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03/07/2003, 11:53 PM
People are complaining about the Shels game being changed. How about sending some emails and/or making some phone calls. We shouldn't let them away with this.



Eircom League
80 Merrion Square
Dublin 2
Phone: 01 7037575
Fax: 01 6768096


Shelbourne F.C.
Tolka Park
Richmond Road
Dublin 3

Phone: +353 1 837 5536 / +353 1 837 5754 / +353 1 836 8781
Fax: +353 1 837 5588
E-mail: info@shelbournefc.ie

04/07/2003, 12:05 AM
Dear Sir/Madam,
it has recently come to my attention that the game between Cork City and Shelbourne scheduled for Friday August 8th is to be moved to Thursday August 7th. Were this being done in order to accomodate a European tie it would be perfectly understandable, and indeed would receive the support of the majority of Cork City fans, some of whom would no doubt attend the European game to support a fellow Irish club in Europe, as I and many others have done previously. However, the idea that a league game should be changed in order to accomodate a friendly is unacceptable. Aside from the inconvenience on travelling on a Thursday night, it also shows grave disrespect to this league and all its supporters. I accept clubs need to raise money, and that friendlies are a means of doing this, however the eircom League is the reason our clubs exist and as such should be of primary importance. Shelbourne FC have prided themselves on their level of professionalism in recent years, sadly the idea of basing existence on revenue from frienlies does not sit well with this. I urge Shelbourne to reconsider the scheduling of this game, and to show the league and its supporters the respect we deserve.
Yours in Sport,

rebel yell
04/07/2003, 8:53 PM
Well said Eanna. I'm sending my email now. BTW there are 2 "m"s in accommodate, just in case dey tink us Cork people can't spell. I'll be interested to see if they reply. Still Derry are worse, playing all their games on a Thursday.:mad:

rebel yell
04/07/2003, 9:04 PM
Here's my missive:

I'd like to register my disgust at your decision to move the Cork game to Thursday night.. Your club seems to be more interested in "supporters" who will turn up for one game a season against so-called glamour teams at the expense of supporters who turn out regularly throughout the season. If Shelbourne were a Nightclub, your motto would be "Non-regulars only" on the door. Shame on you!
John McCarthy

04/07/2003, 9:16 PM
looks like we r gettiing a raw deal again
something has to be done about it and a stance must be taken

city shouldnt turn up on the nite

we mite forfeit points and get a fine

but maybe they will know then we mean business then and wont be taken lightly

all in all something has to be done about it

official shels forum here under chat

Counting Crow
04/07/2003, 10:16 PM
Well done Corner.....I have already posted on their MBoard and replied to your own one.

We should flood the board and drive them nuts.

05/07/2003, 12:33 AM
just had to mail ye and say fair play to ye
ye have once again showed what a joke of an organisation ye are
once again ye have shown total disregard to CORK CITY FOOTBALL CLUB

what in gods name are ye thinking of when u postpone an eircom league match so that a team can play a friendly

ye have shown once again what a great organisation ye are

i wonder if it was november in england and villa/leeds asked the f.a. to postpone a game so that they could take part in a friendly,what kind of answer would they get


there is my mail sent off

05/07/2003, 1:09 PM
Well done éanna,at least someone is trying to sort this bloody amateur league out.

05/07/2003, 1:17 PM
This is what i sent, to shels and the FAI,

If ye wnt to play in a sunday pub league where ye can postpone matches for some friendlies, off with ye.This is the national league and therefore the national league games come before ANY friendlies. wanting to create a bit of money and interest in the team should not interfere with any other teams schedule.

Yours with Disgust.

05/07/2003, 2:43 PM
Good old rant in the Echo again by Pat.At least someone isnt afraid to rattle a few cages.

05/07/2003, 3:01 PM
Didnt $hels do this to Bray last year (or the year before last)? They said that they wanted an extra day to prepair for a european match but also had a frendly against some division 1 or SPL team in between. Muppets. Why exactly do they need a frendly 1/3 of the way through the season?

