View Full Version : MNS Programme Suggestions

A face
10/03/2008, 9:50 PM
Lads, the basic idea here is to suggest an idea on a feature you'd like to see happen BUT you need to give a bit of info on it, not a one liner. Gonna delete anything that isn't valid or if its too short, etc. Give an idea and a few suggestions that you think would make a good feature.



A face
10/03/2008, 10:14 PM
In General

Apart from the title (and this is not a small issue), I thought it was pretty good.

There seemed to be a bit of energy and enthusiasm behind MNS.

Stop aping the BBC's coverage. The BBC's presentation of football matches is uniformly dreadful and trivial, as is the case with every British network.

How about a phone-in section.........something to make it more interactive.


Sort out the panel and seating arrangements. I know they're aiming for an informal atmosphere, but having the presenter sat in the middle of the panel, twisting this way and that to address his guests doesn't look good. Also, it kept leaving Rico in shot when Con Murphy was talking to camera, which looked awful. Give the presenter his own seat on the left with the three panelists opposite.

Match Highlights

Need to make the highlights more professional looking, I think the Team Line-ups should definately be shown in a graphic at the start of each game. As well as that I think it would be a lot easier to follow games, especially for LOI new comers, if the names and scores of the teams were in the tip left corner during highlights - like the Premiership and Match of the Day. Why not?

May I also make the suggestion of showing the two lineups before each game - as they do on MOTD, the Champions League stuff etc. It'd help new fans learn some of the player's names and such and give us regulars indication on who was actually playing

They need to show highlights as they are talking about incidents

Biggest issue; have a major rethink on the actual presentation of the games. Introduce on-screen line-ups, show more highlights and give each game a decent preview of at least 90 seconds. Post-match interviews need to be longer. Above all, give the voiceover commentators a massive kick up the hole and remind them they're not on eL Weekly. They have a whole weekend to write and rehearse a script that doesn't sound like something from local radio.

Camera Angles

The Cameras are in good positions for most games, but looking at the right side stand for the pats game for example, behind the goal. That terrace was half full but hidden from the camera view as most people sat to the right side. Perhaps the club could reserve seating nearest to the stand and get patrons to sit further out towards the visibility of cameras. Yellow tape might do the job and remove a small section at a time to accommodate spectators, sounds like a lot of work but might do the job.

For the home galway matches the cameras should be on the opposite side to show the new stand and not showing the old one. Why did they put a tv gantry up there if theyre not going to use it?


A live interview every week with a protagonist from the main game would freshen things up a bit as well.

On The Road

Cobh to Harps section in the first show was good. Although i think if they had the voice over footage of places they were passing through, stopping at etc. it would make it more interesting. Also, if there were supporters buses travelling, maybe show footage of them setting off as well [where possible] just to show how many people are actually setting off, although this would be hard to do i'd imagine.

Also when they get there, try and cover a bit more of the pre-match, 4 hours before kick off etc. the build up to the game.

Try and get some comments for the fans of both teams entering the ground. Focus in on flags and fans wearing colours etc. If there is a fanzine on sale, give us a look at that, and maybe mention something that is in it relevant to the match.

The only thing I would like is to maybe get some fans interviews on the road, keep it short but gets the point across of dedication.

i think instead of going up on the players bus how bout a camera in the supporters bus? If we had one on the way up and down to cork we would have had an extremely funny show even though there was only 30ish of us
this would show your average barstooler that there is a lot more then just the match itself .theres the anticipation before the game etc

People on here are on about getting the camera on the supporters bus and the issues that may arise.......what if the supporters did it themselves and submit it to the show as a fan cam......It would show the routine people go through it can be done for either a home game or an away game...maybe a comparison between the home and an away fan for a particular game ......this would include footage in the ground and would show singing of both sets of fans from the fan point of view

Fans - Ultra Sections

pretty much every club in the premier(and a few in the first) has an ultra style group.maybe following one around every week documenting the preperations and the colour they bring to stadiums.this would help people to understand that these groups arent hooligans and arent trying to cause trouble.....

Fans profiles. Meet with Ultras and so on. On Football Italia they used to go with club fans when they made banners. They would explain the meaning behind the banners and so on. Somthing like that would be great.

A LOI fans aspect would be good. In fact it is vital. Why they don't support Man U, how they organise trips to away games, their experiences on European trips etc...

