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View Full Version : My last word on this Cork/Pats/Dolan/Collins thing

10/07/2003, 1:01 PM
I'll post here in the pats forum as other views aren't welcome on certain other places of the site, I promise this is the last word on the current spate so I'd appreciate non-abusive arguments if people want to respond please:

On Dolan:

Are we obssesed with the man since his departure?

It could be viewed that way, but if Cork fans believe that they wouldn't have a word or three to say on various topics of another club's forum if say Liam Murphy or Dave Barry joined say Shamrock Rovers than they are kidding themselves and us. Of course Dolan is a topic of great interest for us. And of course we've a lot to say on the matter. We'd want to be pretty dumb not to have formed some opinion on the guy by this stage one way or another?

Are we jealous of what Dolan is doing now for Cork?

The best that can be said here is that the jury is still very much out. I'd argue that both teams are in the hunt and results between the two set ups have proved that only penalties have actually seperated us head to head this season. Pats fans are very united behind Collins and the support at the bohs and rovers games has 'been emotional'. We are 100% happy with Collins's skill in the transfer market.

Who put Saint Pats on the map?

A fella called Brian Kerr had a lot to do with it.

On Pat Dolan's rants in newspapers, the anti cork bias rubbish and other smokescreens:

Even a lot of the cork city posters on your forum agree that the man overplays this. Some like it cause it gets publicity for Cork City. My opinion for what its worth (and I know thats feck all around here) is that by constantly attacking the refs/the fai/ other clubs Dolan makes enemies for Cork City FC in the long run. in the long run clubs/the league the fai etc HAVE to work together to progress so it will eventually accumalate and bite you back in the arse just like it did when Pat Dolan attacked everyone under the sun while he was at pats. Verbal attacks get you headlines but at the end of the day you have to sit down and work with your fewllow league chairmen and reps and the fai.....so does Dolans "outside the tent ****ing in" attitude help or hinder City's cause in your opinion. To me its a no brainer. He does F all to help progress the game, he just attacks everyone he should be working in tandem with....by the end of the season you will be SICK of this **** I have no doubt.

On Eamonn Collins

He has our support, he certainly has the football contacts and his signings have been astute without question. There is mutual animosity now between him and his ex boss, no one can deny that. He SHOULD leave it be now and get on with his job and ignore dolan. I think the league cup win was the release he needed to put the dolan factor behind him so I doubt it will be an issue from now on

that's my views on some of the recent arguments between pats and cork fans on this forum

by all means reply, criticise etc but dont resort to childish abuseive language as it reflects badly on everyone.

10/07/2003, 2:03 PM
First of all, I won't use "childish abuseive language", but one of your buddies is very fond of calling us idiots and ignorant.

You have a point about a manager moving on to another club, but it seems to me that the level and type of attention/abuse directed at Dolan is incredibly high.

Football wise, there is no great difference between City and Pats, so you wold not need to be jealous there. However, the raised level of interest, profile and attention being paid to City because Dolan is there may make some fans a bit p*ssed off.

Brian Kerr had a lot to do with it, but Dolan kept Pats in the spotlight for a long time and was successful with the club, even though some now want to deny that.

As regards his rants, yes they can be tedious, but as regards the FAI especially, he is right. His method may be wrong, but not the message. As for working with other clubs, for how long have $hels gotten away with the kind of sh*te they carry on with ?
Why do all the clubs accept this?

I knew/know nothing about Collins except what I've heard him say. He comes across as a petty, begrudging little man. I hope you are right about the LC win, maybe he will cop on and get on with his own affairs.

Lets leave it at that, as the whole thing is getting extremely boring.

10/07/2003, 2:07 PM
MY view on this would be

Wonem aren't they just brilliant!!!! where would we be without them!!

10/07/2003, 2:46 PM
cheers for the respose oddboy, see you can have a debate from different sides without the need for it to descend into farce

Originally posted by oddboy
You have a point about a manager moving on to another club, but it seems to me that the level and type of attention/abuse directed at Dolan is incredibly high.

just on this point, everything has a context and in this case the context was the abuse dished out between pats fans and pat dolan (from both sides, him from the Star and the programme and us from the terrace) during his final year at pats, both sides have been hammering each other for months before he joined city so you guys would of course only be picking up on this now as obviously you wouldnt be reading or hearing too much about dolan when he was with us, the abuse he gets and gives is a continuation not something that has just sprung up out of nowhere cause he decided to join cork after we appointed Collins

10/07/2003, 2:49 PM
I used the word idiot not as a name calling but a statement of opinion. A name calling would have been thick culchie idiot, or in your terms; jackeen, junkie scumbag.

I don't know anything about anybody on this (Cork) board and have only ever met one (GWA) for a very brief moment so I have never commented on anything other than what people have posted. So when somebody repeatedly refuses to look at facts or listen to other people's opinions I have every right to call them idiots or ignorant. Likewise when people call me (and others) muppets for doing something similar. On the Ultras board at the moment they have a poll on whether to ban all Cork fans as they generally post rubbish. There have been several threads on the eL MB recently also saying that Cork fans are becoming ridiculous with their internet boll ocks so its obviously not only me that takes great offence to SOME posters

If you want to know my opinion of Dolan, read my piece on the Independent Saints site. I do not hate the man, I do not belittle his achievements but I despise the fact that he could/would not accept his failings and continued to use evry smokescreen imaginable to deflect attention away from those failings and onto everything else (Internet fans/FAI/Ollie Byrne etc) I also hate the way he has turned on Pats board after they bent over backwards to allow him to save face in February and despite what some Cork fans think he has continued to attack Pats since then.

The main reason we used that banner was because a) we knew it would wind him up (as opposition manager) b) it would wind you up (as opposition fans) and c) it was funny.

10/07/2003, 2:57 PM
Originally posted by Dodge
The main reason we used that banner was because a) we knew it would wind him up (as opposition manager) b) it would wind you up (as opposition fans) and c) it was funny.

and the main reason i was holding up the cork city supporters anti drug banner in inchicore a few weeks ago was cause i feel very strongly that the issue of drugs is a serious one especially in dublin and the issue needed to be raised. plus i thought it was funny :)

pity the security didnt think so :)

i think after a few months with dolan in charge at city i can safely say the man talks a load of PR waffle no matter what club he manages.. last nights viewing on chorus on the city longford game highlighted this.. he was basically calling for cork ppl to get up in arms against the fai and the dublin clubs
i doubt he means any /half of it and all he's trying to do is creat this talked about them v us scenario which he thinks will raise players performance at the end of the day

better to have him shouting for ya then against ya imo , but dont believe the hype

10/07/2003, 3:03 PM
BTW I didn't see anything wrong with the banner...

We used to like all the Dolan hype but youget sick of it real quick when you realise its doing you no good and the the league hates you

10/07/2003, 3:43 PM
bit like jackeen/junkie:)

10/07/2003, 3:48 PM
Originally posted by Dodge
bit like jackeen/junkie:)

if the needle fit's
inject it :p:cool: :D

10/07/2003, 3:56 PM
Yes, very witty and very original

:rolleyes: :o :)

10/07/2003, 9:16 PM
Originally posted by James
if the needle fit's
inject it :p:cool: :D
James why did`nt you have the "needle" banner against rovers? I think we both know why