But like the Longford match, did City agree to the switch?

yur man
05/07/2003, 4:04 PM
ive gave the FAI my thoughts

i would like to inform you of my huge dissapointment and embarressment at the decision which was approved by the FAI, to reschedule 2 league fixtures to accomodate a friendly with two english teams. it shows a lack of respect for the domestic league. as we have moved to summer soccer our league schedule be changed only for domestic reasons. these friendlies, (although a very valuable source of income) should be played when it suits our league programme, not another teams friendly fixtures.

please promote the league of ireland more and think of new ways to advertise. playing english/celtic teams just attracts more away fans. we have enough irish people who support foreign teams over our domestic ones, dont encourage a new generation to do the same.

but then, how many within the FAI have celtic season tickets? too many i'd imagine. clash of interest i think.

yours in disgust,

cork city fan

The Sheliban
05/07/2003, 9:57 PM
What bleedin' difference does it make if ye play Shels on a Friday night or a Thursday night? None of ye would have travelled on the Friday night anyway, judging by your support in Tolka in previous seasons, so all this whingeing about moving a match is merely a smokescreen for Pat to deflect attention away from his management failings.

He did the same at Pats last season. Oh, its the FAI's fault for not giving his players their rubber medals. Everybody's out to get us. The playing field isn't level etc etc etc.

Honest to God, lads, can ye not see through the man??? When did he ever complain about the League being biased in favour of Dublin teams when he was at Pats? Never.

Results haven't been going too well for ye. Ye all hailed the new messiah, although his managerial abilities are open to question. And he starts on about the playing fields not being level. The FAI is being unjust. Shels get everything in their favour etc etc. In other words, there's a conspiracy here, lads. No wonder we're not doing well. Not my fault, though. Blame the FAI and Shels.

Yes, Shels and Pats have arranged these friendlies for the money. We need it to support our professionalism. Our gates are only half yours, so we need to get the revenue from somewhere. We are not totalling disrupting a fixture, we are merely moving it back 24 hours, and all of ye, wound up the Master Blame Pointer, are all up in arms over principles. Wise up!!!

ccfc till i die
05/07/2003, 11:02 PM
Pretty much everyone on this thread would have (and probably still will) be there. You say we are doing badly, well if second in the table at this stage is bad then let's hope we have a really ****ty season. You also mention the points deduction farce at pats before, do you honestly think he didn't have a right to complain about this. The FAI is a mickey mouse operation and a joke and Pat Dolan is far from the only person to complain about this.

rebel yell
05/07/2003, 11:02 PM
Sheliban, does it hurt when u talk out of your arse? Firstly, The difference beteween Thursday and Friday is that many people don't have work the next day on if it's Friday. An amazing statistic
which appears to have escaped you is that not all CCFC supporters live in Dublin- strange but true!- so any that work and wish to travel will be inconvenienced.
Furthermore can't you spot the irony of the admission that our crowd is double yours yet you criticise our travelling support.
How would you like it if your Shels games were denigrated at the expense of other clubs' friendlies? Not a lot I'd expect.
And I'm willing to bet that after the English clubs have had their cut plus your expenses for holding the games you won't have a lot left. These English clubs are not charities you know. Au contraire they are businesses out to make money not feather your nest.:mad:

06/07/2003, 7:49 AM
Sheliban for your information we have good crowds going to away games this season. As for the game with you there is a bus going up to that game it is a 50 seter bus so dont be talking out true your ass . Why we cant get the numbers up to you lot is be cause people have to go to 'work' in cork. As some one has said you will not have much money after the games you lot might be lucky to get a full house for on of the games.

06/07/2003, 11:46 AM
Sheliban wrote
"what beddin difference does it make if ye play Shels on a Thursday night or a Friday night ?"

Well as others have already said if its a Friday match lots of people won't have work the next day. While it would be bad any weekend it is even worse on the weekend 8/10th August. On this particular weekend the Cork hurlers will be playing in the All Ireland Hurling semi-final in Croke Park (just around the corner from Tolka ;) ). What would have a been a great weekend for all Cork people a top of the table clash in Tolka on Friday and a big hurling game on Sunday has been f**ked up by the money grabbers.
But shure we're only cluchies we can come up Thursday night, go back home and make another 300+ mile round trip on the Sunday.