Based on groups of fans and not some attention-seeking exhibitionist loser headbanger standing in the terraces who might look as if he would make good TV.

It would show fans in a good light and would be a great indication as to how people can go and become involved and support their local clubs

Another idea might be a feature on foreign fans that come over to watch matches such as the Italians that come to Cork and Galway. I'm sure a few other clubs probably have a couple as well.

Fan Analysis

They should have fans from 2 cubs hone in to discuss an upcoming fixture and their teams eg harps v Derry this week.

Also, they could have fans answer questions about their clubs ie trivia and whichever fans does best wins tickets to an Ireland International.

Fans debate on issues like Flares and Terracing.

If they're going to do fan interaction then why not copy Sky's old fanzone programme from Monday nights? They show the highlights, have a panel and talk to the chosen fans as well

i really would like to see a wee few clips with the fans.maybe have a supporter analysed each week at a game, talk with them before and after the game

Famous eircom League Fans

Are there any famous LOI fans around that would be willing to be in a one-off interview? I seem to remember Tony Blair appearing on Football Focus towards the end of his tenure, obviously Bertie would never do it but any other high profile politicians/singers/celebrities?

Fan Photo Competition

Something along the lines of "fan photo of the week" - fans send photos, best one wins a prize.

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Tweak the features, get rid of the Good, Bad and Ugly one, delve a bit deeper into the archive (one highlight per show is sufficient, give it a good minute or so and add a voice over for context.)

Up and Coming Players

A short feature about an up and coming player from a different club each week or something to that effect. A quick clip of them doing there stuff, some questions about why they joined said club, what their aspirations are, etc would do the job.

Raiders of the Lost Archive

If it focused on one game/event and more than just the very recent past it would be better

Where Are They Now?

I'd like to see something along the lines of 'Where are they now?' where they show footage of a player from back in the day, black and white grainy picture type stuff and have people guess who it is, announce it the following week with the player in question in Studio and interview him on past and present. I think its something that would create a bit of continuity for week to week.

I reckon this would appeal to an older audience as well and might increase the viewing figures.

First Division

First Division up coming fixtures. Barely managed to squeeze in the results, but not telling people about all the leagues fixtures was a major disappointment (and I wouldn't be one of those that'd necessarily looking for 1st division highlights).

Programme Panel

Con Murphy not to try so hard with the banter and just let it develop. Actually, if they going to just lift the format from Park Live and Heineken Cup Roadshow they should go the whole hog and have some fans in the studio to add to the atmosphere if they're going down the blokey banter route.

60 Second Interview

If people are against the 60 second interview on MNS, how about moving it on to The Den on a monday evening or what ever its called these days so younger fans can see the stars of the eircom league plus plug MNS that its on at 8.00 pm mondays

My girlfriend was watching that part and enjoyed it especially the banter about Guy and his Honda civic

60 second interview was more suited to kids.

The 60 second interview was a bit goofy but worked well in a shameless sort of way, I'd retain it.

Crossbar Challenge

A crossbar challenge would be entertaining... they could go to all the clubs in premier, 1st division and new a championship

YBIG did a few of these, e.g. http://youtube.com/watch?v=gaVcs5Igq2o

Chant of the Week

For instance 'ta la la la' by rovers against drogs ...

Predictions League

Maybe a predictions league amongst the pundits?

A face
11/03/2008, 10:35 PM
More ideas for features and how to improve stuff already there. Don't just say 'make it better', explain how it could be better.

Has anyone got any ideas that have not been seen before, on any show, Sky, BBC, MNS or other?

A face
17/03/2008, 10:13 PM
Fans - Ultra Sections

pretty much every club in the premier(and a few in the first) has an ultra style group.maybe following one around every week documenting the preperations and the colour they bring to stadiums.this would help people to understand that these groups arent hooligans and arent trying to cause trouble.....

Fans profiles. Meet with Ultras and so on. On Football Italia they used to go with club fans when they made banners. They would explain the meaning behind the banners and so on. Somthing like that would be great.

A LOI fans aspect would be good. In fact it is vital. Why they don't support Man U, how they organise trips to away games, their experiences on European trips etc...

Based on groups of fans and not some attention-seeking exhibitionist loser headbanger standing in the terraces who might look as if he would make good TV.

