lot the past few years and no matter where I'm going I have at least 6 Derry City shirts or shorts packed. They are usually the only tops etc, I wear during the day as it's only warm climates I go to.

So last summer I was in the west coast of USA and passed a guy wearing a Shamrock Rvrs top in Disneyworld, I smiled as he passed but I don't think he saw me as he was roaring at one of his kids at the time.

Then a week later we went to Alcatraz and both me and the other half were both wearing our proper replica shirts and as we stepped of the boat a guy with an american kind of twang came up and said "boyo but you's are chit this year!

Yip, he was a Cork fan who's been living in San fran for 15 years. He was showing visitors he had around, but we got into a good conversation as the 3 of us ignored everyone else with us.

He took a couple of good photos of us at the Alcatraz sign which I use for my photo profile in my BEBO.

But it's things like that which stands out

Another story was when we where playing Newcastle Utd in the final in Dublin in '97 me and a mate were totally wrecked after beating Celtic the night before.

We were walking up Grafton St when two wee women about 70 turned and said to us "good luck tonight lads"......that really helped build our spirits up and we still talk about it any time we meet up.

Pablo Escobar
25/03/2008, 7:49 AM
The only loi of Ireland fans i ever saw other than match day are city fans. Outside of match day i never actually came across other loi fans
I do see some Ramblers jerseys around alright. We'll probably be seeing more of them when their new jersey eventually becomes available to buy.

25/03/2008, 9:05 AM
Watch out for Maiko! http://www.galwayunitedfc.ie/supporters/maiko---united-s-fan-in-japan.html

She's only an 'nth' degree better than the bar-stooling w@nkers in Ireland, to be fair.

Starting supporting Ireland because Manb United's captain at the time was Roy Keane. Cringeworthy stuff that the Orientals specialise in.

At least she has some connection with Galway though.

Block G Raptor
25/03/2008, 9:13 AM
I'll always nod or smile when ever i see a non-Rovers eL merchandise wearing person.I just can't bring myself to acknowledge Rovers fans (I know thats pretty bigoted of me but it's just whenever I see those hoops my attitude changes)and usually get a knowing nod back (or maybe they're thinking "just nod and the strange man grinning at me for no apparent reason and keep walking")

25/03/2008, 9:42 AM
Yelled cheerily 'Up the Drogs!' at someone wearing a DUFC top at the international in Wales last November. He smiled back at me - it was a warm moment between us.

25/03/2008, 11:37 AM
Yelled cheerily 'Up the Drogs!' at someone wearing a DUFC top at the international in Wales last November. He smiled back at me - it was a warm moment between us.


25/03/2008, 1:18 PM
Thanks for putting that up, Gavin Zac. It is truly 'beautiful'.

25/03/2008, 3:26 PM
only really on holidays or something like that, bit odd to just grab someone off the street and say something :D

25/03/2008, 9:47 PM
I was in matchday gear walking through Dublin 3 today and had 'Dundalk are shoite' shouted at me by some teenager. Does that count?

25/03/2008, 10:20 PM
People country-wide come in to my work so I quiz them on their nearest team, no matter how abstract or distant.
Me and a City fan buddy have a bit of a joke where we keep asking a guy from Clarecastle if Derek McCarthy is the answer up front or should ye bring back Colin P. He doesn't follow footie.

As for just harrassing people who wear jersies on the street, I'd strike up chit-chat with all eL fans except those of 2 clubs which is a bit sad and bitter really I suppose.
No big issue just the likelihood of them annoying me. Bohs ain't one.

eL fans are generally a good calibre of people it must be said.

26/03/2008, 1:08 AM
I was in matchday gear walking through Dublin 3 today and had 'Dundalk are shoite' shouted at me by some teenager. Does that count?
No, we're just talking about specifically football related banter.


26/03/2008, 5:04 PM
Usually only City fans Id see around Cork in gear, and its getting more and more frequent. Id acknowledge them even if I didnt know them.

Met a group of Drogs fans the day of the match last week and there was a bit of banter but other than that only the odd Ramblers jacket.

In Sweden last year though we ended up in a pub rub by a Shels fan, who gave all of us free food and gave me free soft drinks for the night.

26/03/2008, 6:15 PM
Today I was walking down to the shop and I passed this old lad in my estate who I'd never seen before and he started talking to me about Wanderers cos I had my jersey on.

26/03/2008, 6:19 PM
Talked to a few Rovers fans in Wexford last July, i was wearing my Derry top in the Stores bar.