View Full Version : Bale set to play John Connor

27/02/2008, 1:42 PM
Great news ive been waiting for this film since the first one came out its been made even more appealing now that Christian bale has been announced as the lead.


27/02/2008, 1:46 PM
now that Christian bale has been announced as the lead.Hardly. It clearly says that it's only rumour;)

27/02/2008, 2:02 PM
Hardly. It clearly says that it's only rumour;)

On that link but its official now.

Block G Raptor
27/02/2008, 3:14 PM
Sound's good , Like you Anto I've alway's wanted to see more of the future of which we see snippets in The Terminator and a brief glimpse in T2. the fact that this is going to be a Trilogy and essentially an new franchise (akin to Batman) tweeks my interest even further

28/02/2008, 10:21 AM
Arnie - ironically enough - won't be back.

28/02/2008, 1:59 PM
Arnie - ironically enough - won't be back.

Good stuff, this is the start of a new Trilogy and Arnie has served his purpose to the Terminator franchise

28/02/2008, 3:42 PM
Arnie - ironically enough - won't be back.

I still think there will be a bit in it for him maybe not a part but a reference or 2 .

Here comes the time travel debate !!

I take it as Arne was sent back in the first film by the robots and the next 2 by john Connor that as the time line catches up to these points they will play out in the movies ( assuming they get this far ). Also John connor knows they send one back to kill him so maybe he will try to stop them sending it back or any more as I assume they tried it 3 times they will keep trying it , there could be a scene where they are raiding the robots factory/time machine and see Arne being put together in the back ground. Some small link like that but I definetly don’t believe he will be totally ignored how could you. But I would like to see a move away from him which I think they will do.

28/02/2008, 4:11 PM
I've been watching the Sarah Connor Chronicles, and they seem to be pretty much ignoring the third film, so will this new film continue in the same vein or will it try to tie the 2 togther?

Aberdonian Stu
28/02/2008, 10:59 PM
Not sure about the tie in but I know the guys behind the Sarah Connor Chronicles said from the start that they would be ignoring the third film.

29/02/2008, 8:32 AM
I've been watching the Sarah Connor Chronicles, and they seem to be pretty much ignoring the third film, so will this new film continue in the same vein or will it try to tie the 2 togther?

3rd film hasnt happened yet so they have to ignore it. The cronicles are set in between the 2nd and 3rd movies.

29/02/2008, 10:24 AM
3rd film hasnt happened yet so they have to ignore it. The cronicles are set in between the 2nd and 3rd movies.

According to Terminator 3, Judgment Day occured on June 24, 2004 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminator_3 - at the end of the first episode of the Sarah Connor Chronicles, they travel through time to 2007 where the rest of the episodes continue from.

Anyway, according to this - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminator_3#Canon - Terminator 3 and the Sarah Connor Chronicles are separate

Josh Friedman, producer of the 2008 Fox Broadcasting television series Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, which takes place after Terminator 2: Judgment Day, stated in an interview that the events of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines occur in an alternate timeline from that of the TV series.

29/02/2008, 11:09 AM
Ah they are just making it up as they go along now , i forgot they jumped foward to 2007 in the series I thought they had done the smart thing and just set it in between the 2 films , but the series is so poorly written that would be wishfull thinking. I like the series even less now and i have quite a low opinion of it.

How can they just say its an alternate time line there is only one timeline if its changed it changes the whole line it doesnt split it ...ah thats just ridiculous im actually angry with it now. who gave these clowns permission to write this stuff.

29/02/2008, 1:43 PM
who gave these clowns permission to write this stuff.james cameron, apparently

29/02/2008, 3:25 PM
Ah they are just making it up as they go along now , i forgot they jumped foward to 2007 in the series I thought they had done the smart thing and just set it in between the 2 films , but the series is so poorly written that would be wishfull thinking. I like the series even less now and i have quite a low opinion of it.

How can they just say its an alternate time line there is only one timeline if its changed it changes the whole line it doesnt split it ...ah thats just ridiculous im actually angry with it now. who gave these clowns permission to write this stuff.

Movies do it all the time, its not so much a different timeline, it's more, forget about the nonsense we spewed out after our last good movie. The Halloween and Jason franchises both did it, and Superman Returns was meant to be set after Superman 2 for example

05/03/2008, 5:01 PM
As usual, Jebus is right in that this is not uncommon in films - take for example the Carry On films - the thread of continuity is all over the place from film to film.

