View Full Version : Jury service - UK

14/02/2008, 10:45 AM
Been selected for jury service for the year starting in september, I assume any time after that you could be called ? can you decline if you have prebooked holidays eg Georgia or advise them of unsuitable dates ? - are holidays a good enough excuse ?

14/02/2008, 10:47 AM
you are sering YOUR country no excuse needed!*

*I'm not sure her majesty would see it that way though...

Steve Bruce
14/02/2008, 11:00 AM
If you have a holiday, if you notify them, they will organise another date for you once they let you know when you will be serving.(you’ll be notified closer to the time)

Your work HAS to let you out, all your expenses will be paid eg travel, loss of wage etc.

Lionel Ritchie
14/02/2008, 11:12 AM
Been selected for jury service for the year starting in september, I assume any time after that you could be called ? can you decline if you have prebooked holidays eg Georgia or advise them of unsuitable dates ? - are holidays a good enough excuse ?

I don't know if holidays are a good enough excuse but it's worth a go and retain receipts. If your boss (if you have a boss) is ameniable they might be able to help. Depending on what you do they might reasonably be able to claim they can't restaff you're position at short notice due to specialist nature or similar and that they can hardly be expected to keep someone on standby for 12 months.
I was called a couple of years back (for what turned out to be a sitting of the circuit criminal court here in Limerick) and was excused on the basis that I'm the only individual in my place who does what I do. My boss filled out an appeal to be excused dealy thing for me and I was let off.

As it turned out the trial involved violent drug dealers offing each other and I've yet to get my head around what strikes me as the monumental stupidity of calling people for jury duty when they live heel to toe with these cnuts in a city the size of Limerick. it's daft.

14/02/2008, 12:10 PM
I was called a couple of years back (for what turned out to be a sitting of the circuit criminal court here in Limerick) and was excused on the basis that I'm the only individual in my place who does what I do. My boss filled out an appeal to be excused dealy thing for me and I was let off.

im sure theres other ppl that get paid for doing nothing in fairness Lionel!

Lionel Ritchie
14/02/2008, 12:21 PM
im sure theres other ppl that get paid for doing nothing in fairness Lionel!

Not in my unique styl-ee they don't.:ball:

14/02/2008, 1:19 PM
thanks folks for the info, knew about the excemption for being indespensible just not sure if they viewed holidays (either prebooked or not)as a good enough reason.

Will wait to see whats on the form, usually clear off at 15.00 for home matches but hope to make it to Bulgaria and Italy away and maybe cyprus if its straight in and out so dont particularily want any complicated and long fraud trials.

The cost is probably prohibiting a Dublin jury in a Limerick trial, travel, being put up in an hotel etc

14/02/2008, 7:42 PM
Get yer doctor to write you a sick cert;)

Jerry The Saint
14/02/2008, 7:47 PM
Or just use Homer's excuse - tell the judge you're prejudiced against ALL races.

14/02/2008, 7:56 PM
Doing it as we speak in the OB. So far this week exams, holidays and a hospital appointment have been enough to get excused. However, all have needed to show proof.

forza rovers
14/02/2008, 8:13 PM
say you know the person on trial

14/02/2008, 8:16 PM
Say you are racist.

kingdom hoop
14/02/2008, 8:30 PM
are holidays a good enough excuse ?

I think (not surprisingly I suppose) that'll depend on how many other Homers there are. Like, last summer I was planning a six week jaunt and was asked to present myself, but told them to fcuk off as I was heading off on my holliers, no problem at all, excused duty without having actually booked my excursion.

But in a contrasting bit of anecdotal evidence a friend's parents had to delay a holiday by a week to satisfy civic duties after (booked) holiday was deemed an unworthy excuse.

Make of that what you will. I suppose you wouldn't want to rely on the holiday excuse is the moral. But you'd imagine if you tell them this early then you won't be pencilled in for the definite and not too broad dates you will be away for, but might be for a latter date. If worst comes to worst and you have to go on the day try Forza Rovers' suggestion, or else; a solicitor friend told me before that if you come across as prim and wear your Sunday best then one of the barristers will tell you to take a hike, allowing you to race to the airport in time for your flight.

Also, I couldn't imagine you've been asked to be on standby for a full year?? Maybe it said just for the court term starting in September? Or the Michaelmas term as we call it in legal land. :cool:

15/02/2008, 8:49 AM
Also, I couldn't imagine you've been asked to be on standby for a full year?? Maybe it said just for the court term starting in September? Or the Michaelmas term as we call it in legal land. :cool:

i think it means you could be called anytime after Sept. Suppose if worst came to the worst i will turn up to court with a pillowcase on my head as suggested to get excused

15/02/2008, 3:55 PM
Say you are racist.

I hear that actually works

15/02/2008, 11:38 PM
Matthew 7:1 worked a treat for a work colleague of mine.

Raheny Red
17/02/2008, 1:03 PM
say you know the person on trial

That big court case on at the moment involving a husband being accused of killing his wife was suspended and a re-selection of the jury has to take place. A friend of a friend was selected to go on it. He told his boss he needed time off. The boss soon realised that his company had installed an alarm system for the accused 10 years ago. The friend of a friend is only there a couple of months and now the whole thing is being delayed :eek:

21/04/2008, 7:29 PM
Got summoned myself for jury duty in June...what excuse will I use?:D

21/04/2008, 10:38 PM
Got summoned myself for jury duty in June...what excuse will I use?:D Tell 'em you follow Sligo Rovers. Hell, they might even deport you....:D

21/04/2008, 11:05 PM
Tell 'em you follow Sligo Rovers. Hell, they might even deport you....:DThat's how you ended up in the US is it?:p

21/04/2008, 11:15 PM
That's how you ended up in the US is it?:p

22/04/2008, 8:00 PM
You can also be excused if you work in a government job!

Sligo Hornet
23/04/2008, 11:19 AM
You can also be excused if you work in a government job!

Isn't that a contradiction in terms?;)

28/04/2008, 4:32 PM
If you do end up doing Jury duty...check your house insurance policy. Many of them give you c. £25 per day you're off doing it

Block G Raptor
29/04/2008, 9:23 AM
the mother was called the other day and got out of it because she's (partially) deaf in one ear. She just sent a letter stating this and was excused no questions asked.
That's ma, me da, My brother-in-law all been called in the last year, da got out of it too, but the Brother-in-law got a high profile murder case and ended up in a hotel for 3 days. I'd love to do it but have yet to be called

29/04/2008, 12:34 PM
Did it a couple of years ago and found it interesting once you actually get on a jury.

A lot of time is spent waiting to be selected and you mightn't be selected at all as names are pulled from a hat. You'll know in the morning if you've been picked so you can always go back to work in the afternoon if you have to.

When eventually picked it was an assault case. Interesting to see how 12 complete strangers analyse the evidence and talk things through in the jury room to come to a decision.

Would recommend doing it if you can if you are called.