View Full Version : Would you subscribe to a LOI Magazine?

A face
17/02/2008, 2:39 PM
Just a question i want to put out there to gauge interest in this. Would you subscribe say €50 to a IL + LOI Magazine every year for at least the first three?

I say three years because that's the kind of support a magazine would need to get itself off the ground initially. So it would be €50 a year (probably less but just say €50 for the time being) for say a bi-monthly magazine that would cover LOI, IL, AIL (in whatever guise, the progress), International, Irish abroad, etc.

Lads, i know there would be a lot of support for this (and that would be welcome too) but if you couldn't subscribe then vote i would like to but can't. Its just to gauge actual subscriptions that it would get, so there is a cash flow to get it going.

If you flat out wouldn't subscribe, for whatever reason (you dont agree with it, wouldn't want to see it happen) then vote no.

See the discussion of this topic here (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=82775)

17/02/2008, 6:25 PM
I would but I dont think I would be interested in reading about the NI international team. In fact it would put me off it a bit.

centre mid
17/02/2008, 6:35 PM
As long as it was a quality product I definitely would subscibe for 3 years.

17/02/2008, 8:15 PM
Id definitely subscribe for the first, and if it was good quality then I would renew.

If it was a case of needing x amount of subscriptions for the 3 years to get it off the ground at all, then I'd do that alright

17/02/2008, 8:35 PM
I'd sign-up, just to help get something going.

I'd be worred about the financials on it though. Can you clarify if bi-monthly means every other month or fortnightly ? If every other month - that's 6 issues a year for €50. Assume up to €1.50 per issue for postage, and that means a cover price of €6.83 per issue. That is seriously steep for a magazine.

17/02/2008, 9:02 PM
I'd sign-up, just to help get something going.

I'd be worred about the financials on it though. Can you clarify if bi-monthly means every other month or fortnightly ? If every other month - that's 6 issues a year for €50. Assume up to €1.50 per issue for postage, and that means a cover price of €6.83 per issue. That is seriously steep for a magazine.

I'd agree with Steve on this.

As I bought every issue of Irish Soccer Magazine I missed it when it bit the dust.

17/02/2008, 10:20 PM
I'd definitely get it the first year.
I'd have to see what I think of it then though to be honest if it is just 6 issues as that would be steep. I'd probably go for it even then though.
Starved of eL coverage.

dcfcsteve spared my blushes on the whole bi-monthly thing.

A face
18/02/2008, 7:19 AM
I'd sign-up, just to help get something going.

I'd be worred about the financials on it though. Can you clarify if bi-monthly means every other month or fortnightly ? If every other month - that's 6 issues a year for €50. Assume up to €1.50 per issue for postage, and that means a cover price of €6.83 per issue. That is seriously steep for a magazine.

I meant every other month so thats six issues a year, obviously that is not set in stone.

Lads, i only pulled that price out of the sky. Put it this way if you were prepared to spend €50 then you'd be pleasantly surprised when signing up as i dont think it would cost that much either. Its just to get an idea of the genuine interest in it.

18/02/2008, 9:46 AM
I don't think you're polling a representative sample of the eL fans here.

18/02/2008, 10:23 AM
would it include bits on the first division as i feel the first division is neglected alot.

A face
18/02/2008, 12:23 PM
I don't think you're polling a representative sample of the eL fans here.

Do you mean that other eL fans wouldn't buy it?

Surely if fans aren't online and then this magazine is right up their street.

Sunny Jim
18/02/2008, 12:31 PM
I would subscribe if there was decent coverage of the first division.

18/02/2008, 1:08 PM
Do you mean that other eL fans wouldn't buy it?

Surely if fans aren't online and then this magazine is right up their street.
No, I don't mean they wouldn't buy it. I just mean that the percentage of people on here who'd buy it probably bears little resemblance to the total number of fans who'd buy it.

The fans on here may well be self-selected for devotion to their team - occasional fans are less likely to be on an eL message board. Also, people who click on this thread are probably more likely to buy the magazine than people who don't.

Just to emphasise again, I'm not saying it won't sell, just that the numbers in this poll are unlikely to be representative of the actual fans.

18/02/2008, 1:25 PM
I voted that I'd like to subscribe but can't. I've never subscribed to any magazine and don't see myself starting now. It's definitely something I'd pick up fairly regularly, just a subscription would be unlikely.

I'd like to see it get off the ground. If the quality was there I might even subscribe eventually.

18/02/2008, 2:24 PM
I'd subscribe if the first division was adequately covered.

18/02/2008, 3:00 PM
I subscribed to the ISM when it was out & I'd love to see a new mag - from my point of view I'd prefer more on the eL (& the IL) rather than players abroad.
and i can take-or-leave anything about the (southern - i've v.little knowledge at all about the nornIron team) national team - as long as it remains a team of ex-pats (no players living/working&born here) then i'm not interested in following it.

Lim till i die
18/02/2008, 3:01 PM
First Division coverage please.

And I don't mean tokenism either!! :)

18/02/2008, 4:37 PM
I'll only subscribe if the first division is ignored*

don ramo
18/02/2008, 5:23 PM
good idea, wouldnt be hard to include what 4-5 divisions, and two national teams, you have to apeal to everyone north and south, the EL is missing something like this i suggested a few months ago to have an EL annual, to be realeased in feb each year for the up coming season, with interviews from players club members and CPOs, all this could be included,

good idea, if you do go ahead, will it be out this year

18/02/2008, 5:56 PM
something like this i suggested a few months ago to have an EL annual, to be realeased in feb each year for the up coming season, with interviews from players club members and CPOs, all this could be included,

There already is - the past couple of years the eL have given an annual free with the Star about a week before the league starts - its fairly decent.
also the PFAI do one that is free with the Mirror around the same time - its decent too
Between the two you get a reasonable amount of stats, interviews & predictions for the season:ball:

18/02/2008, 8:06 PM
Yes please :)

19/02/2008, 12:14 AM
There already is - the past couple of years the eL have given an annual free with the Star about a week before the league starts - its fairly decent.
also the PFAI do one that is free with the Mirror around the same time - its decent too
Between the two you get a reasonable amount of stats, interviews & predictions for the season:ball:

I wouldn't decribe a give-away /throw-away supplement with a tabloid an 'annual'.

For a good few years we had a proper LOI Year Book/annual produced by the FAI and sold in shops for about £6. They stopped it one year a while back with some flimsy excuse (change to Summer football ?) and haven't bothered their hairy arses bringing it back again since. Yet another example of their attitude towards the league prior to Platinum and their new-found enthusiasm.

don ramo
19/02/2008, 12:31 PM
There already is - the past couple of years the eL have given an annual free with the Star about a week before the league starts - its fairly decent.
also the PFAI do one that is free with the Mirror around the same time - its decent too
Between the two you get a reasonable amount of stats, interviews & predictions for the season:ball:

i know that but i mean an official one, with an in depth look at each EL club, info on promotions and stuff, the tabliod ones are alright, but they could be so much better also, they reamian the same each year never growing, as the league grows so should all that kind of stuff,