View Full Version : Pat Fenlon on RTE coverage of LOI

Block G Raptor
05/03/2008, 3:26 PM
about two thirds of the way through this interview (http://www.bohemians.ie/index.php/video-/pfseasonprev.htm)(sorry theres no timer on it) Pat talks about RTE's increased coverage and compares it to TV3. The most telling thing is that he mentions the need to target the younger kids/teens as they'll be the one's more likely to come out to game's

05/03/2008, 7:31 PM
about two thirds of the way through this interview (http://www.bohemians.ie/index.php/video-/pfseasonprev.htm)(sorry theres no timer on it) Pat talks about RTE's increased coverage and compares it to TV3. The most telling thing is that he mentions the need to target the younger kids/teens as they'll be the one's more likely to come out to game's

He is spot on, TV3 had their highlights show on at midnight on a Monday cos they were contracted to the likes of ITV for soaps at prime time, what kid is going to be able to watch it at midnight.

On RTE it's at the far more resonable time of 8pm on a Monday, which is a great time for both a young and old audence.

A bit like the Itilian footbal used to be on at that hour in teh early '90s

I rearly watch LOI but I might start watching the highlights show now that it is on at a decent hour

05/03/2008, 11:14 PM
Decent hour (he says posting at a quarter past midnight) and decent production too.

A face
06/03/2008, 12:36 AM
about two thirds of the way through this interview (http://www.bohemians.ie/index.php/video-/pfseasonprev.htm) (sorry theres no timer on it)

There is, its on the right.

Its a good interview, worth looking at all of it.