It would show fans in a good light and would be a great indication as to how people can go and become involved and support their local clubs

Another idea might be a feature on foreign fans that come over to watch matches such as the Italians that come to Cork and Galway. I'm sure a few other clubs probably have a couple as well.

Is this actually a runner? How could you show it in the best light?

And more importantly would the various fans groups cooperate with RTE on getting this done?

19/03/2008, 6:35 PM
Sorry I havent any useful input at the moment but may I just say I completely disagree with this :

Match Highlights
Post-match interviews need to be longer.

One of many issues I had with TV3's effort (which I gave up on completely) was that their post match chat bored me to tears and went on far too long with nothing of interest to say apart from plenty of tired old cliches.

I say less talk, more actual highlights.

The length of the post match talk on MNS was just about right at the limit of my concentration span :)

pineapple stu
19/03/2008, 6:46 PM
I hope you're not just going to lump all this into one e-mail? Some of it is nonsense (IMO obviously), and a lot of it contradicts itself. For example -

Stop aping the BBC's coverage. The BBC's presentation of football matches is uniformly dreadful and trivial, as is the case with every British network.

This is nonsense, and in any event is completely undermined by later comments like

As well as that I think it would be a lot easier to follow games, especially for LOI new comers, if the names and scores of the teams were in the tip left corner during highlights - like the Premiership and Match of the Day. Why not?

May I also make the suggestion of showing the two lineups before each game - as they do on MOTD, the Champions League stuff etc.

How about a phone-in section.........something to make it more interactive.
Dear God, no. There's enough morons on here (not counting those who have been banned) spouting nonsense without having them ruining this show too. Show me a phone-in show in England which is in any way respected.

get rid of the Good, Bad and Ugly one
Disagree with this one.

A face
19/03/2008, 8:14 PM
I hope you're not just going to lump all this into one e-mail?

No i'm just putting it all together so people can see whats being suggested.

Just want to encourage people to put ideas together, not just one liners etc. Some that they can actually work with.

pineapple stu
19/03/2008, 9:19 PM
Fair enough. I'd be careful of making it to long or preachy though. What came to mind reading it was Homer Simpson designing the Homer motor car, with no-body listening to him half way through.

A face
19/03/2008, 9:55 PM
Fair enough. I'd be careful of making it to long or preachy though. What came to mind reading it was Homer Simpson designing the Homer motor car, with no-body listening to him half way through.

ha ha :p good stuff.

I'd agree though, best to pick an aspect/section of the show and try and develop the idea. I was hoping there'd be more discussion on the development of ideas side of things. At times people come up with great ideas, i think asking them puts them on the spot.

20/03/2008, 12:34 AM
plug the show from the den on a monday would be ideal. 60 second interview and possible visits to schools with teams and CPO'S for the den.....

20/03/2008, 2:19 AM
Lads, the basic idea here is to suggest an idea on a feature you'd like to see happen BUT you need to give a bit of info on it, not a one liner. Gonna delete anything that isn't valid or if its too short, etc. Give an idea and a few suggestions that you think would make a good feature.
Who made you dictator?

Mr A
20/03/2008, 8:08 AM
Who made you dictator?

I did. Now do him homage or face the consequences.

20/03/2008, 10:29 AM
plug the show from the den on a monday would be ideal. 60 second interview and possible visits to schools with teams and CPO'S for the den.....

Good idea about the den plug.You could even use it to promote a competition
requiring entrants to watch MNS.These days you would need some very impressive prize though.Maybe two tickets to an English Premiership match of their choice..(sorry could'nt resist:D)

Jerry The Saint
20/03/2008, 10:40 AM
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Tweak the features

Rico already tweaked his features by getting rid of the 'tache.

get rid of the Good, Bad and Ugly one

I disagree, I think they should keep Foley, Roddy and Sean Connor.

20/03/2008, 12:17 PM
Having the 60 second interview on the Den is a great idea!!

A face
20/03/2008, 12:48 PM
Who made you dictator?

I'm not the dictator ... YOU ARE !! so start dictating willya :eek:

20/03/2008, 3:27 PM
plug the show from the den on a monday would be ideal. 60 second interview and possible visits to schools with teams and CPO'S for the den.....
thats a good idea...:cool: