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07/03/2008, 9:12 AM
Intresting if uninspiring article by Daniel McDonnell in todays Indo. He quotes a figure of €3250 as the highest weekly wage being paid to a eLOI. Are figures like these really being paid in the league or is this just more insurance quote journalisim where they just pull any auld figure out of the air and call it a weekly wage. Full article here: http://www.independent.ie/sport/soccer/euroircom-leagueuro-1309037.html

07/03/2008, 9:15 AM
If Gary Dempsey is actually getting what I've heard he's getting from Pats, €3250 is definitely not out of the question.

A face
07/03/2008, 11:28 AM
65% ..... penalties are for the pitch, not for club licensing

07/03/2008, 11:45 AM
The same old question is that figure net or gross. Still, some clubs must have the same financial experts as Bertie is employing for the tribunal to try and come up with 65%.

07/03/2008, 11:59 AM
If the figures for Pats in that article are correct, their turnover for the year would have to be €4m for them to be abiding by the wage cap. :eek:

Jerry The Saint
07/03/2008, 12:21 PM
St Pat's are thought to have the highest overall weekly wage bill which is estimated by a number of sources close to the club to be €52,000; although Director of Football Brian Kerr last week denied they had the biggest playing budget.

These two statements don't necessarily contradict each other. Pats have a ton of full time coaching and backroom staff which shouldn't fall under the 65% cap (Kerr's wages alone probably make up 65% of revenue :p).

The fact that Pats have been turned down by a number of players who got better offers elsewhere should tell you that there isn't a bottomless pit of money like some journalists would have you believe.

07/03/2008, 12:54 PM
The same old question is that figure net or gross. Still, some clubs must have the same financial experts as Bertie is employing for the tribunal to try and come up with 65%.
A player recently left us complaining about the wages he agreed to sign for. Apparently he had been used to agreeing to the net. His sizeable PRSI and PAYE payments annoyed him it seems.

Last meeting pats fans had with the club, the club were very aware of the 65%.

Knowing exactly what 3 players are on I highly doubt the €52,000 lark.

I know exactly what one player is on at Cork too, and he's pretty close to the €3,250 figure. NET

07/03/2008, 12:56 PM
If the figures for Pats in that article are correct, their turnover for the year would have to be €4m for them to be abiding by the wage cap. :eek:
Pullout from the Sun yesterday said:

Once Garrett Kelleher's investment in St Pat's is in the form of a non-repayable loan, the League says that can be included in the turnover figure and, so, they should have no problem on that [65% wage cap] score.

Bald Student
07/03/2008, 1:00 PM
some clubs must have the same financial experts as Bertie is employing for the tribunal

Garrett Kelleher's investment in St Pat's is in the form of a non-repayable loan

When is a loan not a loan?

07/03/2008, 1:01 PM
non-repayable loan

WTF is a non repayable loan? That's a donation surely.

Jerry The Saint
07/03/2008, 1:03 PM
When is a loan not a loan?

When it's got good friends who call round to visit often.

07/03/2008, 1:06 PM
I know exactly what one player is on at Cork too, and he's pretty close to the €3,250 figure. NET

Mooney? It's either him or George O'Callaghan I'd say.

07/03/2008, 1:08 PM
I've no idea what georgie is on...

07/03/2008, 1:39 PM
Mooney? It's either him or George O'Callaghan I'd say.

Seeing as Dodge is being coy for some reason, I'll let the cat out of the bag. Colin Healy is rumoured to be the highest paid player in the league. If not him then Farrelly, but most likely the former.

Sure Georgie would play for free, he's City through and through! :D:p

Mr A
07/03/2008, 1:40 PM
non-repayable loan

A non-repayable loan? Isn't that a bit of a contradiction in terms?

07/03/2008, 1:53 PM
its a makey up term from the Sun ffs...

07/03/2008, 1:55 PM
If it is a NET figure that means player earning 250k Gross per year which no matter what club is insane money. Probably means player getting paid the equivalent of 6-10 complete gate receipts. :eek:

I think there will be tears regarding 65% wage cap this year. FAI seem be very organised & serious about policing so will be interesting to see they implement.

07/03/2008, 2:07 PM
I've no idea what georgie is on...

Thought as much.You know the other man a bit don't you? Nice work if you can get it, €3,250 or close to it into your hand.

07/03/2008, 2:12 PM
According to the artilce its 3250 net. That defo means a wage of 250k pa minimum. Put in context - half of first div clubs will turnover less than 500k in total!

07/03/2008, 3:22 PM
Seeing as Dodge is being coy for some reasonI don't think he is! :)

Unless I've taken him up wrong.

07/03/2008, 5:00 PM
A non-repayable loan? Isn't that a bit of a contradiction in terms?
Bertie says it was just a dig out from a few friends:D

08/03/2008, 12:16 PM
I've no idea what georgie is on...

Couple of bottles of Smirnoff and a taxi home, if the court reports are to be believed ;)