06/07/2003, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by The Sheliban
What bleedin' difference does it make if ye play Shels on a Friday night or a Thursday night? None of ye would have travelled on the Friday night anyway, judging by your support in Tolka in previous seasons, so all this whingeing about moving a match is merely a smokescreen for Pat to deflect attention away from his management failings.
Most of us here travel to all or most away games. Don't start giving out about crowds because thats an argument you won't win. How about the day you lot could have won the league and we as many fans in tolka as you?! Ha! Shels are pathetic, whinging losers. If you want to talk about being led by idiots and trouble makers- have a look at your hooligan in chief ollie byrne. Dolan may overdo things and exaggerate but at least he doesn't go around thumping opposing fans to make his point.

Secondly, I think you'll find most of us are very happy with results so far- a lot of people would have settled for a top 5 finish this season, we're second right now- I haven't heard anyone complaining.

Lastly, if you need friendlies to support your professionalism, then its a pathetic indictment of how your club is run, and you should be knocking on your boards door asking questions instead of having a pop off us.

06/07/2003, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by The Sheliban
What bleedin' difference does it make if ye play Shels on a Friday night or a Thursday night? None of ye would have travelled on the Friday night anyway, judging by your support in Tolka in previous seasons, so all this whingeing about moving a match is merely a smokescreen for Pat to deflect attention away from his management failings.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Jesus Christ!

Can we get the Humour section back, just for this clown!

06/07/2003, 12:47 PM
Sheliban, are you taking the p!ss or what??? Nearly all of us here will travel to the game regardless of whether it's on a thursday or a friday and we will have a bigger away support than Shels have EVER brought to Cork. That's not the issue, as far as I'm concerned, the issue is that, by moving a league fixture for a friendly, Shels are yet again demeaning the league and making it seem irrelevant in the big scheme of things. Your club is a ****ing joke!

As for Dolan, he has a right to give out about what your thug of a chairman is doing. Surely you don't expect him to lie down and accept the way our club is being treated, he is correct in everything he is saying.
You said results haven't been going too well for us! I'd advise you to go away and have a look at the league table, you will find that we are in second position, only six points behind you lot. I for one am very happy with our season so far.

06/07/2003, 3:23 PM
Lads, this is a joke. A protest involving supporters from every club in the coutry should be organised.

This has to stop before the fai kill our league

The Sheliban
07/07/2003, 8:11 AM
Ho, hum! I'll leave aside the personal abuse, which does your cause no favours, and concentrate on the obvious contradictions.
"Most of the people on this board will travel to the game whether its on a Thursday or a Friday" Fair enough, I accept that. Yet other people are complaining that Thursday makes it harder to travel than a Friday. What's the true story?
By stating your away support at Tolka in recent seasons has been crap is merely stating a fact, not "having a go". I did not mention Shels support, home or away. Our support is growing, though it is well short of yours. Fact.
Somebody else says I should be looking to our own board and their deficiencies. I believe we have a great board. What other club has spent so much on players and facilities despite not having the gates to support the improvements? It shows our board are very proactive in fundraising, and are not averse to taking a gamble on putting the improvements in place and hoping the crowds will follow. Which they are doing. Slowly.
Somebody mentions the fact that holding the game on a Thursday messes up many people's arrangements to go to a GAA match on Saturday. So, I take it the game should be arranged to accommodate a GAA match, but not a friendly soccer game that will generate revenue for Shels and ultimately the league?
To answer another point, I am not in the know regarding friendlies, but United last year played Shels free of charge and let Shels keep the gate. A week before the English season starts, a lot of clubs will be looking for friendlies, and may well forego a cut of the gate.
I have great admiration for Dolan, believe it or not. He fights his corner well, and will do everything and anything in his power to promote his club. This includes lying. I'm not knocking him for this: I'd have done the same in his position. Yet most fair-minded fans accept he lied constantly throughout the whole Marney affair, and I suggest will examine very closely any rants he goes on now.
One thing puzzles me though, and could somebody genuinely answer this?
Shels friendly against United last year. We moved the fixture, but had to get Bray's agreement. Cork tried to move a fixture recently but couldn't get agreement from Pats. Last year, I believe there was a similar situation with Galway or Sligo. So, the trend has been that both clubs have to agree to a fixture change.
Now, if someone can tell me definitely, that Cork have not agreed to the fixture change, then I will accept your point that there is something unfair about it.
Over to ye. Spew your bile.:)

07/07/2003, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by The Sheliban
So, the trend has been that both clubs have to agree to a fixture change.
Now, if someone can tell me definitely, that Cork have not agreed to the fixture change, then I will accept your point that there is something unfair about it.
Over to ye.

except there's been a rule change recently which, afaik, means the home team can decide to move games without the away teams seal of approval

The Sheliban
07/07/2003, 10:59 AM
Joe, thanks. I was totally unaware of that.