When elaborating within or from a large cine-franchise, film / TV makers are often well counselled to disregard the canonically inferior, or "Sh!t", parts. Because of having seen three particular films, I for one, have made a point of disavowing any idea how the Empire got so big, and how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader.

06/03/2008, 2:30 PM
Ah they are just making it up as they go along now , i forgot they jumped foward to 2007 in the series I thought they had done the smart thing and just set it in between the 2 films , but the series is so poorly written that would be wishfull thinking. I like the series even less now and i have quite a low opinion of it.

How can they just say its an alternate time line there is only one timeline if its changed it changes the whole line it doesnt split it ...ah thats just ridiculous im actually angry with it now. who gave these clowns permission to write this stuff.
Haven't watched the series yet but most Scientists think time travel is impossible but if it was possible then it wouldn't be possible to have only one time line, i.e. if you travel back in time and try to change history you wouldn't be changing the history of the universe you came from, all you would be doing is entering a parallel universe, not that I believe in parallel universes but its the only way to get around the paradox theory of time travel

01/08/2008, 4:17 PM
Oh yes ive got a sloppy on i wish it was 2009 now


26/05/2009, 1:51 PM
Out next week its set just as the machines are planning on sending Arnie back in time. Its set around John connor and his dad who is younger than him :D meeting up so he can send him back in time to bang his ma :D.

Not sure if its the film i wanted them to make as i basically wanted a 2 1/2 hour futuristic battle with robots is that too much to ask for ?? :)

fingers crossed for the next one.

27/05/2009, 11:17 AM
It has received decent reviews in Empire and Total Film. The Guardian gave it 2 stars but this wasn't from one of their regular reviewers.

27/05/2009, 11:45 AM
Both of those gave Revenge of the Sith a decent review.

The overall critical response has been that it blows up **** good, but suffers from the massive mental retardation of the writers (who've previously collaborated on such high art as Catwoman, Terminator 3 and The Net) and director (Charlie's Angels, various music videos, TV pilots and, I think, ads).

09/06/2009, 5:35 PM
Just back from watching it and im angry its so bad If you have seen the south park episode with the lice where they rip the **** out of lines like " not without my baby" etc well this has plenty of those lines.

But i could have gotten over the poor writting, if it was entertaining the battles are good but it just doesnt make any sense at all. Its like they looked at the poster to T2 and then wrote it i like when films make little suttle references to the previous film but they sledge hammer these in this they have john connor now says ill be back, he is still listening to the same guns n roses track from T2, Arnie ( CGI) is back in it but its not the same robot "its worse".

I wont say much more incase people want to watch it and i cant remember how to do the spoiler things but ive much more to complain about.

I didnt think i would ever say this but it would have been much better if michael Bay had directed it :eek:

10/06/2009, 12:01 AM
I didnt think i would ever say this but it would have been much better if michael Bay had directed it :eek:

In all fairness, what did you expect from the guy who directed Charlie's Angels and Charlie's Angels Full Throttle? :p

And who goes by the name "McG."

Aberdonian Stu
10/06/2009, 9:30 AM
I went last night and have to disagree with most of the sentiment here. I went in with low expectations and came out having found it to be a really good movie. I can't see how people didn't like it.

10/06/2009, 9:43 AM
In all fairness, what did you expect from the guy who directed Charlie's Angels and Charlie's Angels Full Throttle? :p

And who goes by the name "McG."

You have to go online and listen to Mark kermode's rant about this movie - he takes the pee big time about Mcg:)

10/06/2009, 1:50 PM
I went last night and have to disagree with most of the sentiment here. I went in with low expectations and came out having found it to be a really good movie. I can't see how people didn't like it.

I didnt like the bad writting, the cheesey lines, the huge plot holes and the ending that was the stupidist thing ive ever seen.

I went in with low expectations and had them ****ed all over.

The Midget Gem
13/06/2009, 11:04 AM
Seen it last night and have to say it was poor. I'm a very easy man to please regards movies, it takes alot for me to say a movie is bad. Maybe its because i had high expectations? But this was bad!
The storyline was just all over the place. How the hell could he just walk into the centre of the Machine City and not be killed? Ahhh it was just so disappointing! The whole Terminator story has been killed for me:(.

17/06/2009, 5:40 PM
very average. 2.5 out of 5. Water robots, robots on bikes, 60 ft robots etc I was just praying the action sequences would just hurry the hell up.

Why does Bale always have to do that gruff serious voice for every ******* line?!