Whoever implemented that rule change must need their head examined. Effectively, if, say, Shels need to win their final home game to win the league, and we have three players injured, we can turn around and postpone the game for a week?????????

Was this rule-change publicised, because it sounds totally open to abuse.

07/07/2003, 11:04 AM
it was mentioned in brian lennox' programme notes on friday night, but i don't know what the full details are.

07/07/2003, 11:07 AM
if that's true, it's a crazy rule change

I don't agree with changing fixtures to facilitate friendlies, but maybe from next year, it should be recognised that clubs want these games for extra income, and a weekend be left free for clubs to either arrange these friendlies, or to take a mid-season break.

07/07/2003, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by joe
except there's been a rule change recently which, afaik, means the home team can decide to move games without the away teams seal of approval
Sorry, I thought I heard people taking back all the sh!te about Longford having to agree for the change for the game... Neil, James et al? :)

Having said that, I have to agree with The Sheliban on this - youse are p!ssed off at it being moved for a friendly, as it affects your plans to go to the stick fighting at bigot HQ!?!?!

The Sheliban
07/07/2003, 11:41 AM
Yes, both Shels and Pats are playing an XI, which probably means loads of guest players.
Ollie doesn't take me into his confidence, but I suspect that moving the game might have more to do with wear and tear on the pitch than players considerations.

I am still unsure if Shels "assumed" the game could be put back 24 hours, or if they phoned Cork and asked them could they facilitate the switch. As I said, if the rule change allows clubs to change fixture dates off their own bats, then the law is an ass.

07/07/2003, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by Macy
Sorry, I thought I heard people taking back all the sh!te about Longford having to agree for the change for the game... Neil, James et al? :)

g'wan out of that ya jackeen

FAO Macy
reread the respective thread so!
i only took issue with some drivel nonsense u posted about how u and longford ppl had no sympathy / respect whatever for cork fans after this
the point i made then and re-iterate now is that cork fans have NO say in when cork city play their home matches

comprende, and stop wasting my time please :D

07/07/2003, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by Conor74
The pitch would be such a worry that they have now decided to play a third and fourth place play off Sunday as well as the "final" (which was not in the original details released to English clubs apparently).

BTW, on the subject of guest players, I'll be in Dublin that weekend, but I'll only go to the games if I can be assured that Westlife's Nicky Byrne will be making an appearance. HE'S ONLY GOOOORGEOUS...:D
Actually they knew all along tey we'e going to play 2 games. The idea first of all was Uk v Irish (2 games) on Saturday and then swap on Sunday (i/e Pats play leeds on Saturday and Villa on Sunday) but then O'Leary became Villa bos and Pats.Shels thought this might draw in more... makes sense

07/07/2003, 2:31 PM
It seems a crazy time for Shel$ to arrange a set of friendly matches as they have to travel to Slovenia for their Uefa Cup match the following thursday & then have a FAI Cup tie on the sunday.


I still believe that CCFC should refuse to move their game forward 24 hours as the majority of the league is still part time. AFAIK clubs had to nominate their choosen day of the week for matches & could only change with prior arrangement from their opposition.

07/07/2003, 2:37 PM
Originally posted by pete
It seems a crazy time for Shel$ to arrange a set of friendly matches as they have to travel to Slovenia for their Uefa Cup match the following thursday & then have a FAI Cup tie on the sunday.


I still believe that CCFC should refuse to move their game forward 24 hours as the majority of the league is still part time. AFAIK clubs had to nominate their choosen day of the week for matches & could only change with prior arrangement from their opposition.
Yeah forgot about Europe. Jesus, that a tough week by Shels, even with an u21 side.

I was under that "designated" day assumption too Pete so maybe someone in Cork did agree to it.